Girls wear certain clothes when they are looking



  • emmalouc93
    emmalouc93 Posts: 328 Member


    Pls stop. You aren't even hot. I would bang all of these cougars before I'd go near your overly-clothed behind. Please, show me some skin.

    Also: Zyzz. zyzz-dance-o.gif

    Trust me, no sleep lost over that!

    Good, you may be in luck with that one. Enjoy!

    On an end note, if you all want to be *kitten* and dress as such, no one is stopping you.

    Just don't be surprised when you end up old and alone, crying, wondering why men use you and treat you bad.
  • ghhosstt
    ghhosstt Posts: 112

    Oh really? I had over 20 pairs, always changed, showered, put on make up. I also was the lead in many plays and musicals, president of my class, got straight A's, worked a job.

    So I think the problem here is you're judgmental and assume things based off of what you see without even knowing someone.

    If you can achieve all those great things, and can't manage to pick out an outfit rather than pjs, that's pretty sad.

    I find what I achieve for humanity, for my own betterment and for the world are more important than what fabric I put on my body.

    I also think they look baller. I like them. And it's not sad.

    I love myself, I have many people who love me and I do great things.


    Not seeing a down side here.

    add me to the list of people who love you. At least in this thread I do.
  • Shr3dded
    Shr3dded Posts: 232


    Pls stop. You aren't even hot. I would bang all of these cougars before I'd go near your overly-clothed behind. Please, show me some skin.

    Also: Zyzz. zyzz-dance-o.gif

    Trust me, no sleep lost over that!

    Good, you may be in luck with that once. Enjoy!

    Thank you, more Zyzz Gifs!

  • catrinaHwechanged
    catrinaHwechanged Posts: 4,907 Member
    I just like to say I glad my mama raised me to love what I have. These words rang so true "If you got it, flaunt it.. If you don't want to ,don't., but never judge another woman for having confidence in herself."

    I like you!
  • JustCallMe_Tanya_Eh
    JustCallMe_Tanya_Eh Posts: 954 Member
    *grabs popcorn*
  • hauntao
    hauntao Posts: 130 Member

    Oh really? I had over 20 pairs, always changed, showered, put on make up. I also was the lead in many plays and musicals, president of my class, got straight A's, worked a job.

    So I think the problem here is you're judgmental and assume things based off of what you see without even knowing someone.

    If you can achieve all those great things, and can't manage to pick out an outfit rather than pjs, that's pretty sad.

    I find what I achieve for humanity, for my own betterment and for the world are more important than what fabric I put on my body.

    I also think they look baller. I like them. And it's not sad.

    I love myself, I have many people who love me and I do great things.


    Not seeing a down side here.

    add me to the list of people who love you. At least in this thread I do.

    <3 can I add?
  • shalysewrightbethea
    shalysewrightbethea Posts: 48 Member
    I just like to say I glad my mama raised me to love what I have. These words rang so true "If you got it, flaunt it.. If you don't want to ,don't., but never judge another woman for having confidence in herself."

    I like you!
  • emmalouc93
    emmalouc93 Posts: 328 Member


    Pls stop. You aren't even hot.

    Maybe you're right, for all I know I'm not hot in the slightest.

    According to these women, all men are disgusting and shouldn't even comment on what women look like anywho so, it's all good.
  • Gwen_B
    Gwen_B Posts: 1,018 Member
    It's true. But I dress to attract attention from other Chics. Not sexual attention like trying to hook up with them. But when another woman compliments my outfit it does way more for my ego than some dude hitting on me.

  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    Wow..... this thread is.... just wow. :noway:

    I think it's pretty simple, do women want to be attractive? YES.
    Do we want to be sexually assaulted? NO.

    This sick fascination with weather or not people want to be attractive to me is far more disturbing then people TRYING TO BE ATTRACTIVE,

    Random thought, I find it funny that the topic of women dressing slutty to get attention comes up all the time, but very rarely do men prancing around topless and what that means specifically gets questioned. Also, I am sick of women knocking other women for "liking sex" and labeling them nasty titles like '*kitten*' and 'slut' the lady hate is annoying. Why do we still embrace the idea that enjoying sex is such an evil trait? I think sex is a very healthy part of an adult life, and there is nothing wrong with two consenting and legal adults partaking in the act. :drinker:
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    women have a pathological need for validation. they will wear sexy clothes to get hit on, but have no intention of dating anyone or seeking sex, it is like ice cream, just to make her feel better.

    I like ice cream

    Ice cream is delicious! :bigsmile:

    Vanilla, Chocolate, Butter Pecan....I love it all! *lick*
    Cookie dough or gtfo.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    ...wanting to be seen as attractive, even sexually attractive, is NOT the same thing as wanting to find someone to sleep with you.

  • emmalouc93
    emmalouc93 Posts: 328 Member

    Random thought, I find it funny that the topic of women dressing slutty to get attention comes up all the time, but very rarely do men prancing around topless and what that means specifically gets questioned. Also, I am sick of women knocking other women for "liking sex" and labeling them nasty titles like '*kitten*' and 'slut' the lady hate is annoying. Why do we still embrace the idea that enjoying sex is such an evil trait? I think sex is a very healthy part of an adult life, and there is nothing wrong with two consenting and legal adults partaking in the act. :drinker:

    Just to clarify on my past comments, I feel the same way about men as I do about women acting like *kitten*. It applies to both sexes. This thread is specifically talking about women, which is why I highlighted that.

