LillyBoots Member


  • Alcohols and binge eating seem to go hand in hand for me, or at the very least; poor choice eating.
  • If you don't have healthy options opt for small portions and go armed with some raw almonds, trail mix or some fruit. If your family make fun of your weight loss measures simply say you aren't happy being fat and want to change that by losing weight.
  • It may sound simplistic but I haven't been doing that so I'll give it a go. Thanks
  • Thanks, I'm okay with what I eat but my overall monthly macros seem to always be around 40% carbs 25% protein 35% fat. I can't seem to shift them and my weight loss is stalling.
  • There really are 2 distinct groups of people on MFP 1. Those that want to lose weight 2. Those that want to eat healthy and lose weight. Basic junk food will always be the cheaper option than fresh produce as it has a longer shelf life and takes up less space to produce. Increasingly time poor people will gravitate to…
  • My problem has always been about portion size rather than junk food but I did use to love chilli cheese thick cut fries. I had some recently and couldn't get through even half of them and didn't enjoy them anywhere near as much as I did before. It was a great feeling.
  • I find the whole cheat day idea stupid, giving yourself license to eat crap or over eat is just counter productive. Occasionally we are all going to be in a position where smart healthy choices aren't there but that's no reason to throw away mindfull eating, you just do the best you can.
  • My morning smoothie. 1/4 Avocado 1 mango cheek OR 1/2 cup Blue berries 1/2 banana 1 cup baby spinach 8 raw almonds OR cashew nuts 1 tbl sp chia seeds 1 cup coconut water Tastes fantastic and packed with goodness.
  • Hi there, I try to stick with organic whole foods. I still eat cheese, butter and have milk in my coffee, all full fat. Same with meat, as long as it's organic and hormone free I eat it. I eat wild fish only. Brown rice, quinoa, spelt pasta, whole grain bread and farro cous cous. Things I can't live without are: Coconut…
  • Hi there, I have upped my calorie intake to take into account the fact that I wanted to include healthy fats like nuts and avocado and not for go pasta and cheese and I'm still steadily losing on 1380 cals a day. My favorite green smoothie comes in around 350 cals, more if I add chai seeds. Play it by ear and if you can…
  • Margarine is just plain bad and tastes like crap. Butter is better! I'd rather eat fruit than drink a juice unless it's fruit sweetening a green juice. Organic corn is amazing, you can't beat the taste. Tempeh is a great way to eat soy as it's fermented and not highly processed. Whole wheat bread, again, is much better if…
  • I agree. We all know cigarettes are bad for us and wouldn't give them to children. Mac D's and all it's counterparts are high in fat, sugar and salt, it's highly processed garbage. Excessive consumption will lead to diabetes, stroke and heart attacks. It should have a health warning on the box.
  • I have a few too many. Chocolate, cheese, bacon, ham, licorice and turkey breast. I choose only organic and nitrate free products.
  • Walk Against Monsanto happens world wide this Saturday!
  • My diary is open, feel free to add me if you like what you see.
  • We live in a time where women are sexualised more than any other time in the history of western culture. Women have adopted this as empowerment for them selves, I honestly think that a pack of young girls dressed skimpy and in sky high heels are dressing for each other and are happy for the male gaze and appreciation but…
  • I think your diet looks good. There is nothing wrong with whole eggs or butter, they are wholefoods. If I were to change anything I'd swap the cashew nuts for raw almonds and free up some calories to have a protein with your salad at lunch.
  • organic lamb sausages and organic ham are my clean eating downfall :love: :love: :love:
  • This looks yummy, I'll make it soon. Thanks for sharing.
  • how about you know you are fat when your body is covered with it!
  • I can go up 3kgs, I try to only weigh mind cycle.
  • Feel free to look through my diary. I rarely eat processed food. Though I'm a bit of a dull eater. More power to you for going the clean option and not the chemical filled low fat option. :smile:
  • I'm a slouch with breakfast, it's my least favorite meal but when the weather was warmer I loved this combo 100gms plain yogurt (you can substitute with non dairy) 1 cup blueberries 8 raw almonds tbl sp Chia bran tbl sp dried goji berry's tbl sp cacao nibs
  • Hi there, I don't know what a hero sandwich is so I might be off the mark with my suggestion. What about poached chicken breast. I cut a small breast length ways in to 3 pieces and let it poach in stock with garlic, shallots bay leaves (what I feel like). I do it the lazy way - I bring my stock ;with what ever in it , up…
  • I make then with water and a pinch of salt then add blueberries and almonds
  • Great going, I see what you've lost but the huge difference is seeing how happy you are and that you look positive. So good for you and keep it going :wink:
  • Sorry for your loss. It shows great commitment to still log, that's a big victory in my book too.
  • When I first switched to all clean foods I did the Food Matters 3 day juice detox and then a week after that I had colonics once a week for 3 weeks. This not only kicked off my weight loss but reset the clock as it were and flushed the toxins from the colon and bowel. I'd recommend trying one or both of these. Don't lose…
  • This is a fantastic combination that I use myself and it works! B3 and D3 vitamins taken daily. Also Niacin is a natural antidepressant so eat 2 handful of cashew nuts (raw and organic) as they are the nut with the highest amount of Niacin. best of luck.