Girls wear certain clothes when they are looking



  • The funniest thing from all of this is, I said I hate women who are *kitten*. Never said it directly to anyone of you.

    Yet you all jump in to defend yourselves from being one??

    Wow. That's all I will say.

    I never said anything personal against any of you, yet you all presume I'm talking about you?

    In that case, maybe you subconsciously know what I'm saying is right, because you assume it's targeted at you personally.

    Stop being so self centered, just because you're female doesn't mean every woman will agree with you.

    If you have the right to dress whatever way you want, I should have the right to speak my mind.

    You have double standards.

    The ironic thing is I never once said you all had to agree with me, and I never once said all of you had to do what I said. You just assume that because I disagree, I must be pushing my views on you. What a childish view of the world.

    I never said anyone shouldn't live the way they want because they should (including me), I simply said I don't agree with it. THAT. IS. LIFE.

    Anyway, we all know this will turn into a ***** fest of people ganging up on someone who doesn't happen to like everything you do, so I've said my piece for tonight.

    You have your right to your opinion, I think I said that. Have a good night. This *kitten* is going to get some.
  • Shr3dded
    Shr3dded Posts: 232
    The funniest thing from all of this is, I said I hate women who are *kitten*. Never said it directly to anyone of you.

    Yet you all jump in to defend yourselves from being one??

    Wow. That's all I will say.

    People judge you by how you present yourself, that isn't news. It is unfair, but it's reality.

    I never said anything personal against any of you, yet you all presume I'm talking about you?

    In that case, maybe you subconsciously know what I'm saying is right, because you assume it's targeted at you personally.

    Stop being so self centered, just because you're female doesn't mean every woman will agree with you.

    If you have the right to dress whatever way you want, I should have the right to speak my mind.

    You have double standards.

    The ironic thing is I never once said you all had to agree with me, and I never once said all of you had to do what I said. You just assume that because I disagree, I must be pushing my views on you. What a childish view of the world.

    I never said anyone shouldn't live the way they want because they should (including me), I simply said I don't agree with it. THAT. IS. LIFE.

    Anyway, we all know this will turn into a ***** fest of people ganging up on someone who doesn't happen to like everything you do, so I've said my piece for tonight.

  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    I still dont think it's fair that the BF can walk around without a shirt on and I have to wear one. It's damn hot and the girls like to breathe. For that matter, how come we have to wear clothes at all? I find them all constricting. I'd be happy in flip flops and sun screen. All though it would take about of gallon of sun screen to cover this white mess.
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    The funniest thing from all of this is, I said I hate women who are *kitten*. Never said it directly to anyone of you.

    Yet you all jump in to defend yourselves from being one??

    Wow. That's all I will say.

    I never said anything personal against any of you, yet you all presume I'm talking about you?

    In that case, maybe you subconsciously know what I'm saying is right, because you assume it's targeted at you personally.

    Stop being so self centered, just because you're female doesn't mean every woman will agree with you.

    If you have the right to dress whatever way you want, I should have the right to speak my mind.

    You have double standards.

    The ironic thing is I never once said you all had to agree with me, and I never once said all of you had to do what I said. You just assume that because I disagree, I must be pushing my views on you. What a childish view of the world.

    I never said anyone shouldn't live the way they want because they should (including me), I simply said I don't agree with it. THAT. IS. LIFE.

    Anyway, we all know this will turn into a ***** fest of people ganging up on someone who doesn't happen to like everything you do, so I've said my piece for tonight.
    You implied that clothing is what makes a woman a *kitten*. You also implied that certain clothing on a woman warrants certain reactions from men. That's what i have an issue with.
    Also. can you please explain to me what is a *kitten*? A woman who sleeps around maybe? How many sexual partners allowed until you are officially a *kitten*?
  • craigmandu
    craigmandu Posts: 976 Member
    I still dont think it's fair that the BF can walk around without a shirt on and I have to wear one. It's damn hot and the girls like to breathe. For that matter, how come we have to wear clothes at all? I find them all constricting. I'd be happy in flip flops and sun screen. All though it would take about of gallon of sun screen to cover this white mess.

    Isn't it legal in New York? I read that somewhere!
  • Shr3dded
    Shr3dded Posts: 232
    I still dont think it's fair that the BF can walk around without a shirt on and I have to wear one. It's damn hot and the girls like to breathe. For that matter, how come we have to wear clothes at all? I find them all constricting. I'd be happy in flip flops and sun screen. All though it would take about of gallon of sun screen to cover this white mess.

  • shalysewrightbethea
    shalysewrightbethea Posts: 48 Member
    The funniest thing from all of this is, I said I hate women who are *kitten*. Never said it directly to anyone of you.

    Yet you all jump in to defend yourselves from being one??

    Wow. That's all I will say.

    People judge you by how you present yourself, that isn't news. It is unfair, but it's reality.

    I never said anything personal against any of you, yet you all presume I'm talking about you?

    In that case, maybe you subconsciously know what I'm saying is right, because you assume it's targeted at you personally.

    Stop being so self centered, just because you're female doesn't mean every woman will agree with you.

    If you have the right to dress whatever way you want, I should have the right to speak my mind.

    You have double standards.

    The ironic thing is I never once said you all had to agree with me, and I never once said all of you had to do what I said. You just assume that because I disagree, I must be pushing my views on you. What a childish view of the world.

    I never said anyone shouldn't live the way they want because they should (including me), I simply said I don't agree with it. THAT. IS. LIFE.