    The fact that I come onto a thread to give my opinion and end with being called ugly, need to get laid etc by people that are saying they don't judge is funny, though. I give up commenting on this site, you're like a clique of *****y hens that can't help but pick someone apart if they're not like you. You are acting exactly like what you claim to hate.
  • LillyBoots
    LillyBoots Posts: 114 Member

    The girl says "Oh uh-uh, wait a minute! Wait a minute! Just because I'm dressed this way does not make me a *kitten*!" Which is true. Gentlemen, that is true. Just because they dress a certain way doesn't mean they are a certain way. Don't ever forget it. But ladies, you must understand that is f****ing confusing. It just is. Now that would be like me, Dave Chappelle, the comedian, walking down the street in a cop uniform. Somebody might run up on me, saying, "Oh, thank God. Officer, help us! Come on. They're over here. Help us!" "Oh-hoh! Just because I'm dressed this way does not make me a police officer!" See what I mean? All right, ladies, fine. You are not a *kitten*. But you are wearing a *kitten*'s uniform.

    We live in a time where women are sexualised more than any other time in the history of western culture. Women have adopted this as empowerment for them selves, I honestly think that a pack of young girls dressed skimpy and in sky high heels are dressing for each other and are happy for the male gaze and appreciation but are not looking for general advances. Truth is they are looking for the advances of the Alpha male and only get offended by the advances of a Beta male.

    The structures of society rightly or wrongly has systems in place where by we have visual signals for attracting a mate. Red lipstick, high heels, cleavage have all been long established signs of sexuality.

    We all want to be looked upon as attractive and sexually desirable. You just have to read most peoples statement as to why we are here to know that or look at a lot of the avatars people have. If overweight was considered sexy and attractive this would be a very quiet site. I'm sure the women who post photo's of themselves in revealing outfits are not looking for sexual advances, they are showing off what they've worked hard for and feel proud of but like anything, when you send it out into the world you have no control as to how other people will view it.

  • WouldNOTbang/10

    Pls stop. You aren't even hot. I would bang all of these cougars before I'd go near your overly-clothed behind. Please, show me some skin.

    Trust me, no sleep lost over that!

    Good, you may be in luck with that one. Enjoy!

    On an end note, if you all want to be *kitten* and dress as such, no one is stopping you.

    Just don't be surprised when you end up old and alone, crying, wondering why men use you and treat you bad.

    Just to prove you wrong once again on the above...I have been with the same man for 19 years and I still occasionally dress sexy. I am not treated bad nor do any other men in my life treat me bad. In fact, I have some of the best men in my life that I could ever ask for.

    Once again you can not HONESTLY judge someone by what they wear. You can, however, in your own mind, judge them however you want.
  • hauntao
    hauntao Posts: 130 Member
    K I'm out.

    Apparently some people need to know exactly what it is I'm talking about. If you care about being a decent human being, educate yourself.

    There's a good read.

    Seriously though, Bates Motel time.

    ALSO, chelledbrown, cookie dough forever.
  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member

    Random thought, I find it funny that the topic of women dressing slutty to get attention comes up all the time, but very rarely do men prancing around topless and what that means specifically gets questioned. Also, I am sick of women knocking other women for "liking sex" and labeling them nasty titles like '*kitten*' and 'slut' the lady hate is annoying. Why do we still embrace the idea that enjoying sex is such an evil trait? I think sex is a very healthy part of an adult life, and there is nothing wrong with two consenting and legal adults partaking in the act. :drinker:

    Just to clarify on my past comments, I feel the same way about men as I do about women acting like *kitten*. It applies to both sexes. This thread is specifically talking about women, which is why I highlighted that.

    The fact that I come onto a thread to give my opinion and end with being called ugly, need to get laid etc by people that are saying they don't judge is funny, though.
    So before I get annoyed I am going to ask this, you think that men and women having sex is wrong? Or do you simply think that people have to be married, or in a serious relationship to experience sex?
  • emmalouc93
    emmalouc93 Posts: 328 Member

    So before I get annoyed I am going to ask this, you think that men and women having sex is wrong? Or do you simply think that people have to be married, or in a serious relationship to experience sex?

    For me personally, I wouldn't have sex outside a relationship. Others can do what they want. Do I think it is ok to have an insane amount of sexual partners at once? No. But that is my opinion. I'm not telling everyone not to do that, I'm saying MY opinion on it. I think that is fair. There is nothing wrong about sex, everyone loves it. I just think it should be a private thing, no matter who you decide to have it with.
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member


    Pls stop. You aren't even hot.

    Maybe you're right, for all I know I'm not hot in the slightest.

    According to these women, all men are disgusting and shouldn't even comment on what women look like anywho so, it's all good.

    Commenting on your physical attractiveness, or lack thereof, was a bit of a low blow in my opinion. Kind'of like when people comment on what other people wear.

    I haven't read a single comment from women on here, saying that men are disgusting. What's interesting is that I also haven't read comments from men slut shaming either.
  • emmalouc93
    emmalouc93 Posts: 328 Member
    K I'm out.

    Apparently some people need to know exactly what it is I'm talking about. If you care about being a decent human being, educate yourself.

    There's a good read.

    Seriously though, Bates Motel time.

    ALSO, chelledbrown, cookie dough forever.

    No. I don't have to agree with you, and I am educated, just with a different opinion.

    Feminism and womens rights have nothing to do with sleeping around. Don't try and turn it into something it isn't.