Picking up women at the gym?



  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Why do men have to be freakin sick? I go to the gym to workout. Not get hit on or to meet men. Nothing grossed me put more than when I'm busy doing something like working out or shopping for food and some pathetic low life thinks picking up a woman at a gym or grocery store is appropriate.

    Agreed. Not all women are wanting to be hit on. Women are capable of exercising, having careers, having goals, etc. Men creeping on them is just degrading and disrespectful.

    The OP is specifically asking how he can NOT come off as creepy. Maybe help him out with that because he is trying to be considerate of women. If you don't want someone hitting on you and they were polite about it, be polite in return. Surely you can be polite while turning someone down?

    I only read his original post. I don't see anything about not coming off as creepy. I don't have time to read all of his additional posts. I still find the topic degrading.

    It's a joke. He knows it's stupid. That's why he posted it... most of the responses indicate that most of the people here also get it is a joke. The sad part is, some people really think like this :( But we're making fun of those idiots!!!!

    So lighten up! And join the fun!


    This is why sexism still exists. People find it funny to degrade women.

    We didn't laugh because women are being degraded, we are laughing because people actually think he is serious and are giving serious answers..... that first post could have been written by a woman and the responses would have been the same....

    Sheesh....breathe in and relax. And don't fight my liberties for me...or my rights
    lol yeah tabinmaine, stop being so sexist against yourself lol. I wouldn't bother replying. You know it's just going to escalate.

    Anyway after seeing this argument I stick by my original post but assure everyone I don't think liking someone and wanting to do something about it is degrading lol.
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    Why do men have to be freakin sick? I go to the gym to workout. Not get hit on or to meet men. Nothing grossed me put more than when I'm busy doing something like working out or shopping for food and some pathetic low life thinks picking up a woman at a gym or grocery store is appropriate.

    Agreed. Not all women are wanting to be hit on. Women are capable of exercising, having careers, having goals, etc. Men creeping on them is just degrading and disrespectful.

    The OP is specifically asking how he can NOT come off as creepy. Maybe help him out with that because he is trying to be considerate of women. If you don't want someone hitting on you and they were polite about it, be polite in return. Surely you can be polite while turning someone down?

    I only read his original post. I don't see anything about not coming off as creepy. I don't have time to read all of his additional posts. I still find the topic degrading.

    It's a joke. He knows it's stupid. That's why he posted it... most of the responses indicate that most of the people here also get it is a joke. The sad part is, some people really think like this :( But we're making fun of those idiots!!!!

    So lighten up! And join the fun!


    This is why sexism still exists. People find it funny to degrade women.

    And of men too but nodody seems to care about that.

    I care about that. A lot.

    I *hate* sexism with a passion...how it affects girls AND boys. Women AND men (and everyone else too!)....

    to think that sexism still exists because someone posted a patently obviously sarcastic post about what stupid dudes do in the gym is NOT the reason sexism still exists. This is part of being critical about sexism.
  • SweetestLibby
    SweetestLibby Posts: 607 Member
    Pelvic thrusts in her direction will do it.

    GOOD! But only one or two at a time. Once she thinks she imagined it, you can do it again. It is a good way to keep a woman off-balance, which is crucial to getting her to fall for you.

    Actually the M&M LMFAO wiggle dance does it for me! omgeee seriously. a guy that can dance like that can definitely have my number.
  • homerjspartan
    homerjspartan Posts: 1,893 Member
    I heard that if you look in the mirror at girls and do curls, make sure you kiss your bicep with each curl. To let them know you are powerful, but sensitive.
    Second, I find that commenting on how good their hair smells is a sure fire way.

    Wow, this is really insightful. I like this advice a lot, OP.

    Just be careful how you go about smelling her hair....

  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    Are you guys trying to say "sexiest" or "sexist"? I think that women conforming to their appropriate gender role is indeed, the sexiest.

    With love,
  • homerjspartan
    homerjspartan Posts: 1,893 Member
    And of men too but nodody seems to care about that.

    Thread is titled "Picking up women at the gym?" Not men.

    Picking up men at the gym?

