

  • Welcome lady!
  • Hey there! Mom of 1 here, I really kicked myself into gear for this year too, you can do it! I find my toddler really likes to "exercise" with me, we have a lot of fun with it, and it's *really* helped motivate me. You can easily break up your exercise into shorter intervals- that's how I do it, anyway. Good luck! :)
  • I get pains quite a bit when working my wrists, knees, and shoulders. I find that yoga helps, but if it's severe you probably want to consult a doctor and make sure you don't have something "serious" like arthritis or joint damage or something.
  • My highest weight was 278 right after I had my daughter. I'm down to 234 last time I weighed myself a few weeks ago. It's tough! I only recently got the courage to go to fitness classes because I'm so embarrassed to be the only big girl in the room. That was my biggest hurdle, getting over the embarrassment and teaching…
  • Thanks, everyone, and especially McKenzie. It's hard but I'll get there. Pants are really, really tough to buy because of the wierd size differences brand to brand, and DEB is a juniors store. I suppose since my body has changed since having a baby it just won't work with juniors cuts as well. I think I'll avoid shopping…
  • I thought so, I just wasn't sure. I'm trying to lose real weight so I guess it's not for me.
  • No as far as I can tell from the walmart website, it's like a neoprene sweatband sort of thing you can wrap around your waist or a target area to make it sweat more during your workout
  • WOW, Thanks guys! So much support!! I can already tell this community will make this much easier. I'll sign up for a fitness class in the near future, I think.