ladiablo Member


  • Seconded! This site is really nifty.
  • How long has this persisted? I notice that I hit a "low weight" right around the beginning of my female cycle and then gain two pounds or so over the next several weeks, then drop several pounds at the beginning of the next cycle. I imagine it's water retention due to hormones. Looks like you're getting a lot of sodium, so…
  • Everyone has left really great advice! I only have a few things to contribute... 1) Try the TDEE method! Just plug your numbers in here: I like this method because it gives you a reasonable, doable goal that's really personalized to you. But it is important that you're honest with…
  • I appreciate that you took time to reply to my message. I have difficulty seeing why I would not be gaining muscle; could you explain that please? I left a desk job at the end of May and have gone from sedentary to 2-3x/week exercise and a moderately physical job since them. Obviously I don't expect to be bulking up or…
  • Oh no! I feel like I must be putting on muscle because even though my weight isn't really changing, my measurements are. I'm using the military body fat calculator to keep track (estimates, I know :S) and it tells me that I've gone from a lean mass of 112 to 120 based on measurements. Not to say that's accurate,…
  • The site you posted says the TDEE listed is for the goal weight (I put 140). It's saying I should eat that TDEE daily to lose weight and reach my goal. If I put my current weight as my goal weight (to establish the recommended maintenance calories), it recommends 2988-3493 daily (depending which category I choose). 15-20%…
  • "Work: On feet for 6 hrs each day, 5 days weekly. Exercise: brisk one hour walk 3 times weekly. 2634 Work: Moderate manual labor (sweeping, mopping) 4 hours each day, and on feet for another 4 hrs each day, 5 days weekly. Exercise: none. 3139 " .... I don't think that's possible.... I would be losing a minimum of two…
  • Sweetie, you don't sound like you're ready to recover from your ED. Please, please discuss these thoughts with your therapist before you cause yourself some permanent damage! 5'3" and 120 pounds is a perfectly healthy weight no matter your frame. Your clothing may be too small instead of you being too heavy - try reframing…
  • That was really helpful, thank you!!
    in copper iud Comment by ladiablo July 2014
  • That is a LOT of weight for two weeks, especially since you're at a healthy or near healthy weight now! At 168 pounds you will probably not be able to lose more than about 1 pound per week. Don't be discouraged though; have to start somewhere and better now than never :).
  • I am in no ways an expert here, so definitely take this with a pinch of salt.... but you seem to get a lot of dairy. It's great for adding calories to a meal but many people develop intolerance late in life, which could mimic dumping syndrome. Lactose is a sugar, so that may be contributing too. Have you tried cutting back…
  • Also - with that method, you do not log/eat back calories. The TDEE makes assumptions about how many calories you're burning and already takes that into account. So if MFP says you've burned 300 calories playing tennis, you will not need to eat that back - just make sure if you are more or less active than you thought, you…
  • Try this... Get a tape measurer, measure naked. Enter weight, height, and measurements as directed to get your body fat percentage. There are a couple of different body fat calculators out there, but I've found the other formulas (Covert-Bailey and the site's formula) estimate my body…
  • Depending on height, maybe 130-150? I don't think you need to lose any weight - you look like you're in a healthy place.
  • Could be water weight from excess sodium intake?
  • Polska Kielbasa! I make an AWESOME polska kielbasa meal that I thought would be do-able while eating healthier... but... it turns out one package is 1400 freaking calories!! I make a dish with rice that serves 4 people. Each serving is like 700-800 calories :/.
  • One little roll from Logan's Roadhouse... 220 calories D:. Those things are like 1/4 cup in size.
  • If you're not deadset on frozen stuff - stab a sweet potato a few times, wrap in a paper towel, and nuke for 10 minutes (turn over halfway through). Stick in a TBSP of butter, some cinnamon, some brown sugar and you're golden :3. For frozen, I like Lean Pockets - the meatball or the chicken/broccoli. 300 cal a piece. Also…
  • When my thyroid was removed (cancer), I was eating like a BAMF - all fruits, veggies, unprocessed foods, nuts, no added salts - and gaining weight like CRAZY. It's a real diet killer. The blood test is pretty routine and inexpensive, so worth looking into :). Common symptoms include getting cold easily, thin hair, fatigue,…
  • 1) Are you eating your BMR? (check here - you will need your body fat %, which you can get here 2) Have you had your thyroid checked?
  • Bacon, donuts, marshmallow anything, snack cakes, any greasy kind of pizza (I do like Digiorno :3). In general I'm really not a big fan of anything super greasy - fried mushrooms and fried zucchini are the exceptions omnom.
  • I LOVE this recipe with spice cake... but.... Don't get Duncan Hines! 182 calories a piece if you make 12 good-sized cupcakes T___T. Not nearly as healthy as I wanted haha. The first time I made them, I didn't bother looking up the recipe (it's two ingredients, what could go wrong?) and I used a 29 oz can. Buhhhh don't…
  • Jesus christ people. She didn't go on a pseudo-health guru rant about needing to get toxins out of her system like this is some kind of exorcism. It is perfectly reasonable and responsible to want to cut out processed white sugar. I can vouch that it's hard on the body no matter how much godforsaken fruit you're eating.…
  • No, that's a good thing!!! It means you are losing fat while putting on muscle. Muscle is more dense than fat, so the scale stays the same while your fitness improves. Additionally, more muscle = higher metabolism, so you will burn fat more quickly :)
  • @elpiper #4 is cute!
  • Pah, quote didn't transfer so nevermind that post. I have seen studies that show Aspartame to increase desire for simple carbohydrates. Will look again, but I no longer have access to EbscoHost and the like :/
  • I did a weekend juice fast just because... just because. I didn't watch a documentary or have a friend who did it or anything, I'm not really sure why I just jumped on the juice fast idea haha. I didn't crave food and I felt energetic. I found the juice delicious. My problem? Just like when I try to cut back on carbs...…
  • Mine changes every time I weigh in.