looklucklove Member


  • Good Lord. The players change, but the game NEVER changes.
  • I think I've dated this same guy.
  • This is terrifying.
  • I wish there was a cliff notes version to all the threads. “Click here for all the drama you missed while you were away,” or “these people are locked up for saying this.” Would make my nosy life so much easier. Loved the Harry Potter fan fiction— post more of that! The thought of Snape and Harry getting busy almost made me…
  • Not a whole lot ... just hoping that if I keep my nose in my phone, I’ll look busy and my children will stop talking to me about random nonsense.
  • I have green eyes. I promise you, they’re nothing special.
  • Starting weight: 239 lbs 1/2/17 Goal weight: 209 lbs by 6/15 Current weight: 212.8 Weight loss this week: 4.5 Weight loss to date: 26.2 Weight loss method: low fat, low sugar, low calorie, logging everything I eat.... and TRYING to lay off the alcohol. Ugh. I had a 4.5 gain last week, and then by a miracle I lost 4.5…
  • Starting weight: 239 lbs 1/2/17 Goal weight: 209 lbs by 6/15 Current weight: 212.8 Weight loss this week: 1.9 Weight loss to date: 26.2 Weight loss method: low fat, low sugar, low calorie, logging everything I eat.... and TRYING to lay off the alcohol. Good Morning! 10 Weeks and 4 pounds left! I can do it! Even though the…
  • Starting weight: 239 lbs 1/2/17 Goal weight: 209 lbs by 6/15 Current weight: 214.7 Weight loss this week: 2.9 Weight loss to date: 24.3 Weight loss method: low fat, low sugar, low calorie, logging everything I eat.... and TRYING to lay off the alcohol. Good Morning! Well, I'm still not at the weight I was three weeks ago,…
  • Starting weight: 239 lbs 1/2/17 Goal weight: 209 lbs by 6/15 Current weight: 217.6 weight loss to date: 21.4 Weight loss method: low fat, low sugar, low calorie, logging everything I eat.... and TRYING to lay off the alcohol. Been on a bit of a downward spiral lately, but I'm trying to get back on track! I was doing well…
  • A few comments on the conversations that have taken place since I’ve last checked in: I’ve never had a choco-taco. Or a Shamrock shake. Many women can pull off a sophisticated grey haired look. I am not one of those people. I’m 43 years old, but I have no desire to LOOK like I’m 43. I am the cookie manager for my…
  • Starting weight: 239 lbs 1/2/17 Goal weight: 209 lbs by 6/15 Current weight: 210.8 weight loss to date: 28.2 Weight loss method: low fat, low sugar, low calorie, logging everything I eat.... and TRYING to lay off the alcohol. Another 2.7 pounds gone! Less than two pounds before I hit that 30 pound mark! I've been crazy…
  • Starting weight: 239 lbs 1/2/17 Goal weight: 209 lbs by 6/15 Current weight: 213.2 weight loss to date: 25.8 Weight loss method: low fat, low sugar, low calorie, logging everything I eat.... and TRYING to lay off the alcohol. I'm surprised I did so well, because I ate more than my share of french fries this week! But I…
  • wow, lots of new people! Welcome! My weigh in day is Sunday, but I can tell I'm going to be a little up from last week. Too many drinks and too much good food when I was in Vegas! That's ok, I'm back to real life and the weight is still coming off! Happy Friday!
  • I'm about to leave for Las Vegas, so I am checking in with my weight loss a day early.... Starting weight: 239 lbs 1/2/17 Goal weight: 209 lbs by 6/15 Current weight: 214.8 weight loss to date: 24.2 Weight loss method: low fat, low sugar, low calorie, logging everything I eat.... and TRYING to lay off the alcohol. Another…
  • Welcome! It's never too late! You can do it!
  • You are strong. You are beautiful. So many people strive to be like you. I'm one of them.
  • Starting weight: 239 lbs 1/2/17 Goal weight: 209 lbs by 6/15 Current weight: 217.8 weight loss to date: 21.2 Weight loss method: low fat, low sugar, low calorie, logging everything I eat.... and TRYING to lay off the alcohol. This was a great week, weight loss-wise. Even with my conversation heart binge, I lost over 2…
  • I confess that my self esteem is so low that I would rather not have sex at all than come on to him and be turned down. Hubs says that would NEVER happen... but I'm not willing to put it to the test.
  • My office is filled with food all the time! On Valentine's Day, my office served a popcorn bar, where you could add all kinds of candy to your popcorn. I resisted on V-Day, but I was weak on Thursday or Friday or whatever day it was! It's ok, I'm back on track now!
  • But is is at least a good movie? You're just a bunch of wild men around here!
  • I'm feeling better today.... but I did binge out on Valentine Conversation hearts this morning. Hopefully I won't see that I've completely sabotaged myself when I get on the scale on Sunday. Have a great weekend!
  • It's Friday night at 8:30 and I'm watching a Tinkerbell movie. I confess I'm a party animal.
  • Absolutely! I have to take my daughter to basketball practice, so there won't be any wine in my hand for at least another two hours, but I need it!
  • I would rather read the same repeated comment than nothing at all. At least you're being acknowledged. But crickets.... that makes me feel like I don't even exist. So utterly depressing. I would rather keep silent than to speak up and not get a response.
  • Today I lost 20 pounds, so I did a progression photo. On the left is before I lost any weight, and on the right is a picture I took today. Not only can I not tell that I lost any weight, I actually look BETTER in the left pic when I'm 20 pounds heavier. I am totally depressed now.
  • Boo! I think your pictures are great!
  • I think closure is the most awesome thing ever. Move on and move up! That's terrible. He told you that, or did you find out? What a complete jerk. I agree that when I eat chocolate now it doesn't really do anything for me. I confess that the best part of my day today was watching all my coworkers eat chocolate while I had…
  • I plan on giving candy to everyone I see tomorrow! The more everyone else eats, the better I look! :smiley: