Looking for some new friends/support : )

Hey everyone! I've been on MFP for a long time now, but tomorrow I am starting my summer long weight loss journey from about 160 pounds to 135 pounds. I'm looking for some people with similar goals or who just want/need support and also want to give some support. I'm 24 and really ready to make a change that I can maintain. I'd love to share tips and advice. Hope to talk soon!!


  • rezn8
    rezn8 Posts: 263 Member
    I've got a facebook group for to help with accountability and motivation. I have been posting on MFP for 285 days straight and the FB group is coming together very well. I post workouts and daily motivationals along with tips challenges to keep you going. We're always looking for others to help encourage as well. If you are interested just IM me and I'll let you know how to get in.
  • jalbert86
    jalbert86 Posts: 7
    i have similar goals as well. i just joined two weeks ago starting weight of 162. i really hope to get back down into the 120s which is what i was only 2 summers ago. (stress of a bad break up sucks haha) anyway i've never really eaten healthy or exercised ever! i recently purchased a treadmill because it motivates me seeing it in my apartment more than getting up and going to a gym. im on the 3rd week of c25k which is going great and i just started the 30 day shred too... not too sure if i love it yet but im going to keep at it. i'm also going to start yoga at a place right near me once i can put it into my budget. feel free to add me! i would love the support and advice as well. i plan on having a healthy weight loss of 1-2 pounds per week (with lots of patience) which will get me right where i want just in time for my cousins wedding next year so having any friends with support is much needed! and im here to give support as well :)
  • kaitijoyy
    kaitijoyy Posts: 1
    I'm just now setting up my profile. I'm 155 and my goal weight is 130. I'm 23 and in the same boat as you. Lets do this!!
  • RockandRoseRebel
    RockandRoseRebel Posts: 35 Member
    I'm 21 and rebooting on MFP. I joined back in December but I did it half-assed for like 2 weeks so it didn't work. This time I fully intend to be in it for the long haul. My goal is bigger than yours (at least 50lbs to go as of this morning), but hey, three days down, the rest of the year to go! Feel free to add me :)
  • Volleyball_Chick5
    I'd love a friend on here, only just joined and I really need the support? I'll support you back and we can do this together!