amycavanagh Member


  • Hi I've had 2 c sections and my tummy is quite flat have the little jelly belly bit but think that would be there after having 2 children anyway my trainer has had 2 c sections and has flat tummy so guess just keep going at it try pilattes that is awesome for core section I have very bad back after my c sections and find…
  • thanx so much for the kind words and encouragement yep the pics give me the motivation to hit those weights my trainer keeps telling me i'm skinny fat no muscle :tongue:
  • I use 100% whey protein I get it from australian sports nutrition website it's low in carb and sugars and they have a **** load of flavours at the moment i'm loving mocha !!!!
  • thanx for all ur help have added the sodium to see if that's it my trainer says that I should be having 1600 cals a day instead of 1200 but the whole michelle bridges thingie is based on 1200 cals and u don't eat back ur cals that u burn there is so much confusing information I'm thinking of cutting out processed carbs to…
  • I use whey protein it's low in carbs and sugar and u can get it cheap online in big tubs I think sometimes these people are just flogging a product and u need to compare nutritional info to see what works for u I used to use sculpt for women but it was more expensive then the whey protein and there are more flavours in the…
  • yes it's totally normal it's ur brain trying to trick u eat more protein :)
  • the salad is friggen AWESOME!!!!!!!! was so yummy thanx for sharing it :happy:
  • I was like that began running bout 2 months ago and it is hell my head just fights me all the way but the day I ran my first 5km in 30 mins outside I was so stoked and felt like a champion am going to be competing in my first 5km run end of july so my advice stick with it the changes to my mental toughness and my body…
  • how do u load pics on I'll take some tomorrow havn't done that before eek!!!!
  • I'm in need some motivation having been sick for the last 3 weeks and havn't worked out havn't put on weight so that's good I weigh 76.9kgs at moment and would like to get to 70 kgs maybe shoot for 74kgs by end of july!!!
  • looking great as my trainer yells at me GET OF THE SCALES!!!!! lol Check ur measurements and body fat% aswell and also diet is 80% of progress :)
  • think I figured it out how to get weight loss tracker on now lets see if I can figure out fitness ticker
  • Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • okay Ive been trying to add the second ticker to my profile how do i do this please? and how do u add your weightloss ticker to posts?
  • I have my mums old polar for now it is really old and still does the job am saving up for a new one at the moment.
  • hi your hrm is your accurate reading it has your individual settings (age,weight etc) you can manually change the calories burnt when entering on mfp :happy:
  • hey I use gold standard protein which is 120 cals per serve with only 1g sugar and 24g protein and they have awesome flavours I love the rocky road and the mocha cappucino when I want something pre made I get the sculpt protein shake cos it's made specifically for women and tastes fab the banana one tastes just like quick…
  • I used to do that to then I got this fantastic book( knowledge is power) by Tiffiny Hall the trainer of the biggest loser the books called weightloss warriors and it's all about your mind controlling ur body and why we self sabotage with food was reall great read and now sits next to my bed to refresh my mind when I feel…
  • from Bunbury south of Perth WA have 8 kgs to go they are tuff ones to :happy:
  • Hi I'm Amy am so far loving mfp and am determined to reach my goals