Bucket List (Weight related):

The title basically explains it!

What are your goals for when you get the weight off, get stronger, get healthier, etc??

Here is mine (in no order):

1. 5K (Color Me Rad?)
2. Tough Mudder!!!
3. Long distance bike ride (for charity)
4. Buy and wear a nice looking bathing suit with out fear of people "seeing me"
5. Go on a family vacation and be in EVERY picture!! (Yes, I'm usually the one behind the camera)
6. Go back to the county fair and fit in the ride that the attendant had to literally squeeze the bar down on me OUCH, with tons of room to spare (next year!).
7. Be the sexy wife that I think my husband deserves.
8. Visit the mountains and hike all day and enjoy it, with out being out of breath/tired.
9. Go the beach (and I live between two coasts!)
10. Get in and out of tree stand with out fear of "breaking it".

(I have more I'm sure, but I'll stop there)

What about you???

What do you want to do that you can or don't now??


  • Karen918
    Karen918 Posts: 47 Member
    1. Shop in the regular sizes, not plus
    2. Hike part of the Apalachian trail
  • RockandRoseRebel
    RockandRoseRebel Posts: 35 Member
    I don't know if I have a bucket list exactly, but I do have a list of things I'm looking forward to:

    • Run a 6 minute mile & 10-12mph
    • A smaller ring size
    • Wear jeans without my stomach bulging out over them
    • See my collarbone in the mirror
    • I have a pair of jeans in the size I want to be and I can't wait to get to wear them. Actually, I have a section of my wardrobe that's entirely dedicated to clothes that I will fit into someday :embarassed: Mostly its stuff I've been given that didn't fit, but it was so cute I couldn't make myself get rid of it, so I kept it for someday.
    • Definition around my jawbone
    • Feel sexy in a little black dress, lingerie, a bikini
    • Abs that make people jealous :3
    • You know that second look you get when someone finds you attractive? They're just sort of scanning the crowd, not really looking at anything when they see you and it's like they do a doubletake? I miss that.
    • Never again be afraid to say my weight.
    • Vanity, jealousy and revenge are huge motivators for me, so I have this totally petty desire to see people who were rude to or ignored me and be like "haha look at me now." Realistically they probably wouldn't be like :sad: :sad: :sad: but if it motivates me to achieve (and I use it to motivate me in everything, not just weight loss) then who cares what I tell myself?
  • asp415
    asp415 Posts: 1,492 Member
    I'm thinking the dirty girl fun run.
    The 3day cancer walk
    Easily finding cute things to wear
    There are several other things, but for now this is good.
  • VintageFit
    VintageFit Posts: 90 Member
    - running the marathon I found out my college town has once a year
    - riding my bike from my town to my mum's place in one day (about an hour's car drive away)
    - wearing dresses and skirts without shorts underneath because my chubrub will be gone!
    - starting all the interesting sports courses that require that you're already pretty fit and balanced (acrobatics etc.)
  • squatsandlipgloss
    squatsandlipgloss Posts: 595 Member
    - Hiking up Runyon Canyon
    - Running 5k
    - Be able to wear cute shorts
    - Feel comfortable at the beach (will never wear a bikini - don't think it is appropriate - but I don't even feel good in a normal bathing suit!)
  • Fingafuud
    Fingafuud Posts: 7
    1. Get a thigh gap
    2. Make others jealous
    3. Run a marathon
    4. Look good in a bikini, underwear or naked
    5. Be a Size 6 (36 in Europe)