

  • After 40 years of smoking, my stats are: Days Quit: 13 Cigarettes: 273 Money saved: $46.51 Life Saved: 22h 45m (I wonder if this is time added on to your life, or just life that you didn't waste smoking.)
  • "I like rice. Rice is great when you're hungry and you want two thousand of something." -- Mitch Hedberg
  • Kaluha...that's coffee flavored. JK
  • Looks yummy. What are Miracle noodles?
  • Thanks...I was wondering how you cooked it. Now I'm heading over to the link that was pasted earlier.
  • Prettylittlel, thanks for the encouraging words. So, cinnamon sticks...spice isle of the grocery store? What a difference my breath will be! My son quite about a month ago and he was the only one constantly around me that now I'm the only one. He's a good source of encouragement as are my daughters. I think I'm…
  • Thanks, I've joined! Thank you all for your support and suggestions. I know besides the addictiveness of the tars and nicotine, there are over 100 other addicting substances in a cigarette, but those are the toughest to get over. I also know a lot of it is psychological/behavior. One of my mantra's now is that I've started…
  • Thanks, I think there are some really good things to try! I have been drinking a ginger tea each day that's supposed to be good as and anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory, helps digestion, improves circulation and blood flow, etc. etc. It would never have occurred to me to chew a cinnamon stick. When I tried to quit before,…
  • Thanks for the suggestions. Maybe try to hop on a treadmill or go for a fast walk too. I don't want a cigarette after hopping off that. I just didn't know if there were any particular vitamins or minerals in a particular fruit or vegetable that might help with the craving.
  • Drink a glass of water, then chew some's in your mouth, you are chewing and swallowing which helps with the behavior aspect.
  • Rub your potato with olive oil and then grind some sea salt over the skin. Bake it in the oven. When it comes out, it is very buttery tasting. If you want to dress it, try some plain greek yogurt, some chives or experiment with some other herbs and spices.
  • I am so happy to see this. I love Mexican food but every time I look at the calories and fat, I hang my head and cry! This will help keep me going. Thank you for posting. Oh, and thanks to the poster who listed out to make the seasoning!
  • I was the person with the cart full of processed sugar and meats. I remember being behind a lady whose cart was full of colorful fruits, veggies and "wholesome" foods. I really got cart envy. I can't say I'm perfect now by any means, but I feel so much better when I'm checking out. At least the money I spend (and it's not…
  • It may not be, but then you get so much of it. I will eat half and take half home for another meal. I looked into making it myself and the broth looks very work intensive. If I could/would break down and do it myself, I'd use the shiritaki noodles. I'm sure it is the noodles that rack up all the calories.
  • I like using Healthy Life Multigrain English muffin 80 cals; either do one of the Gorton's grilled or butter and garlic fish filets 80 cals; (they can be nuked) with sweet and hot mustard (10 cals per tsp) or salsa (10 cals per 2 Tbsp) Optional Lettuce (pretty much a freebie) Slice of tomato (pretty much a freebie) Onion…
  • @cubbies...thanks for that list
  • I miss Bojangles breakfast biscuits...any flavor. Love their biscuits...big no, no.
  • With the shakes and lightheadedness, you may be getting too much caffeine. Still, like the others, I say you should talk to your doctor. There may be something else going on and it is just coincidental that the timing is the same.
  • Raj had a girlfriend for an episode or two...the deaf girl. He also had a one-night stand.
  • Badge by Cream...Lord, I'm so old! lol
  • Thanks for the info. I like the part about lowering blood pressure. I am hopeful with the weight loss and healthy eating I can get off both the cholesterol and blood pressure meds. I love the part about antioxidants! I will look for those the next time I'm grocery shopping. As I said, I love potatoes! Have you, or anyone…
  • That sounds like how I do my regular potatoes. If purples give more healthy stuff, I'm going to look for them. Can you tell me more about the "very, very good for you" part. Do you know the approximate calorie count? I do love potatoes!
  • For better tasting water, especially in the summertime, I like to drop in a mint altoid. Keeps my breath minty fresh!;-)
  • If you have an Asian store near you, look in the refrigerated section for Shiritaki noodles. I use the Angel Hair. It is made from tofu, but it absorbs the flavor of whatever you put on it. I is only 20 calories per serving, 3g of carbs, 2g of fiber, Calcium 10%, Iron 2%, gluten free, no sugar, no cholesterol and…
  • I find that you can buy a lot of spices and nuts at Indian (as in Asian Indian) stores usually for quite less than in regular supermarkets. Also, if you like things like Miso soup, which is supposed to be very healthy, check your other Asian stores. I know in rural areas this can be a challenge.
  • Congrats, Melissa! I'm on my first week as well. Amazon says my scales and digital tape measure should be here tomorrow so I can start tracking my progress. I understand what you are saying...a lifetime to go. I don't want to be on a diet, I want healthy eating and results to become my lifestyle. As soon as I say diet, I…
  • I just started, but I can already feel a difference. With the food tracker I am going from mindless eating to mindful eating! I think too often we just reach and chew. One other thing I'm trying: I walk for 20 minutes in the morning when I get up, 20 at lunch, and then 20 after work (I'm on a regular 9-5 type schedule). If…
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