24 food addict!

breezad Posts: 237 Member
ok hello!
im bree, i am totally addicted to food!!!
i self sabotage by working my butt of everyday exercise yet eating too much too often and too much of the wrong stuff!
im trying really hard this time cause i have about 13kg to loose!
i desperatly want to get there by end of october!
anyone else addicted to food or wanna chat let me know, no one can do this alone!


  • sushilicious
    Hey hey-- G'luck on the goal. Add me if you want ;D (Also don't sabotage yourself! >.<)
  • amycavanagh
    amycavanagh Posts: 22 Member
    I used to do that to then I got this fantastic book( knowledge is power) by Tiffiny Hall the trainer of the biggest loser the books called weightloss warriors and it's all about your mind controlling ur body and why we self sabotage with food was reall great read and now sits next to my bed to refresh my mind when I feel like I'm slipping into bad habits good luck !!!!