tarcotti Member


  • I didn't read anything else here so excuse me if this is repeated. If your chicken is hard and not moist you are simply overcooking it. Ya know what is full proof is just putting it in the crock pot for a few hours! Always moist, and so easy. You can google it to see how long to do it for and what temp.
  • I personally think its crazy to give one whole thing up cold turkey but I have a couple of family members that have done this successfully. They have done so by not having any sugar in the house at all, which their family members have supported. Hopefully you have the same support. Something that works in our house is that…
  • When I eat out I take the calories into account that day with everything else I'm eating. I have to tell you I used to eat out so much because of laziness (and I still do sometimes) but ever since my husband and I had kids we have been adhering to a very strict schedule and that's helped me...well...forced me to meal plan…
  • My father is 63 and lost 60 pounds 8 years ago. Goes to the gym every day since and keeps it off. His inspiration was his health, his doctor said he would have to start taking a ton of pills because of diabetes and heart problems unless he loses weight. It worked. Fear is a great motivator. I'm here for the same reason…
  • I've been here on MFP since 2012. I've read the message boards a lot and I've noticed that veterans here consistently agree that 1200 is pretty much too low for any human. Even though MFP suggests it, it is just a calculator in the end. The best way to find out your intake is to consult a doctor or nutritionist. There are…
  • My reason is super petty. I'm trying to do a slow weight loss because I don't want to feel deprived and hungry every day. Also doing the amount of calories my doc recommended. I started at the end of August. I have a friend who started in October, she's already lost more than me. Now I'm like, all petty because I want to…
  • Trying to name the nerdiest things about me... I used to be the owner and moderator of a Harry Potter themed message board back in 2005. I've also held my own Harry Potter party once. Dress required, chocolate frogs, we made wooden wands for party favors...scavenger hunt with the hardest item to find was 2 dark marks. They…
  • Lol, this thread was good for a laugh. Especially the Funyons comment. I'm adding you as a friend hahaha.
  • Also 33, I think its a great time to turn your life around. You got this.
  • But I wouldn't just let the breastfeeding do all the work, because once you stop, you'll stop losing, or gain it all back like I did. Get into the habit now, that;s my advice.
  • Breast feeding burns SOOO many calories, I lost like 20 lbs just by eating normally and doing that. If you are serious about doing it and don't care about how long it takes, just decrease your calorie intake by a little, not a lot. Consulting a doctor for a target number helps. Mine told me 1600 a day. I'm losing weight…
  • Ever since I used coca cola to clean my car battery and watched the acid eat away at the corrosion, I've lost my appetite for coke! This was a few years ago, and the habit stuck. Not having it in the house is always the key!
  • I also recommend getting a fitting at a store. Its the only thing that's worked for me. Dillards does it, if you have one nearby.
  • Hey Lyssy! Feel free to add me as a friend as well. I've got scoliosis as well and a few other things! I feel more pain in my back as I get older (Or is it because I've gained weight? Not sure.) I wonder if the pain will be more manageable after weight loss for me!
  • I could probably try that, even though its weird for me to do non-breakfast items. I do love bacon! I can have 200g carbs per day. Breakfast has to be no more than 35g.
  • I miss my cereal, it tends to shoot my blood sugar up way too high. :(
  • I hate that I can't even have a freaking donut! If it was just normal calorie counting, sure I could have one now and then. But now that I'm diabetic, it raises my blood sugar too high. I guess I could just not care to have one anyway, but I don't like getting into that habit.
  • Oh, I didn't even think about my food processor! Breakfast skillets, why didn't I think of that? Thank you both! Keep em comin!
  • Definitely a question for a doctor. Every situation is different. My doctor had me lose weight when I was pregnant the second time only, because I was obese and diabetic then but not the first time. But that's my situation, not yours, only your doctor can tell you this based on your weight and health history.
  • I forgot to mention the reason for low carb, I'm diabetic! Ha, that's an important detail. Ugh, I just can't stomach non breakfast items for breakfast. Thanks for the yogurt with protein powder tip, I didn't think of that. I think also my omelets get old after a while because I do the same filling. Maybe Ill try a variety.
  • trade places That way I can comment on the person above that! Which the answer would be: watch Sailor Moon Crystal
  • In need of some friends! If your looking for specific ones...I log in daily, 33 year old mom, diabetic, love to cook and bake, camping, art, and nerdy stuff.
  • This has happened to me twice. If I had not fallen off the wagon, I wouldn't have had the health problems I'm having now. Fear is a good motivator. I'm now back to losing the weight and staying on the wagon. And like 88olds said, even if you go over for a few weeks, doesn't beat yourself up and give up, just start logging…
  • I really want to try a "diet" of just non-processed foods. (In addition to counting calories) Its really hard though! Calorie counting is the only thing that has ever worked for me. I second what everyone else says!
  • I added all of you! Bumping to seek more friends, keep em coming!
  • I hear you, its my third time too!
  • All I know is any time I eat fruit instead of something processed, my blood sugar (I'm diabetic) is WONDERFUL afterwards, this is true any time of the day. So that's pretty much the rule I live by.
  • I want to lose about 60 lbs, am a mom of a 1.5 year old and artistic. So, that's sort of similar, right? Haha
  • My husband and I used to do Salsa, Swing, and dabbled in foxtrot, cha cha, waltz. I'm not active anymore but want to get started again. Feel free to add me!
  • Its interesting you say you hate most fruits and veggies and at the same time want chocolate constantly. Almost like your body is craving magnesium! So its like, you need those foods and because you don't eat them often, you want chocolate! Just like the chart! Of course, why have fruits or veggies when you can have…