carcar03 Member


  • Green tea, in addition to other herbal teas, has played a huge role in my diet. I like to incorporate different teas instead of drinking just plain water all day. I usually have a cup or two after every meal. I do find that it has helped with my appetite but drinking it or taking the pill won't magically make you lose…
  • Maybe bring it to work on Monday and share it with coworkers?
  • I love working out and have always gone to the gym 4x a week. However I let my diet get out of control last summer after going on vacation. Even though I was exercising I still put on a lot of weight. My breaking point was when I got all dolled up for my work Christmas party and a coworker looked at me and said "I can tell…
  • Wonderful suggestions!! Excited to try some!
  • I followed the program 2 years ago and saw results from Slim-Fast. I lost about 15 pounds. However, it started to get expensive and once I eased back into my regular eating, I gained everything back (and here I am today!). It works for the short term as long as you accompany it with healthy food choices but for long term…
  • Portion control was a major issue for me. I remember eating a tub of Drumstick Ice Cream in one day. I love all kinds of food and I would just eat too much of everything!!
  • Set your alarm and go! You'll feel great and really energized throughout the day and you'll be very happy to have your workout over and done with. Also, I find that I make healthier food choices during the day because I don't want to ruin the efforts that I put in during my workout.
  • A “skinny” person leading a healthy lifestyle discourages you from being healthy yourself? My advice to you would be to go to the gym and focus on you and you alone. Listen to music, read a book, go with a friend, do whatever it takes to not be distracted by those around you. Just as you don’t want to be judged by people…
  • When I was a student, I would work out at night (anywhere between 7pm-11pm) on the weekdays and use the weekends to relax and let my body recover and just made it a normal habit. Now I usually exercise in the morning on the weekdays and weekends, because I work later in the afternoon. I regularly am a morning person, so I…
  • LOVE it. I do zumba 2 times a week and enjoy every second! It's great a workout and it's amazing for my abs, arms and butt. Definately try it and you'll love it! It's great cardio and a lot more entertaining than the treadmill and elliptical!
  • Research the benefits of adding fiber to your diet!
  • Squats, lunges and spin classes have been wonderful for me!!
  • Enter with an open mind and a positive attitude and you'll be just fine! Introduce yourself to the instructor before the class begins, so he/she can give you an idea of what to expect. Keep your weights light at first and focus more on your form and technique rather than how much weight you are lifting. Do not get…
  • This is something that I have also experienced. If I allow myself to have a treat (example: a co-worker bakes something personally for me and I would feel like a complete jerk if I did not at least taste it!), I get the comments such as "I thought you were on a diet/ I guess you're no longer on a diet". People can be so…
  • Thanks so much everyone!! I do understand fruits are great for you and they contain natural sugars. However, in these past few weeks i've been cutting back in an attempt to stay within my daily goals. I feel much better now! *SIGH*