tekiegirl Member


  • I have read recently about how sex hormones affect how your cells react to insulin, and so getting older and contraception affect how we store fat (we store more!). Your oestrogen affects how much glucose is taken into your fat cells and how much is released. This is why women put on fat during pregnancy (usually around…
  • Another good source of sugar info: http://modernhealthmonk.com/natural-sweeteners-sugar-myth/ Honey is high is fructose :( bad for weight loss!
  • When I fist came on MFP I didn't exercise that much, but over the past 6 or so months I have been exercising a lot - about 5 times per week, 200kcal + per session. I did lose a lot of weight to begin with, varying each week and sometimes stalling, but over the past couple of months my weight loss has ground to a halt. The…
  • Apparently dark chocolate (70%+ cocoa) is supposed to suppress your appetite. I have tried it recently and I think it works, but it might just be a placebo effect. Try one square of Lindt, or any other brand chocolate, when you get hungry. It will satisfy your chocolate craving for only around 50 calories (I couldn't eat…
  • My boyfriend is 6'5" and about 150lb. He is very lean, but he does have some muscle. He has a 31-32" waist. According to his BMI he is at the lower end of healthy. He eats so much and struggles to gain any weight at all. It's very rude ;) Hope this helps :)
  • I recommend Davina McCall if you aren't feeling motivated. She is a bit quirky but I really enjoy her workouts. Loads to choose from too! I really like Davina Fit and Super Body Workout at the moment. I also recommend Jillian Michaels for calorie burning. She is much harsher than Davina, but she is still very motivating…
  • If you have an Android phone there are apps like Endomondo that will track your distance using GPS. It gives an estimate of calories but I find it is way too high, so you need an HRM for that. There are probably iPhone apps too. I have an FT7 so I can recommend the Polar range :)
  • Sounds interesting. I shall take a look...
  • Thinking about it, the same thing has happen for me. I didn't even realise! :D
  • You look great! I think the way to motivate yourself to not balloon again to to throw out (donate to charity) all of your clothes that are now too big. That way you have nothing to wear if you put on weight! :D
  • I went through my wardrobe yesterday and threw away four pairs of trousers, a suit, two dresses and a cardigan. I still need to go through all my jumpers and cardigans - that is tonight's job! Getting rid of clothes that are too big is a great feeling. I am going clothes shopping after work today as a treat! I have also…
  • Count me in too :) I am stuck at the moment and need some motivation! 20lb or 9kg does seem a little daunting though... I have lost 26lb since January so it would be much faster weight loss. Isn't slower better? I might set my target at 10lb...
  • As PBJunkie says, there is a button on everyone's profile page so you can add them as a friend. You can click on my user name or picture and add me if you would like :)
  • Berries are full of good things, so they would be a great thing to snack on. I particularly like blueberries, strawberries and blackberries. They aren't particularly high in calories (strawberries are about 32 cals per 100g), but very good for you and it's easy to eat lots :o)
  • I got these jeans from Sainsbury's :o) I find they are quite good for clothes, especially on price. These cost £20, and I think all the others did too. They have quite a few styles. I knew I was a size 14 in dresses, as I have acquired quite a few in the last 6 months (You wouldn't have caught me in a dress before losing…
  • Hi, I suffer from the same thing. My solution is to only buy low calorie snacks. If I pig out on low fat Activia yoghurts (70 calories each) and mini meringues (19 calories each) I don't consume too many extra calories! :o)
  • Sounds great, good luck! I'd talk to your doctor about the best ways to get your body ready :o)
  • We tend to buy lean minced beef if we do buy it and then make a bolognese with loads of veg in it. Then we have it with wholegrain pasta or spaghetti. Vegie versions of minced beef are a lot better fat and calorie wise. In the UK I like the Morrison's own brand, but Quorn and the other supermarkets also do it. I don't…
  • I find that proteins fill me up well, so eggs, chicken, turkey, low fat cheese, low fat yoghurt, or vegie alternatives to meat (soy protein) would be good. Also soup is quite filling. I also find that rice cakes are quite filling, and very low calorie :o) At the moment my lunch usually consists of rice cakes, a little…
  • I would agree with WeightWars about the fact that you are gaining muscle - you even said it yourself. Muscle weighs more than fat so you can actually put on weight before starting to lose. Some of my favourite workouts at the moment are by Jillian Michaels. You might want to try her No More Trouble Zones as it targets love…
  • I quite like my Davina DVD (My Three 30 Minute Workouts), it has three 30 minute workouts on it. She suggests you do all three in a week. I bought it a long time ago, but it still seems to be available on Amazon. I also completed 30 day shred which is great! I did it in 34 days (4 days off) and the biggest difference was…
  • I don' think you need to completely change form one to the other. Strength training helps you to burn fat. People who want to build muscle eat/drink loads of protein after working out to build their muscles. I found this very interesting study on weight loss and weight training in the American Journal of Clinical…
  • Well done! I will be there in a few kg, about 4kg to go to being overweight! :D
    in Great NSV Comment by tekiegirl May 2011
  • Can't wait to get there myself! :o) I am getting close, they no longer rub uncomfortably! Just a little...
  • When I do jumping jacks in my workout DVDs I usually burn about 4-5 calories per 30 seconds, doing them fairly vigorously. They're great for getting you going before a workout :o)
  • I'm not sure what their sugar content is, but Superdrug do their own version of Slimfast shakes and they are much cheaper :o) Other shops or supermarkets probably do their own version too.
  • I had exactly your problem, I didn't lose for about 3 weeks and then gained on holiday, but I have now lost 2.5kg (5.5lb) in 10 days! :o) I have two other tips, alongside Carek99's: 1. Get a Heart Rate Monitor and use it to record your calories burned. I discovered that this site and my exercise bike were grossly…
    in hit a wall Comment by tekiegirl May 2011
  • I had a similar problem when visiting my parents in Spain. I had completely changed my eating habits from the last time I saw them and when I visited they had loads of cheese and sweet things for me. Argh! I put weight on the first time I visited, but I let them know what foods I was now avoiding and dropped hints about…
  • I would suggest resting the muscles you are exercising for a day. Try an alternating day routine so you work different muscles every other day. Also you should only do static stretching as a cool down, so do them afterwards. To warm up you need to move the muscles, e.g. stretching the arms back and then pulling them…
  • I resisted a fry-up this morning. Normally my Friday morning treat is a bacon roll and a couple of hash browns, which I work off on my bike. I think the biggest factor was that fact that this week is the first week I haven't lost any weight, and in fact I have gained 0.4lb/200g! Ouch...
    in Food nsv Comment by tekiegirl April 2011