

  • Hiya, Yes we're all here for you and going through our journeys together so feel free to join me and we can help each other! Lulu x
  • Hiya, I'm in the UK too so you're not all over, but live in London. Join me if that helps! Lulu x
  • Hiya, Wow you've had alot to deal with and also some amazing successes! I've had my struggles with yoyo diets and weight gain and loss....mainly gaining. I used to be a competitive cyclist and throughout the discipline of racing and training, always had problems with binge eating, mainly savoury snacks, not chocolate, but…
  • Hi, It does seem to get easier as time goes on, i've found through making friends on here they have really helped increase my confidence and meant I have got out there and tried new things.....Good luck with your goals, feel free to join me as a friend and here's to putting those insecurities behind us all as the year goes…
  • Hi everyone, Wifi can be expensive in certain areas, I travel alot and have a little calorie counter book that helps....all I do is log my updates when I can. Any good book shop with have them, it's my little support while i'm away and keeps me on healthy snacks rather than the easy option of fast food at hotels and…
  • Hi, I'm so with you on the stress eating.....I start when i'm over run with work! This site is a great support and motivator to keep going and having friends on here really helps to lessen the binge has worked for me! Good luck with your target, you sound very motivated and we're all here for you....feel free…
  • Congratulations on your 30th lb!!! You are so motivated and a great inspiration to keep going! Lulu x
  • Hi, Wow you all seem very well prepared, I'm just starting and normally a cyclist so this is all new to me. I'll definitely check out that website for training tips, so thank you, but i'm only running for about 15-20 mins at the moment so a long way to go! What do you think, do I have time to get in shape? Lulu
  • Hi, Feel free to add me as a friend, I'm training for a 10k in July......and not a runner so it's all new to me too! Hope I can add some encouragement and support for you! Lulu x
  • Hi Willona and welcome, this is a great site with loads of support so you are not alone! Not sure if this is something that would help, but alongside the swimming have you thought about easing into the exercise before your breast reduction by starting with Chairobics (not sure I've spelt that right) but I saw it on the TV…
  • Hiya, Welcome to the site! I think we all have similar struggles from one day to the next. I've been on the site just over a month and made some great pals, so have no doubt you will too. Good luck with your goals and feel free to add me...we can struggle through together! Lulu
  • Hi and Welcome! This is a great site for support and encouragement so feel free to add me. Lulu x
  • Hiya and Welcome, It takes a while to settle into it, so don't worry about it, I have off days where I snack or go over and I just promise to do better the next day! Feel free to add me and good luck with your goals! Lulu x
  • Hi there and Welcome! I know what you mean about the binge eating on nice tasting things....I tend to do the same on some days! this site is great for motivation, new ideas and helping keep you going to achieve your stick with it and have fun too! Feel free to add me. Lulu x
  • Welcome and good luck! Feel free to join me as a friend to join in and get support! :smile:
  • Hey everyone, Thank you to all of your support messages, you're all an inspiration to keep going! If we haven't already, feel free to add me as a friend, and I look forward to reporting back with some positive results.....Soon!!!!! Lulu x
  • I agree with some of the other comments, one or the other! I haven't used Diet chef so can't comment on there process, but I use this site more for generally keeping track of my progress and hugely for support and general ideas to keep me motivated. Good luck and feel free to join me as a friend if you need anything!
  • You're not wrong, it isn't easy, and as much as I thought I would hate this kind of does make a difference, it keeps me motivated to get out and exercise rather than lay in before work! Good luck!
  • Hi, i joined in December as I knew I would put weight on in December and then be rubbish at controlling my eating and exercise throughout the start of the year. The site is a great support and has given me new energy to keep going! Good luck everyone!
  • Hey thanks and yes definitely in need of fitness pals to help me on my way to get fitter and lose weight!
  • Thanks everyone, it's been tough today as I don't feel well haven't been for my usual swim today, so got to the point of entertaining all the bad things.....I like the idea of a lean chilli, will do that and I think one small glass of wine won't be too bad, may help me feel a little better. Thanks again…