    1. arrive at gym
    2. grab closest guy and leave
    3. repeat as needed
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    Why do men have to be freakin sick? I go to the gym to workout. Not get hit on or to meet men. Nothing grossed me put more than when I'm busy doing something like working out or shopping for food and some pathetic low life thinks picking up a woman at a gym or grocery store is appropriate.

    Agreed. Not all women are wanting to be hit on. Women are capable of exercising, having careers, having goals, etc. Men creeping on them is just degrading and disrespectful.

    The OP is specifically asking how he can NOT come off as creepy. Maybe help him out with that because he is trying to be considerate of women. If you don't want someone hitting on you and they were polite about it, be polite in return. Surely you can be polite while turning someone down?

    I only read his original post. I don't see anything about not coming off as creepy. I don't have time to read all of his additional posts. I still find the topic degrading.

    It's a joke. He knows it's stupid. That's why he posted it... most of the responses indicate that most of the people here also get it is a joke. The sad part is, some people really think like this :( But we're making fun of those idiots!!!!

    So lighten up! And join the fun!


    This is why sexism still exists. People find it funny to degrade women.

    And of men too but nodody seems to care about that.

    I care about that. A lot.

    I *hate* sexism with a passion...how it affects girls AND boys. Women AND men (and everyone else too!)....

    to think that sexism still exists because someone posted a patently obviously sarcastic post about what stupid dudes do in the gym is NOT the reason sexism still exists. This is part of being critical about sexism.

    Best answer.
  • NicoleisQuantized
    NicoleisQuantized Posts: 344 Member
    Why do men have to be freakin sick? I go to the gym to workout. Not get hit on or to meet men. Nothing grossed me put more than when I'm busy doing something like working out or shopping for food and some pathetic low life thinks picking up a woman at a gym or grocery store is appropriate.

    Agreed. Not all women are wanting to be hit on. Women are capable of exercising, having careers, having goals, etc. Men creeping on them is just degrading and disrespectful.

    The OP is specifically asking how he can NOT come off as creepy. Maybe help him out with that because he is trying to be considerate of women. If you don't want someone hitting on you and they were polite about it, be polite in return. Surely you can be polite while turning someone down?

    I only read his original post. I don't see anything about not coming off as creepy. I don't have time to read all of his additional posts. I still find the topic degrading.

    I, like you, am "capable of exercising, having careers, having goals, etc". I am also capable of resisting the advances of men, in whatever setting, if I am not interested.

    I should add that on one occasion a guy tried to help me lift 45 lb weights onto my olympic bar when I was doing dead-lifts. Seriously. Guys, DO NOT do that. EVER. It was an automatic failure on his part.
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    Why do men have to be freakin sick? I go to the gym to workout. Not get hit on or to meet men. Nothing grossed me put more than when I'm busy doing something like working out or shopping for food and some pathetic low life thinks picking up a woman at a gym or grocery store is appropriate.

    Agreed. Not all women are wanting to be hit on. Women are capable of exercising, having careers, having goals, etc. Men creeping on them is just degrading and disrespectful.

    The OP is specifically asking how he can NOT come off as creepy. Maybe help him out with that because he is trying to be considerate of women. If you don't want someone hitting on you and they were polite about it, be polite in return. Surely you can be polite while turning someone down?

    I only read his original post. I don't see anything about not coming off as creepy. I don't have time to read all of his additional posts. I still find the topic degrading.

    I, like you, am "capable of exercising, having careers, having goals, etc". I am also capable of resisting the advances of men, in whatever setting, if I am not interested.

    I should add that on one occasion a guy tried to help me lift 45 lb weights onto my olympic bar when I was doing dead-lifts. Seriously. Guys, DO NOT do that. EVER. It was an automatic failure on his part.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Lt_Starbuck
    Lt_Starbuck Posts: 576 Member

    true story
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    Why do men have to be freakin sick? I go to the gym to workout. Not get hit on or to meet men. Nothing grossed me put more than when I'm busy doing something like working out or shopping for food and some pathetic low life thinks picking up a woman at a gym or grocery store is appropriate.

    Agreed. Not all women are wanting to be hit on. Women are capable of exercising, having careers, having goals, etc. Men creeping on them is just degrading and disrespectful.

    The OP is specifically asking how he can NOT come off as creepy. Maybe help him out with that because he is trying to be considerate of women. If you don't want someone hitting on you and they were polite about it, be polite in return. Surely you can be polite while turning someone down?

    I only read his original post. I don't see anything about not coming off as creepy. I don't have time to read all of his additional posts. I still find the topic degrading.

    It's a joke. He knows it's stupid. That's why he posted it... most of the responses indicate that most of the people here also get it is a joke. The sad part is, some people really think like this :( But we're making fun of those idiots!!!!

    So lighten up! And join the fun!


    This is why sexism still exists. People find it funny to degrade women.

    And of men too but nodody seems to care about that.

    QFT. Number one pet peeve.


    Same woman: "Mmmmm I would climb that boy like a tree."

  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Hey like I said everone.

    I wasn't trying to offend.

    There was thread on here the other day about a girl with a crush on a guy at the gym and she got a load of people giving her support and giving her different ways to approach him.

    Now I'm being called sexist lol
  • upgetupgetup
    upgetupgetup Posts: 749 Member
    Don't be afraid of using your hands to correct any subtle imbalances you see. It's helpful, and women love being touched! They might say they don't, but it's just to make you prove your intention by working harder.
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    Are you guys trying to say "sexiest" or "sexist"? I think that women conforming to their appropriate gender role is indeed, the sexiest.

    With love,

    Well, if the conversation is going to be about what we personally find sexy in the opposite sex, then I have to say long hair, dreads, and a sweet smile. Oh, also, I have a thing for critical thinking skills.
  • aaronlawrenc
    aaronlawrenc Posts: 666 Member
    Why do men have to be freakin sick? I go to the gym to workout. Not get hit on or to meet men. Nothing grossed me put more than when I'm busy doing something like working out or shopping for food and some pathetic low life thinks picking up a woman at a gym or grocery store is appropriate.

    Agreed. Not all women are wanting to be hit on. Women are capable of exercising, having careers, having goals, etc. Men creeping on them is just degrading and disrespectful.

    The OP is specifically asking how he can NOT come off as creepy. Maybe help him out with that because he is trying to be considerate of women. If you don't want someone hitting on you and they were polite about it, be polite in return. Surely you can be polite while turning someone down?

    I only read his original post. I don't see anything about not coming off as creepy. I don't have time to read all of his additional posts. I still find the topic degrading.

    So... not taking the time to read something, getting the wrong idea, and judging someone because of it is okay.

    Sounds legit.

    anyone who says degrading, is not cool in my book. try this' "GET OVER IT"....and yes, my book is awesome.
  • _zombiegirl_
    _zombiegirl_ Posts: 79 Member
    Wear the shortest shorts you can find. Wait until she's on the ground doing situps, then stand directly in front of her, facing the opposite direction, and do squats as she's coming up. HOTTTTTTTT!!! I imagine this would also work if said woman were on a rowing machine.
  • deja_blu
    deja_blu Posts: 359 Member
    Form is absolutely important in these delicate situations.

    When picking up women over 90lbs, remember to lift with your legs.

    My mind is all over the place now................:blushing:
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I care about that. A lot.

    I *hate* sexism with a passion...how it affects girls AND boys. Women AND men (and everyone else too!)....

    to think that sexism still exists because someone posted a patently obviously sarcastic post about what stupid dudes do in the gym is NOT the reason sexism still exists. This is part of being critical about sexism.
    ^Thank God there are people like you that can still be sensible. It's unfortunate that most times I see anything about sexism it's by someone who has no sense of humor. For sure it exists. But humor shouldn't have to stop existing for it to go away. The key is what the persons intent is if you ask me.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    Well, if the conversation is going to be about what we personally find sexy in the opposite sex, then I have to say long hair, dreads, and a sweet smile. Oh, also, I have a thing for critical thinking skills.

    No wonder you like critical thinking, you're so mean. I like optimistic thinking! It's the best!

    With love,
  • likeschocolate
    likeschocolate Posts: 368 Member
    This is why sexism still exists. People find it funny to degrade women.

    OP (and replies) are actually laughing at the stupidity of picking up women or being ungentlemanly while striking up a conversation.

    The target of the joke is men (i.e., men are being poked fun at, not women).

    At least that's how I saw it. Did you see it differently?