panano Member


  • I'm no expert, but it sounds like your body has shifted into starvation mode, and I'm sure that has been mentioned above. The problem is when you eat less than 1200 cals a day, your body begins to shut down, because it thinks it's starving. Any extra food it DOES get, it stores away immediately because it doesn't know when…
  • I went through the same problem. 1 pound a month pace, totally not what I had imagined when I started the journey. But I kept soldiering on, and I adjusted my "diet" and now things are going great! It's not magic, it's science. Find what works for you and your body, and the weight will come off. Remember why you started,…
  • Beautiful! Before and after! Congrats on your fabulous progress!
  • An oversized tshirt and panties! I hate wearing pants or shorts to bed it's just too hot O.o
  • I'm probably super late, but I'm on day 5 (well I will do day 5 workout today) and I'm looking for motivational buddies as well!
  • It's just the same as having to have big boobs to work at hooters, or needing to be skinny to be a vs model - it's all about image. They don't sell clothes for people over size 10 because they don't want other people to see "fat" people in their clothes, and associate their company with fat people. I never shopped there,…
    in Outraged! Comment by panano May 2013
  • Peanut butter is really just peanut flavored butter... ...say what?!
  • Not a good idea - those kinds of foods slows down your metabolism, which of course means you won't burn as many calories as you usually do during the day. I did, however do that ONCE and vowed to never do it again. I felt sick, and was terribly bloated after and gained a bunch of water weight that took forever to get rid…
  • As a kid I was rarely allowed soda's, or fast food - only on special occasions, like birthdays. But as soon as I got older and had money and a car and friends that could drive, I just went nuts on the stuff. Also, had a friend my brother and I'd go over to his house twice a week for homework and his mom made the most…
  • Maybe 1 month ago?
  • It does make a difference - taking it before a workout isn't beneficial to your body. Yes, you got the protein in there, but the protein is supposed to help you build muscles. (Don't worry, you're not going to look like a woman body builder) Take some after your workout, it'll help your muscles recover faster. I'm starting…
  • Yes she is projecting. I have a friend that is exactly like that. I think they both think that it's impossible for them to lose weight, so they don't even want to try. Neither of them are happy about how much they weigh, but they act like they are just to make themselves feel better about it. I try and lead by example. Any…
  • Yes! Made a typo, I am also 4'10...last doctor visit said I was 4'9", I made them remeasure...surely I couldn't have been shrinking! Anyway...yes even a few pounds is so noticeable. Not fair!
  • awwhh love ya girl <3
  • Ohhh noo. No. When I go to the gym, I'm there to workout. I'm there to sweat. I'm there to have some me time.... Honestly when guys come over and try to flirt with me while I'm working out, it pisses me off! I'm not there to play games. I'm there to work.!
  • Used to, don't anymore. Any kind of fluctuation disappears in a matter of days, and I just find it to discouraging to log it..
  • Probably my favorite website ever. They have the best videos and the best workouts. And all for freeee. I like how they have workouts that range from 5 minutes to 90 minutes. They've really got it all. And their estimates on how many calories you burned are almost completely spot on.
  • "I want to spot tone" "I'm doing this diet to lose 10 pounds in a week" "So how long are you going to keep up with your 'diet?' " "Girls shouldn't lift, or they'll become to bulky"
  • :indifferent: :ohwell: :grumble: :yawn:
  • I don't get light headed if I don't eat (thank goodness)...the one thing I absolutely have to do is drink 16 oz. of water before I go, otherwise I feel like I'm going to throw up. But, I'm not hungry before I work out, and I'm starving after! I guess that just works best for me! ...the other thing I thought about is that…
  • I'm Lilly and I'm a recovering junk food eater! (Those 100 calorie snack packs have got me in their grasp though, need to get away from that) I understand exactly what you mean as far as the broke college student front. However, most of my money is spent on lettuce, bread, NON processed meats, and soups! (Progresso light…
  • Start strength training now! Here's what most women don't realize is that they'll lose the weight they want but they'll be "skinny fat" and try to tone up. But, if they're lifting weights while trying to lose weight, they won't need that extra step in the end. What WILL happen is you'll build up muscle, and you won't…
  • I don't think that's what she meant. Most women/men that are overweight are not taking any means to change it. Most people that are overweight don't exercise, or eat right. It was not meant to be offensive. Obviously, if we're on this site, we're taking steps to lose weight and eat right and be healthy. And on the…
  • I never thought of it! I think I will continue to eat the foods I'm eating now, just more of them! There's nothing I'm not already eating. I have cookies, cake, ice cream, pizza ect. Only the trick is moderation. The thing about food is that EVERYTHING is okay in moderation! I believe in 80% diet and exercise, 20%…
  • I'm looking to lose the last 30, I'm already down 25!
  • Triggers: Stress/weight gain (ironic,no?) Binge period lasts: 1-2 days Binge food: Literally anything I can find Fasting afterwards: 1-2 days
  • Plano!
  • I honestly think you'd have to wait and see what you think when you do reach 150. It's a good goal, especially for coming as far as you have! Congratulations on your progress, that's truly amazing! Just keep going until 150, see what you think! If you're happy, stay, if there's more to be desired, keep going :) I've seen…
  • I would set it aside as money for all the clothes I would buy once I got to my goal weight! :)