TruScorpio169 Member


  • I hear ya.. I've been back on mfp a little over a month.. the first time around in 2013 I lost 40 lbs in 5 months and got stuck.. since then I gained the 40 lbs I lost back plus an additional 30 lbs putting me at my heaviest ever of 300 lbs its been really depressing for me but progress has been kinda slow.. it took 3…
  • I'm going to be trying it too.. not all diets are the same.. you're not eating just one of something or realying on some sort of beverage to get you through the day.. the military diet allows you to eat a variety of real food and most of it is quite healthy or stuff you would have as a treat like ice cream.. sometimes you…
  • Good luck.. I hear ya I'm dying to see results even though I just started (again) I've been on and off for a while and I'm just ready to enjoy my new sexy body unfortunately I've got a ways to go.. I just hopped back on the bandwagon last week and haven't checked my weight yet but here's to us both breaking 10 :)
  • I hear ya! Congratulations on starting the journey.. you got this!
  • I've been an on off mfp member.. started 3 years ago.. initially I lost a good 40 lbs and then hit a plateau.. I've struggled to stay focused since then and have really fallen off track in the last year.. start over at 30 lbs heavier than I was when I first joined mfp.. here for you if you're here for me :)
  • Hey Nathalie 27 from Brooklyn living in LI for now.. found this group cuz of Jane ^^^
  • No I wasn't planning on recording it whether it was a gain or a loss because I don't feel it's accurate it's just my hormones screwing around which sucks but I'm a woman and been dealing this TOM for years.. I'm only cranky when I have cramps, especially if I'm at work and I have cramps.. those kids become super annoying…
  • Hey feel free to add me.. love making new friends! I don't take one day off, I just allow myself to have a cookie here candy bar there.. but I have small portions like the other day I was having a serious chocolate craving so I got a chocolate dove bar, broke it in half, and threw the rest out... that half satisfied my…
  • I've been her for a couple of weeks but I could always use more friends :) Anyone feel free to add me! Your progress motivates me and I hope mine will motivate you!
  • Absolutely 100% agree! My tattoos are for me and no one else. I have 4 and I want more. I love tattoos I think they're beautiful pieces of art. I will admit 1 of my tattoos doesn't have a meaning other than it was my first one, but I don't regret it I love it and plan to add to it and give it some more meaning. Any new…
  • You may want to consider getting a really meaningful quote. I'm getting one about strength on my rib cage when I reach my goal. I found it on Fb yesterday and it was just like that's the one, it's perfect! So maybe you might want to go with something about strength and perseverance. You can go to and find…
  • I was just thinking about this the other day.. mostly out of curiosity and MFP doesn't have sex as an activity (my friend uses the app lose it and apparently they have sex as exercise). Honestly if you wanna log sex, log sex but not unless it legit feels like a workout but I don't think a 15 min session is worth logging in…
  • I'm not a big fan of Greek Yogurt but can probably tolerate the flavored ones not the plain.. you mentioning flax seeds reminds that someone mentioned chia seeds apparently they are really filling.. I want to look into both of them! Thanks!
  • That sounds awesome I'm def gonna try it!
  • Thanks guys lots of great advice... I'm not so much concerned with cravings because now that I know they are coming I can be prepared for them. My problem is the ridiculous hunger... I'm just concerned I'm gonna be eating my 1600 calories but siting there most of the day thinking "I'm hungry" only thing I can think of that…
  • You look amazing.. you def just motivated me to make sure I do strength training!
  • Tell your husband what I've told my family cuz they do the samething and it irritates the hell out of me.. I say I AM NOT ON A DIET I AM SIMPLY CHANGING MY LIFESTYLE AND SINCE IT IS MY LIFESTYLE AND NOT YOURS I CAN DO AS I PLEASE THANK YOU VERY MUCH! For me the D word has always put soooo much pressure on this goal of…
  • I am in the same boat as you. I want to lose about 100 lbs.. so far I'm down 4 lbs. Because of my work schedule I don't have time to go to the gym. I work with kids so whenever they are playing some run around game I join in and get my exercise in. Also I don't drive so whenever I have to walk somewhere I speed walk. I…
  • I could use some support too guys.. that's why I'm here. Right now I'm doing pretty well but I know in a month or two it will get a lil more difficult. I have about 100 lbs to lose to start and then I'll see if I wanna keep going or maintain. I started Jan 3rd.. 4 lbs down.. next weigh in tomorrow so hoping the numbers on…
  • I am def in the same boat.. I've never been thin either. I wish you all the luck in the world cuz you are young and I hope you're able to accomplish your goal while you're still young. Me, I'm 27 and have about 100 lbs to lose. I have probably been on 1,000 diff diets since my teen years but I've never had the willpower to…
  • Having the same problem.. trying to stay within my allotted calories but find that either I get hungry really quickly after I've eatten.. like just now I had an apple and a fiber one bar.. 160 cal.. it's frustrating cuz I am still hungry but feel like a punk if I go grab something else. But I also know that I can probably…