Picking up women at the gym?



  • 7bel0
    7bel0 Posts: 192 Member
    How to meet women:

    Hi, my name is <insert name here>.

    what this guy said!
    Be yourself. Be confident. End of story.
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    Just break up.

  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    How to meet women:

    Hi, my name is <insert name here>.

  • groovylittlerockstar
    groovylittlerockstar Posts: 11 Member
    awesome! :drinker:
  • KynnyG
    KynnyG Posts: 16
    Uhmmm... How about not? I always get REALLY creeped out by guys at the gym. It's gotten to the point where I stopped going. I wouldn't reccommend it.
  • cpudoc64
    cpudoc64 Posts: 135
    Do women REALLY want to be hit on at the gym? Guys may think they do but do they...really?
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    Ask permission first then gently lift with your knees not your back. Only a few inches off the ground is needed also so as not to induce a scream. Try to choose a subject that's relatively light too.

    EDITED because it's weird the person right before me said the same thing. I'm lame :(

    Aw. :frown: yours was funny, too. :flowerforyou:
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    Learn my name then shout it as you lift.


    Added benefit: anytime you do this, the girl in question will come running over to you.

    You are all going about this all wrong with "trying" to impress her. They have all seen these tricks before.

    My suggestion is reverse psychology. Walk around where she is lifting, try to do in during or just after a set so she is breathing REALLY heavy. As you walk around, crop dust the whole area. The louder the better.

    As you walk away, without looking say "There's more where that came from........"

    Melt like butter. 60% of the time, it works everytime.

    LOL!! Sshhhh my kids are tryin to sleep.

    You're so strong, but odor isn't everything.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    I usually just walk up, say "hay guh, I seent you 'mirin" then we go have sex in the sauna.

    This guy.
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    Be sure to do unnecessarily deep lunges in loosely fitting running shorts next to the ellipticals. You should also reek of b.o. covered up by Lectric Shave. *swoon*
  • gerard54
    gerard54 Posts: 1,107 Member
    Just look better than everyone else make eye contact then act like you dont see her, if she works out near u, game on haha...
  • panano
    panano Posts: 62 Member
    Ohhh noo. No.

    When I go to the gym, I'm there to workout. I'm there to sweat. I'm there to have some me time....

    Honestly when guys come over and try to flirt with me while I'm working out, it pisses me off!

    I'm not there to play games. I'm there to work.!
  • dcuevas6235
    dcuevas6235 Posts: 135
    Use your tube socks to bulge out your groin area. Then once you got a good mamba situation going down there, do a lunge stretch in her face while she's trying to do crunches. That usually seals the deal.
  • rm7161
    rm7161 Posts: 505
    What are some creative ways to do this?

    I've already corrected them on their form and stared at them for a really long time in hopes that they would come and talk to me.

    I was hoping others might have some suggestions . . . .

    Not all women are there to be picked up. They are all there to exercise. It is not a pickup joint.

    If you meet a woman you happen to like, just be friendly, say hello, strike up a conversation.

    Don't get in her way while working out. If she finds you interesting, you'll know soon enough. It's also just as possible she's not interested in dating anyone and won't reciprocate. Move along if that is the case... and it is going to be the case for a whole lot of women.
  • TrueBlueBruin78
    TrueBlueBruin78 Posts: 311 Member
    So much win in this thread.

    Have to agree. This is priceless!
  • TrueBlueBruin78
    TrueBlueBruin78 Posts: 311 Member
    Yes.... to put on the leg press machine when i can no longer fit anymore plates on the machine.
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    If you're going to pickup women at the Gym remember to lift with your knee's. :bigsmile:
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    Ask them to spot you for some 5 lb squats.
  • bluecrayonz
    bluecrayonz Posts: 459 Member
    its a process....first compliment us on how much were lifting or how long we ran for etc and u can add in sweetie after and smile. Now ur officially acquaintances and can smile and say hi the next time u pass each other...then u can say how r u and make small talk the next time..."btw i never got your name" etc
  • skintimate32
    Grunt really loudly as you lift weights. This will catch their attention, and when they see how much you're lifting, they'll be frothy at the lady place...

    HAHAHAHAHA "frothy" lmao!