Hello, I am new looking to give and receive support

Last year I lost 30 lbs, but gained back ten. I realize the importance of surrounding myself with people who have similar goals and who have also accomplished what I am trying to do.

I have been wanting to get in shape for some time, but had not been having very many results. I got married about 6 months ago, and just let my goals go to the way side while I focused on my new life/responsibilities.

I saw a picture of me that was taken on March 22 and that was when I decided that I have had enough of not thinking about myself and working towards health. So, here I am and I am moving forward. I did not use this site before, so I am hoping to be able to have the support I need.

Many people around me tell me that I cannot do it, that I do not need to change, and then will try to offer things that are going to take my away from my goals. I am determined to succeed this time, and so that is why I am here.


  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    First of all, congrats on losing 30 lbs last year. It is hard to maintain it. You are lucky you only gained 10 back. You can sooooooo do this! You have found the right place for tools and support that will help you succeed. I wish you well...feel free to add me!
  • CharityAngel
    Thank you Fabulousfifty I sent a request.

    It dawned on me I should tell more about myself so that others who can relate know that they can! :) I have 4 children. The youngest is now 9. The oldest are 12 and they are girl/boy twins.

    I was previously married for 13 years, went through a lot, and ended up divorced. Just got remarried and so there are a lot of changes all the time.

    I work from home now, in my own office. I love to sing, dance and write.

    Most of my life I have looked at food as my enemy and something to be ashamed of giving in to. I am prone to eat when I am stressed and very emotional. I have realized recently how food has been much like a drug for me, especially sugar and chocolate.

    I have 60 lbs that I want to lose, and then I will re-evaluate if I want to keep going. There was a time in my life that I was even 15lbs less then my goal weight is, but I do not want to focus on a number as much as feeling good, and loving what I see in the mirror.

    Over the years, I have said really negative things to myself while looking in the mirror, and I want to change that. I want to become what I want, so that I will not allow others to have so much influence over what I think of myself. In other words, if I am happy with how I look, I will not care if they say I am fat. If I have brown hair, and someone says it is purple, I would think they are silly, and I want to reach that same place with my weight.

    Thanks for reading!
  • lulu20111
    lulu20111 Posts: 28

    Wow you've had alot to deal with and also some amazing successes! I've had my struggles with yoyo diets and weight gain and loss....mainly gaining. I used to be a competitive cyclist and throughout the discipline of racing and training, always had problems with binge eating, mainly savoury snacks, not chocolate, but just as bad for me over the years!

    I joined this site to get motivated and increase my self esteem so I pushed myself to join and since then it has had such a positive effect on my life and how I eat. I too work from home and this site just keeps me on track to focus on work and not food at the wrong times. I exercise more than ever as feel motivated to exercise and set myself goals.

    I hope you have the same positive experience as I have...and from what you said you have already made huge progress by losing 30lbs!

    Good Luck and feel free to join me as a friend.

    Lulu x
  • puggy82
    puggy82 Posts: 10
    Hi CharityAngel and welcome to mfp :smile:
    I wish you all the luck and success in your weight loss goals and to all the people who say you can't do this use them as part of your motivation to do it. Prove them all wrong!
    Feel free to add me :heart:
  • DRay64
    DRay64 Posts: 69 Member
    Hello Charity, you came to the right spot. So far all of the people I have met have been great and very supportive.
  • gloria581
    gloria581 Posts: 50 Member
    Welcome to MFP. I have yo-yo dieted for years, but never with the support of a website community that has the same goals as me. I have learned alot from the other people on this site. They are real people that have lost weight and are trying to lose weight just like me. I have found that the food and exercise trackers keep me honest and I work hard to stay within my goals because of them.

    This weekend I went shopping for clothes and was excited to see that I am no longer wearing plus sizes, which I have been wearing for over 10 years. I am no where near my ideal weight but I finally have faith that I can get to a size that I am happy with.

    We can help each other along our tough journeys to lose weight and become healthier. I look forward to reading your posts.