    Anyway, we all know this will turn into a ***** fest of people ganging up on someone who doesn't happen to like everything you do, so I've said my piece for tonight.
    Problem is the suggestion that a woman is a *kitten* due to preference. I can have had more sexual partner that I can count on my fingers and toes ( which I haven't) and wear practically nothing. Still not a *kitten*.
  • FitandFab33
    FitandFab33 Posts: 718 Member
    I still dont think it's fair that the BF can walk around without a shirt on and I have to wear one. It's damn hot and the girls like to breathe. For that matter, how come we have to wear clothes at all? I find them all constricting. I'd be happy in flip flops and sun screen. All though it would take about of gallon of sun screen to cover this white mess.

    Topless is absolutely legal in Texas. Just saying.

    Man.. I miss Texas.

    I better put in a disclaimer: No I don't run around topless, even in Texas... though it is entirely my RIGHT to, if I so choose.
  • Shr3dded
    Shr3dded Posts: 232
  • hagofnaedre
    hagofnaedre Posts: 30 Member
    C'mon guys. A *kitten* or slut is just someone that gets laid more than you do :flowerforyou:
  • salladeve
    salladeve Posts: 1,053 Member
    I see once again I come in on a conversation that has been going on for a while and I missed it :angry:

    So my question is, what is it saying about a person when she wears PJ pants to the store? Is she asking to be taken to bed...... or is she just too tired to get dressed????
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    I still dont think it's fair that the BF can walk around without a shirt on and I have to wear one. It's damn hot and the girls like to breathe. For that matter, how come we have to wear clothes at all? I find them all constricting. I'd be happy in flip flops and sun screen. All though it would take about of gallon of sun screen to cover this white mess.

    Topless is absolutely legal in Texas. Just saying.

    Man.. I miss Texas.

    I better put in a disclaimer: No I don't run around topless, even in Texas... though it is entirely my RIGHT to, if I so choose.

    Thats awesome how come you dont see women take advantage of it? Walking around Houston wthen it's a million degrees wearing nothing but shorts.
  • emmalouc93
    emmalouc93 Posts: 328 Member

    Problem is the suggestion that a woman is a *kitten* due to preference. I can have had more sexual partner that I can count on my fingers and toes ( which I haven't) and wear practically nothing. Still not a *kitten*.

    Exactly. Of course you are not one. So why would you choose to DRESS like one?

    You can't dress a certain way THEN complain that people perceive you by what that look represents.

    Everyone judges others by appearance in some way, even you.

    Why would you WANT to show your body off to the world? And don't just reply, because it's my choice, or because I want to. WHY do you want to? It's degrading to yourself.
  • I see once again I come in on a conversation that has been going on for a while and I missed it :angry:

    So my question is, what is it saying about a person when she wears PJ pants to the store? Is she asking to be taken to bed...... or is she just too tired to get dressed????

    I like you. You get hugs and drinks from me. :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • hauntao
    hauntao Posts: 130 Member
    I see once again I come in on a conversation that has been going on for a while and I missed it :angry:

    So my question is, what is it saying about a person when she wears PJ pants to the store? Is she asking to be taken to bed...... or is she just too tired to get dressed????

    Or does she just love flannel and PJ's? Hahaha. I used to wear mine to high school for like 2 years.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    I still dont think it's fair that the BF can walk around without a shirt on and I have to wear one. It's damn hot and the girls like to breathe. For that matter, how come we have to wear clothes at all? I find them all constricting. I'd be happy in flip flops and sun screen. All though it would take about of gallon of sun screen to cover this white mess.

    Isn't it legal in New York? I read that somewhere!

    IDK might be too cold there
  • emmalouc93
    emmalouc93 Posts: 328 Member
    C'mon guys. A *kitten* or slut is just someone that gets laid more than you do :flowerforyou:

    I was waiting for that gem ;)

    Typical mentality of people of the internet, anyone that doesn't agree with sleeping around/or at least looking like you do must equal never getting laid. Please grow up.

    Anyone that wears pyjamas outside the house IS lazy. Everyone is tired in the morning, what makes you so special that you don't have to bother putting clothes on?

    You are calling me sexist, while praising men that objectify women.

    Oh, how you make me laugh.
  • Shr3dded
    Shr3dded Posts: 232
    I see once again I come in on a conversation that has been going on for a while and I missed it :angry:

    So my question is, what is it saying about a person when she wears PJ pants to the store? Is she asking to be taken to bed...... or is she just too tired to get dressed????

    Yes, if she got a nice booty.

  • Shr3dded
    Shr3dded Posts: 232
    C'mon guys. A *kitten* or slut is just someone that gets laid more than you do :flowerforyou:

    I was waiting for that gem ;)

    Typical mentality of people of the internet, anyone that doesn't agree with sleeping around/or at least looking like you do must equal never getting laid. Please grow up.

    Anyone that wears pyjamas outside the house IS lazy. Everyone is tired in the morning, what makes you so special that you don't have to bother putting clothes on?

    I think its cute.
  • hauntao
    hauntao Posts: 130 Member

    Problem is the suggestion that a woman is a *kitten* due to preference. I can have had more sexual partner that I can count on my fingers and toes ( which I haven't) and wear practically nothing. Still not a *kitten*.

    Exactly. Of course you are not one. So why would you choose to DRESS like one?

    You can't dress a certain way THEN complain that people perceive you by what that look represents.

    Everyone judges others by appearance in some way, even you.

    Why would you WANT to show your body off to the world? And don't just reply, because it's my choice, or because I want to. WHY do you want to? It's degrading to yourself.

    "Everyone judges others by appearance in some way, even you."

    Uh, no, everyone doesn't. I assume nothing about a person based on their physical appearance. You know what cured me of that? Being WRONG about a person a lot. You can never know what someone wants or how they want to be perceived based on how they dress.