3kg (7lbs) loss in July!



  • Leanne3552000
    Leanne3552000 Posts: 395 Member
    3kg by end of july is exactly my goal!! I lose motivation so easily so this group will be great for me.

    My name is Leanne
    SW: 60kg ( maybe a bit more. the scales i used aren't very accurate)
    GW by 1st August: 57kg

    I will post a picture at the end of the week
  • sarahq21
    sarahq21 Posts: 40 Member
    Count me in too Bree!

    Name: Sarah
    Weight: 98kg
    Goal: 95kg (hopefully less!)
  • i need the help to NO motivation :sad:
    and 1.i havent got any pics of me 2. i dont no how to put them on :laugh:

    Name: Sinead
    Start as of today : 71.1kg (156.1lbs)
    Goal 1st aug: 68kg (149.9lbs)
  • amycavanagh
    amycavanagh Posts: 22 Member
    I'm in need some motivation having been sick for the last 3 weeks and havn't worked out havn't put on weight so that's good
    I weigh 76.9kgs at moment and would like to get to 70 kgs maybe shoot for 74kgs by end of july!!!
  • amycavanagh
    amycavanagh Posts: 22 Member
    how do u load pics on I'll take some tomorrow havn't done that before eek!!!!
  • aegira
    aegira Posts: 201 Member
    I'm in please :flowerforyou:
    I have so lost the motivation over the last few weeks, all I've been doing is work --> sleep and throw some kind of food in somewhere :sad:
    End of financial year can be such a pain :grumble:
    I really need to get back in to looking after me so I'm in if you've got the space, each loss just gets me closer to the goal :happy:
    CW: 74kg
    GW: 55kg (then I'll decide the extra 5kg)
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    Count me in Bree! I'm so excited for this. I'll reply later today with my info since I'm on my mobile right now.
  • kayaka1
    kayaka1 Posts: 16 Member
    Bree yeah I do (have a tummy) but you are quite a bit taller than me and I've had (excuses) two csections (oh and lots of McDonalds). But no more!

    Quite happy boys and girls that yesterday I went under my calorie goal with no excercise (I've got a sprained ankle)
  • breezad
    breezad Posts: 237 Member
    Name: EJ
    Start Weight as of today or close to: 125lbs (56.6kg)
    Goal weight by the 1st August: 118lb (53.6kg)

    Need motivating again, On day 10 of 30DS, up 2 lbs instead of down *sobs*
    Was meant to do C25K week 6 day 3 yesterday but scales upset :(

    being down 3kg would make me smile sooooo much!

    hey EJ,
    dont be upset...
    let look at it, have you changed anything since doing the 30d shred????
    cuase if you havent i dare say it muscle or your not eating enough. do you exercise normally?? running is a PERFECT weghtloss machine! it burns calories like no tomorrow and gets everything jiggerling!
  • breezad
    breezad Posts: 237 Member
    3kg by end of july is exactly my goal!! I lose motivation so easily so this group will be great for me.

    My name is Leanne
    SW: 60kg ( maybe a bit more. the scales i used aren't very accurate)
    GW by 1st August: 57kg

    I will post a picture at the end of the week

    welkcome leanne!
    60kg aghhh how nice that would be :)
    funny how your weight now is my goal weight haha actually less! :)
    thats awesome you have a goal by the end of jluy already, pop your photos up here and im sure you will get lots of nice encouraging comments and the movitation and inspoirtation you need!
  • breezad
    breezad Posts: 237 Member
    i need the help to NO motivation :sad:
    and 1.i havent got any pics of me 2. i dont no how to put them on :laugh:

    Name: Sinead
    Start as of today : 71.1kg (156.1lbs)
    Goal 1st aug: 68kg (149.9lbs)

    hey sinead!
    where has your motivation gone????
    i must say i went through that it was hard. but you nkow wat you do....
    get back to basics!
    read every weight loss book you have, google photos of ppl you aspire to look like, PLAN!!!! biggest thing is -planning, once you have a weekly plan you cant go wrong. plan food, exercise, dont cheat, if you wanna eat a chocolate bar on thurs plan it in! :)
    youll get it back, just think about why you are doing this!
  • breezad
    breezad Posts: 237 Member
    Bree yeah I do (have a tummy) but you are quite a bit taller than me and I've had (excuses) two csections (oh and lots of McDonalds). But no more!

    Quite happy boys and girls that yesterday I went under my calorie goal with no excercise (I've got a sprained ankle)

    awesome keeping under calories!!!! welldone! well on your way!!! :)
    sprained ankle must suck :(
    but dont forget you can add pushups, planks, situps etc, these all add up calories too that you can log :)
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    Here's my info! :smile: I'm excited to do this with you guys!

    Name: Aimee
    Start Weight as of today or close to: 150 lbs (as of the last time I weighed, Friday July 1st) or 68.03 kg
    Goal weight by the 1st August: 143 lbs (hoping for a 3.17 kg loss!)

