RockandRoseRebel Member


  • Also Idk if you're menstruating, so maybe this is completely unhelpful, but I only weigh once a month because of this. TMI maybe, but once I stop bleeding, I weigh the morning after a rest day. I gain 5-10 lbs every shark week, and exercise can make you store water in your muscles, so this gives me the lowest possible…
  • Because I want my outsides to match my insides & what I mean by that is I FEEL sexy 95% of the time, but I want to look as sexy as I feel. **edited for autocorrect typo
  • I bought a pair of jeans from Hollister when they were on sale for cheap, size 5 long (I'm tall and always have trouble finding lo g enough jeans no matter what size I am). Pretty much I want to fit into those jeans and have a 20% body fat percentage. Of course I also have other arbitrary numbers as my goals but after…
  • Really? Cuz I have been coveting these boots and the largest size they come in is a 9 but I wear a 9 1/2 - 10 so they're just a tiny bit goo small.
  • I'm 21 and rebooting on MFP. I joined back in December but I did it half-assed for like 2 weeks so it didn't work. This time I fully intend to be in it for the long haul. My goal is bigger than yours (at least 50lbs to go as of this morning), but hey, three days down, the rest of the year to go! Feel free to add me :)
  • It helps to remember it won't kill you to be hungry every now and then. I'm not endorsing being hungry all the time, but remembering that being a little bit hungry for an hour or two every now and then isn't that bad helps me to only eat what I need to keep me going. What I mean is, if I think that something horrible is…
  • ^this. I have always been able to take flattering pictures of myself no matter my weight because of the camera angle. Confidence helps too. When I'm happy, wearing makeup and/or not being self-conscious of my weight because I'm having fun, my pictures always turn out better no matter who's taking them.
  • For me I don't put any foods off limits. Instead, as long as it fits into my calorie goal and I want it, then I'll have it. When it comes to being tempted to go over my calorie goal, I allow myself to go as much as 100 cal over but no more. If the thing I want is more, I remind myself that I'd rather be skinny and that I…
  • I think it was just a really bad foundation and then bad habits. I mean, I thought I was a little fat pretty much my whole life, but looking back at old pictures, I realize I was normal sized and sometimes even really skinny. There's a picture of me getting out of the water at the lake when I was 11 and I'm all legs and…
  • I'm just starting over again, but benefits from other times I've lost weight: 1. Getting hit on. 2. The way my clothes fit. 3. Being able to run longer. 4. Seeing my stomach flatten <<this is probably my favorite part about losing weight. 5. Not having to be so picky about the angle of the camera in order to look good in…
  • Yeah I lie to myself in the mirror too. There's no way I'd have gained as much as I did if I'd seen myself in a mirror they way I looked in pictures. Instead, I just avoided pictures and told myself I was fine and now I have at least 50 lbs to lose instead of 15-30 because I avoided the issue instead of facing it when it…
  • I don't know if I have a bucket list exactly, but I do have a list of things I'm looking forward to: • Run a 6 minute mile & 10-12mph • A smaller ring size • Wear jeans without my stomach bulging out over them • See my collarbone in the mirror • I have a pair of jeans in the size I want to be and I can't wait to get to…
  • I don't really have a single number so much as range that I want to get to and stay inside. I choose it by going to and looking at pictures of other women who are the same height as I am to get an idea of what I might look like at different weights and then I chose the weight range that had the most women…
  • I plugged the numbers in your chart (134lbs, 27.9% body fat) into with a goal body fat of 23% and it said your goal weight should be 126 lbs.
  • 21, working on losing 50-80 lbs. Add me if you want :)
  • I didn't know/think of this; I'll have to remember it for when I get ready to maintain.
  • I have no idea what is going on in this thread, but I think this idea is genius and I think I need to start an M&M breeding program of my own :P
  • that guy with the puppets...Jeff Dunham. Adam Sandler. Jack Black. And I'm not sure if this technically counts, but I hate Sponge Bob (even when I was young enough to like it) & Family Guy, I don't think they're funny at all. And American Dad or whatever it's called is just as bad, if not worse.
  • I don't ever forget what people do, whether good or bad, but I'm terrible at holding grudges. Usually when I get angry, I get over it in under a day, sometimes significantly less. I think the longest I ever stayed mad was a week and that was because I was purposely trying to hold a grudge because I didn't know you could…
  • There are a stack of things I want, particularly a brand new wardrobe (can't wait to throw out ALL my fat clothes), but #1 is a ridiculously sexy dress. I might never have anywhere to wear it, but I don't care, I just want it as a sort of trophy :wink:
  • intelligent musical and/or artistic nice hands eye-colors that are hard to describe confidence
  • I'm just glad to be done with hair school. I hated that place more than anything, and that includes junior high & high school. I spent most of 2012 being there and now I'm done and hundreds of miles away from that place. I am so happy I never have to go back there ever again. Also, I finally trounced my belief that I have…
  • ^This. Being "one of the guys instead of the dateable chick" SUCKS. And clothes shopping. I never buy new clothes until my clothes are literally rags because nothing ever fits right and I hate having to stand in front of a mirror to see if the clothes fit right and nothing ever makes me feel sexy because no matter what I…
  • If you can stop yourself after one serving of sweets, maybe just have a little of whatever you're craving? If not try fruit and yogurt or some other healthy thing that also happens to be sweet. And make sure your diet is balanced because you could be craving sugar because your body is missing a nutrient or needs a few more…
  • All of these: So pretty much everything. Because of how self conscious I am about my body, I've avoided major parts of my life. I avoid anything that involved wearing a swimsuit. When I do go swimming, it's in at least shorts (knee-length) and tank top. I hate pictures and if I have to be in one, I hide my body behind…
  • The short answer is to lose fat and not muscle, you need to eat at your BMR, lift weights, and get plenty of protein. For the details, I'd recommend the book "Lift Like a Man, Look Like a Goddess" and the Fat2Fit radio book and/or podcasts (most of their podcasts are free off of iTunes).
  • ^YES! I love Fat2Fit! And if you know your body far percentage, their BMR tool is even more accurate (they use Harris-Benedict if you don't know your body fat percentage and Katch-McArdle if you do). Also they have a fantastic goal weigh calculator where you put in your current weight, current body fat percentage, and goal…
  • You can do it. The first step in overcoming weakness is being aware of it. If you know what your challenges are, you can strategize ways to outwit yourself. For example, if I eat too few calories, I will binge by the third or fourth day, so I know I have to eat my calories if I want to be able to stick with this long…