Do you have a workout that you just CRAVE?

tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member
That's the way my Saturday mornings have become. I even find myself looking forward to it a day or two in advance. And if something will interrupt my Saturday morning so that I can't do it, it just kills me.

I have a trail/track that I can only go to on Saturdays & it has some little workout stations along the way - bars & rings & stuff. So I'll run there, usually about 4 miles; any more and it kinda goes against my goals. Part of the course is in woods & part of it is in the wide open. Then after the run I do some workouts on the bars (pull-ups, levers, dips, etc.) If I'm still up for it I'll then do sprints until I'm totally gassed. But I have to actually hold myself back on those days, cuz I've driven myself to an injury over-doing it before. It's just become so fun.

Anyone else have a workout you just totally look forward to?


  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    Turbo Fire!!!!!!!!!!! The best part of my day!
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Monday night Zumba class! :)
  • Armymom44
    Armymom44 Posts: 76
    Turbo Fire
  • carcar03
    carcar03 Posts: 23 Member
    SPIN and ZUMBA!!
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    I craze running. It clears my head and I am addicted to it.
  • katheern
    katheern Posts: 213 Member
    I also am excited for hiking throughout the week and can't wait til it's the weekend so we can go. During teh week I do TurboJam as well as running a few miles.
  • absolament
    absolament Posts: 278 Member
  • EvaiTryst
    EvaiTryst Posts: 695 Member
    I absolutely love my cardio boxing!
  • pricelessmt
    pricelessmt Posts: 2 Member
    I love my elliptical machine! Ever since purchasing it, I can't skip more than a couple days tops.
  • seesaey
    seesaey Posts: 231
    Another TurboFire addict here!!
  • abyssfully
    abyssfully Posts: 410 Member
    Heavier strength training. I love the burn for some reason, lol.
  • divades
    divades Posts: 145
    I actually look forward to every workout but my favs are crossfit and this class called monkey conditioning
  • shanolap
    shanolap Posts: 1,204 Member
    CrossFit! ♥♥♥♥
  • TiffanyDawn79
    TiffanyDawn79 Posts: 201 Member
    The elliptical! I always say im cheating on my BF with it because I crave it!
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    My new one is ride my bike in the forest preserve
  • cem2168
    cem2168 Posts: 205 Member
    i love running! when i get in running mode im so happy and i could just run for hours!
  • sonnyless
    sonnyless Posts: 142 Member
    Tuesday night zumba!!! ;)
  • DanceYogaRun
    DanceYogaRun Posts: 373 Member
    I look forward to my c25k days, but I love my ashtanga yoga mornings!
  • CBaumgardner7
    CBaumgardner7 Posts: 212 Member
    Zumba. I love it with the gang from my church. I laugh and burn calories at the same time. :)