    Photo today:
  • breezad
    breezad Posts: 237 Member
    I'm in please :flowerforyou:
    I have so lost the motivation over the last few weeks, all I've been doing is work --> sleep and throw some kind of food in somewhere :sad:
    End of financial year can be such a pain :grumble:
    I really need to get back in to looking after me so I'm in if you've got the space, each loss just gets me closer to the goal :happy:
    CW: 74kg
    GW: 55kg (then I'll decide the extra 5kg)

    WOW!!!!!! 32kg loss already!!! amamzing!!!!!
    things happen in life that stuff us around and make us crazy, but the key is planning!
    do you get 1 hour to yourself to do nothing??? if you do or you find yourself about to reach for the cupbaord for something naughty cause your not busy and your bored, sit down and write up a plan! include goals, weekly foods, exercise,
    even make a scrapbook with cut outs of exercise tips, photos of bodies you like, reason why you are doing this. it can jog your memoery into remembering why you are doing this why you wann loss weight.
    try it and see you got nothing to loose but the weight :P
  • breezad
    breezad Posts: 237 Member
    I'm in need some motivation having been sick for the last 3 weeks and havn't worked out havn't put on weight so that's good
    I weigh 76.9kgs at moment and would like to get to 70 kgs maybe shoot for 74kgs by end of july!!!

    sounds perfect amy!!!!
    74 would be lovely wouldnt it???
    imagine how you will feel at 74 kg!!!! i have bene there not to long ago and ill tell ya, its awesome!!!! :)
    like ive said to everyone else just plan!
    plan your exercise so you know wat you can and cant do then work around your food with your exercise.
    its good you havent put on any over the last 3 weeks of being sick :( booo sickness i hope your starting to recover!
    just remember not exercise limit the calories but you sound like you have that under control, once your better and add in abit of ecerise you'll get that 74!!! just fuel your body and it will do the rest! :)
  • breezad
    breezad Posts: 237 Member
    Here's my info! :smile: I'm excited to do this with you guys!

    Name: Aimee
    Start Weight as of today or close to: 150 lbs (as of the last time I weighed, Friday July 1st) or 68.03 kg
    Goal weight by the 1st August: 143 lbs (hoping for a 3.17 kg loss!)

    Photo today:

    oh aimee your just so damn cute!
    haha such a sweetie!
    im glad your joiing me and everyone else here!
    3kg is minimum im hoping so aim for watever you wanna be!!! :) thanks for adding a photo it really helps other with changes in body shapes and also gives you abit of motivation knowing your photo is up :)
    goodluck hunny! you'll smash this!!!
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    Thanks Bree! Really looking forward to this challenge and getting to know everyone over the course of the next month! I'm adding everyone as friends now! :flowerforyou:
  • i need the help to NO motivation :sad:
    and 1.i havent got any pics of me 2. i dont no how to put them on :laugh:

    Name: Sinead
    Start as of today : 71.1kg (156.1lbs)
    Goal 1st aug: 68kg (149.9lbs)

    hey sinead!
    where has your motivation gone????
    i must say i went through that it was hard. but you know wat you do....
    get back to basics!
    read every weight loss book you have, google photos of ppl you aspire to look like, PLAN!!!! biggest thing is -planning, once you have a weekly plan you cant go wrong. plan food, exercise, dont cheat, if you wanna eat a chocolate bar on thurs plan it in! :)
    youll get it back, just think about why you are doing this!

    i just dont enjoy exercise but i try and make myself do it!
    yeah i dont cheat coz i end up payin 4 it if i want som thing and i go over i exerciser so i can hav it :laugh:
  • breezad
    breezad Posts: 237 Member
    i need the help to NO motivation :sad:
    and 1.i havent got any pics of me 2. i dont no how to put them on :laugh:

    Name: Sinead
    Start as of today : 71.1kg (156.1lbs)
    Goal 1st aug: 68kg (149.9lbs)

    hey sinead!
    where has your motivation gone????
    i must say i went through that it was hard. but you know wat you do....
    get back to basics!
    read every weight loss book you have, google photos of ppl you aspire to look like, PLAN!!!! biggest thing is -planning, once you have a weekly plan you cant go wrong. plan food, exercise, dont cheat, if you wanna eat a chocolate bar on thurs plan it in! :)
    youll get it back, just think about why you are doing this!

    i just dont enjoy exercise but i try and make myself do it!
    yeah i dont cheat coz i end up payin 4 it if i want som thing and i go over i exerciser so i can hav it :laugh:

    just walk... if you dont like exerciseing, i know a girl who lost over 50kg just by walking everyday at least 60min!
    can you walk for 60min?? if not then you need to up your intensity but for a shorter period of time??
  • i need the help to NO motivation :sad:
    and 1.i havent got any pics of me 2. i dont no how to put them on :laugh:

    Name: Sinead
    Start as of today : 71.1kg (156.1lbs)
    Goal 1st aug: 68kg (149.9lbs)

    hey sinead!
    where has your motivation gone????
    i must say i went through that it was hard. but you know wat you do....
    get back to basics!
    read every weight loss book you have, google photos of ppl you aspire to look like, PLAN!!!! biggest thing is -planning, once you have a weekly plan you cant go wrong. plan food, exercise, dont cheat, if you wanna eat a chocolate bar on thurs plan it in! :)
    youll get it back, just think about why you are doing this!

    i just dont enjoy exercise but i try and make myself do it!
    yeah i dont cheat coz i end up payin 4 it if i want som thing and i go over i exerciser so i can hav it :laugh:

    just walk... if you dont like exerciseing, i know a girl who lost over 50kg just by walking everyday at least 60min!
    can you walk for 60min?? if not then you need to up your intensity but for a shorter period of time??

    yeah i can im a stay at home mum and ive jst started walking every day the past week if not i try 2 do x trainer and im goin to try do both 2 nite :ohwell: i had a choc bar so i will do that once my lil monkey has gone to bed!
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