You're Getting too Skinny?



  • isabelk
    isabelk Posts: 153 Member
    I say it is on doctor's orders and necessary for my job, health insurance and life insurance. Blame them!
  • SheliaN1960
    SheliaN1960 Posts: 454 Member
    Yes, I know what you mean and then I have those that say....that is not on your diet!!!! You can not HAVE that!!! Isn't it amazing that all of them are such experts on it now? This is one of those times that I do the positive self talk!!! Best wishes!!!
  • dmoses
    dmoses Posts: 786 Member
    I get this all the time, and it drives me INSANE! I didn't lose this weight for anyone but myself, and I am the healthiest and happiest I have been in years. At first, when people made these comments, I would find myself justifying eating just one more slice of pie, cake, whatever. I realized that I couldn't let the words sabotage my weight loss. They will eventually stop with the skinny comments, but it still comes up every now and then. Do it for YOU!
  • ontheskinnyroad
    ontheskinnyroad Posts: 205 Member
    This happened to my mom, but she really was getting to be "too skinny" and people she worked with called her anorexic, which she wasn't. She had gotten to a point in her weight loss where she started to look unhealthy, and for a time it did look like she had an eating disorder. What she did was went to her weight watchers people, and a doctor friend (people she trusted to give her a straightforward answer) and asked them what they thought, she ended up putting back on 5 more pounds and looked SO MUCH HEALTHIER!

    Some of the people that were saying these things to her, were just mean and jealous that she was changing her life and her body for the better and they could not. I think you have to look at who is saying this to you, and how they are putting it. If they are coming to you as a friend who is worried about you, then listen. If they are coming to you as an acquiantance that sees you occasionally and sounds kind of jealous, I would put it on the back burner and turn off the heat!

    totally agree
  • DK30096
    DK30096 Posts: 62 Member
    I know some of you find that annoying and uncomfortable and I totally understand....BUT I would LOVE LOVE LOVE someone to say I'm getting to skinny :-) when I hear those words I will know I have reached my goal hahaha. BUt I do think it's rude for people to comment on your food at lunch. I mean come on how much do you have to eat for them to mind their own business!
  • alyssa83202
    alyssa83202 Posts: 334
    This happened to my mom, but she really was getting to be "too skinny" and people she worked with called her anorexic, which she wasn't. She had gotten to a point in her weight loss where she started to look unhealthy, and for a time it did look like she had an eating disorder. What she did was went to her weight watchers people, and a doctor friend (people she trusted to give her a straightforward answer) and asked them what they thought, she ended up putting back on 5 more pounds and looked SO MUCH HEALTHIER!

    Some of the people that were saying these things to her, were just mean and jealous that she was changing her life and her body for the better and they could not. I think you have to look at who is saying this to you, and how they are putting it. If they are coming to you as a friend who is worried about you, then listen. If they are coming to you as an acquiantance that sees you occasionally and sounds kind of jealous, I would put it on the back burner and turn off the heat!
    I definitely agree with this!
  • tak123
    tak123 Posts: 32 Member
    Oh my gosh I am SO GLAD this topic got started. I thought I was the only one this happened to! Aarg it annoyed me so much and even made me feel bad! People would say " look so skinny." And it wasn't a compliment. It made me feel like I was doing something wrong. This happened last time I lost a lot of weight and unfortunately I took it personally. This time when it happens I'm going to try not to, and remember what you all said on here. You're all so right, people just freak out when you change.
  • carcar03
    carcar03 Posts: 23 Member
    Yes, I know what you mean and then I have those that say....that is not on your diet!!!! You can not HAVE that!!! Isn't it amazing that all of them are such experts on it now? This is one of those times that I do the positive self talk!!! Best wishes!!!

    This is something that I have also experienced. If I allow myself to have a treat (example: a co-worker bakes something personally for me and I would feel like a complete jerk if I did not at least taste it!), I get the comments such as "I thought you were on a diet/ I guess you're no longer on a diet".

    People can be so destructive at times without even knowing it. Although some of the time it is just innocent, I truly believe once people notice that you're changing your appearance and becoming healthier (especially the women I work with), they attempt to sabotage your confidence. They will not hesitate to tell you that you have put on some weight, but once you lose it, they're not happy with that either...

    That’s why I’m primarily focused on making myself happier and shutting out the negativity!
  • HannahPastoor
    Watch them eat their unhealthy lunch and grin inside that you have made the choice for a better life.

    Haha...I do that too. I know I shouldn't but inside I just feel so good making the healthy choice that I can't help grinning. I am sure I have gotten some weird looks, sitting eating my food with a big smile on my face. Its almost like a challenge. Eat better then the person next to you : )
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Only time I got these comments was when I was 108 pounds with not a lot of muscle. Now I'm safely on my way back down to 110 but have built some great muscle and get comments from guys on how toned my arms are.
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    I got that same response from people at my part time job. I kept buying and rebuying clothes(work in retail) and all I would hear was "if you lose anymore their wont be anything left!" I would just smile and shake my head yes.
  • Jonesie1984
    Jonesie1984 Posts: 612 Member
    This has seemed to be the theme of the week my mom looked at me yesterday and said "that's enough, don't lose anymore".. Like I was 10 years old and asking to go out! Excuse me?! I'm not even at a healthy BMI yet and FAR from being anywhere near underweight... I can't help the way my body is proportioned (pear shaped so I tend to lose form the "top-down")..

    I proceeded to tell her that I'm not doing anything "unhealthy" to lose weight- I watch what I eat, take vitamins, drink water and exercise and I've lost because of that. What's the problem.. Yes, I haven't been the weight I am in over 3 years but it's because I was lazy! Now I actually have some energy and am out and about. And it irks me when people tell me "that's not on your diet" or "you can't have that".. I try to tell them that i'm not on a diet, i've chosen to eat healthier and eat unhealthy foods in moderation..That's all.

    Either way, I'm all about fitness (being strong opposed to skinny) and people I hope will see that. Ultimately I think it's because they don't have the discipline to change and there just might be a hint of jealousy in your accomplishment. Happy lifestyle change! We're here for ya!:drinker:
  • melibea
    melibea Posts: 228
    I absolutely know what you are talking about!

    About two years ago I went from 160 to around 130 and everyone told me I should stop losing weight because I was too skinny. I mean, I'm very short and at my height, some bmi calculators said "marginally overweight".

    My parents, sisters and friends all told me to stop losing weight because I was getting to skinny. They even gave me the nickname "Size 0" (when I was actually a size 8) just to mock my weightloss. My mom wanted to force-feed me junk often and my teenage sisters COOKED for me (that NEVER happens) to make sure I was eating! My boyfriend seemed to be the only person who saw the weight-loss in a positive way. Oh and this one friend of my mom's who said "you need to lose more weight" lol.

    I think it really has to do with people being used to seeing you a certain way. My mom especially compared my new body with the old one all the time. Like "you lost your round cheeks", "You have no but now!", "Where did your boobs go?", "you're face is so different, you must be sick!".

    I really just ignored everyone who tried to stop me, or tried to explain that I my height I could weigh less and still be very healthy. However I gained about 10lbs the last two years and haven't lost much since I started back again, but I know they're ready to start complaining about me being "too skinny".