Eat less during the day. Save more carbs for the last meal before bed. try some anti-anxiety techniques at night.
Love You honey. "Are my tits too firm?"
You are misinformed. LBM can be lost at ANY bf% .
Go to a show sometime; most of the girls have them done. Breasts are mostly fat deposits- burn fat, breasts shrink.
^Best Answer. The idea i give above is a good starting point though.
I always use 1.5L per 100lbs, PLUS approximated amounts for loss during exercise. So a 200lbs man would be 4L a day approx. Oh BTW the diuretic effect of water itself only lasts for a couple of weeks following a higher regular intake: it takes about that long for your hormones to adjust to the increased DAILY intake. So…
Do NOT stretch a pulled muscle until WEEKS later when you have reached the point where full ROM is comfortably possible. Also, do not heat it too soon. a few days of inactivity and icing is needed first.
I wouldn't be surprised if it's a pinched disk or impinged nerve: the spine is not very good for simultaneous extension and rotation or flexion and rotation. Going to the doc is the best idea so you can rule this out. IF it is a pulled muscle, ice it for a few days off and on until it's not bothering you anymore. At this…
You're either avoiding certain foods or you're not. Your thinking needs to change there. Where is the weight loss coming from? breasts? butt? thighs? MOST often fat loss works in a combination of ways:the last places you started to put it on will be the easiest places to notice it going. We tend to gain fat on our…
uh large list i think... bacon, ham, pork chops [i have a roast pork maybe once a yr] ,sausages muffins,cake, donuts,pie,jams[maybe 1 jar/yr] chips, candy[don't like most of it anyhow] french fries,potato, white bread, cereals other than Oats [1-2x/yr i will have a box of cap'n crunch or something] beer, juices[ other than…
totally agree. I get clients to use this site all the time and it drives me nuts when ppl are so lazy that they can't enter correct info. But I suppose we shouldn't be too surprised that many cannot do simple addition and subtraction. I always have to double check everything.
Agreed, with 1 stipulation: If this person has weight trained in the past, stopped and now with returning to weights is gaining back muscle. Making NEW muscle would be nearly impossible.
what was your bf% before and what is it now? & what was your before weight and what is it now?
Ahhh, thank you. and congrats.
i keep seeing NSV... wtf is it?
Yes MFP's levels of a few things are absolutely ridiculous. Fiber, like protein and sodium and water, and, and,..... Dosing is dependant on body mass [or lean body mass]. the bigger you are the more you may need. It's the same for virtually anything that goes into your body; a baby aspirin to a regular aspirin- body mass,…
If you're going to eat too much of a macro, Protein is the safest one in a 'diet' sense. It 'costs' more for the body to process than carbs or fats. But yes you CAN eat too much[related to processing 'cost' again] as the kidneys work quite hard when it come to dealing with the nitrogen. IF you have poorly functioning…
I don't know...exercising for 50 minutes is pretty simple...OH and healthier. Diet + exercise is like 2+2=5 the sum result is more than the parts and def more effective and long-term than just one.
Ah see, the bony parts they mention are for landmarking the gut midpoint, not measuring.
So do I and the belly button is pretty much the standard[ which is about where the article describes], for the last 20 years that i've been doing it. I'm a personal trainer and nutritional consultant. If you are talking about pants and stuff that's totally different. But ya, even if you take a look at most skinfold sites…
BMI is 120 year old junk. Please don't use it. Here's a good short article on it:
Ok, this is really simple and basic there's no miraculous ingenuity at work here. lol A new person comes in and I get them to track all food with no eating behaviour changes [ eat the way you always have] for a minimum of 10 days[ the longer the better of course] . If they are truly eating 'normally' [no exercise at this…
Yes, i see that's how it's supposed to work. I'm biased because anyone I have directed to MFP uses it [hopefully] as I have directed. Human error is always a factor agreed; that aside, I'm not using guesswork. I'll post the basic method i use shortly.
Please read my entire post[ i know it's long, sorry]. All you are essentially doing is guessing everything, which leaves too much to chance. I look for long term results like 20 yrs. If a person is quite obese then frankly ANYTHING will work for awhile. But People come to me when they are tired of trying,guessing and…
I'll go to a place with a gym nearby and use it at least 3x /wk. I'll be walking TONS, exploring... So I break the diet for at least 1 meal per day, sometimes 2. I don't go hog-wild, because then when you return home you suddenly have twice as much work to do and that really sucks.
There appears to be a bit of bad info floating about here, and after receiving an angry note to my inbox following my previous post, I figured i'd fix things up a bit. Anger noted. But sorry, what I wrote was correct, although I made a stupid assumption that ppl are doing things correctly, which I'm sure most aren't. This…
plastic has no calories.
one of my clients swears by them, and she is very meticulous about what she eats.
If you are trying to lose weight, you need to burn more than you eat, so eating those extra calories will help you maintain, not lose.