Tattoos should one or not?

First of i have always fancyed getting some but as i grow older i change my look etc then think Why would you put a bumper sticker on a Ferrari? ;D but I get it. It's the 21st century. You're cool, you're rebellious, you're cutting edge, you have a point to prove, and you're a human. Awesome.
I know you're at least at the legal age of making your own decisions, but before you decide to get a tattoo, allow me to let you in on a little secret. A secret you may have not fully realized yet thus far in your life. What you must understand is, as a human,we are – naturally – beautiful why the need for a tattoo...God knows the last thing this world needs is another generation of kids questioning their basic values and morals.

This is not to start a fight tattoos can and do look amazing and yes meaning to some are great but I ask would you put a bumper sticker on a Ferrari hahaha

Once again I don't no why but I have anyways like the thought of getting some to stand out but maybe today it's not to have one to stand out what's your thoughts

Thinking out side the box..turning box inside out then getting back inside.


  • kyricus
    kyricus Posts: 69 Member
    Heh, it used to be cool and rebellious way back when I got my first one, decades ago. Now everyone and their sister has them so I don't think it's considered rebellious any more.

    Still, you have to make the decision for yourself. I tend to like them, that's why I have them. Others don't. Just think of the type of job you have, or are likely to have, and pick your tat placement carefully. I've never seen a neck or face tatttoo that looked good anywhere other than on a wrestler, or a prison inmate IMO.
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    I've always wanted a tattoo because tats are cool. I will never get a tattoo because they require a lot of background research to find a reputable parlor and artist, and even if it looks great now, it won't look so great in 30 or 40 years.
  • kitsuneandy
    It's all personal at the end of the day.

    My tattoos are for me, no one else, I don't really care what other people think of them and the thought of being "rebellious" has never crossed my mind.
  • ajourney2beme
    ajourney2beme Posts: 181 Member
    I don't have any tattoos but the only way i personally would get one was if it had a meaning behind it. My brothers family (brother, sis-in-law, 2 kids both 18) just got tattoos that say "To the Beach". I personally don't like their tattoos, but it has meaning for them as they spend a lot of time at the beach and they go with a group of people that are family to them and it's like their little personal family slogan. So I respect their decision on the tattoo and can appreciate it a bit more. Either way it isn't my place to throw any kind of judgement at anyone for tattoos, it's their body and regardless of the reason or lack of reason behind getting one, it is their decision.

    More onto what the original question was though I think like kyricus said it used to be a rebellion thing also something associated with bikers and people who didn't exactly color inside tthe lines (in a way still is I guess), so it was the 'rebellious' thing to do. I personally feel that it has shifted to the more cool and for the look way in the newer generations.

    Also, some people just look really good with tattoos and can pull them off really well :D Like giving that ferrari some flames on the sides or something .. :D
  • Tat2dDom0105
    My tattoos are for me, no one else, I don't really care what other people think of them and the thought of being "rebellious" has never crossed my mind.

    This. I have seven tats, and i don't regret anyone of them. In my opinion, they are a form of self-expression........
  • langsyne
    langsyne Posts: 106 Member
    I think laser tatoo removal would be a good business plan to get into because so many people are getting ink now because it's trendy and cool, and not putting a lot of thought into the meaning behind them, and 10 years from now when they are "out of vogue" those same people are gonna want them removed.
  • cbarn025
    cbarn025 Posts: 939 Member
    If you're getting a tattoo b/c it's the "in thing" then don't get a tat. If you are getting a tat b/c it has some meaning to you then get it. There is a bodybuilder whose name escapes me says he gets tattoos to excenuate(sp) his physique. The tat's make him look more cut in his opinion. So that's my response to the "why put a bumper sticker on a ferrari" part.
  • Manda86
    Manda86 Posts: 1,859 Member
    My tattoos are for me, no one else, I don't really care what other people think of them and the thought of being "rebellious" has never crossed my mind.

    This. I have seven tats, and i don't regret anyone of them. In my opinion, they are a form of self-expression........

    Ditto (even the number of tattoos).

    I think if the Ferrari was the only car you'd ever have you might fancy it up a little. My body's a daily driver, and I love my "bumper stickers". :tongue:
  • cbarn025
    cbarn025 Posts: 939 Member
    Also I don't think tats make the people who get them question their morals or values. Alot of the times ppl get tats based on their morals or values. It only makes other ppl question the person with the tats morals or values. That's just the judgemental society that we live in.
  • JamieG8991
    JamieG8991 Posts: 1,203 Member
    I think all the stereotypes about poeple with tattoos are ridiculous. I am a mom of 2, married and I work with children and I have 6 tattoos and I don't regret any of them. I plan to get another one when I reach my goal weight. They don't make me a bad person, this is just how I choose to express myself. I say if you want a tattoo, get it and don't worry about what anyone else thinks about it. It's your body.
  • socko6774
    socko6774 Posts: 200
    i got them because i wanted to , no ryhme or reason other than that. i like the way they look on other people, i like the way they look on me, hence i have them. pretty simple.
  • LetsTryThisAgain54
    LetsTryThisAgain54 Posts: 381 Member
    I have 12 and each tattoo has a special meaning for me. My thing is, if people don't like them, too F'ing bad! They don't have to look!
  • imnoangel80
    i got all mine (14 and still counting) because i wanted them and each one tells a story about a part of my life, i think it makes my body more interesting to look at in the way an artist paints on a canvas, i dont care if people judge me or not, having tatts doesnt make me a criminal or someone to look down your nose at.
  • TruScorpio169
    TruScorpio169 Posts: 27 Member
    I think all the stereotypes about poeple with tattoos are ridiculous. I am a mom of 2, married and I work with children and I have 6 tattoos and I don't regret any of them. I plan to get another one when I reach my goal weight. They don't make me a bad person, this is just how I choose to express myself. I say if you want a tattoo, get it and don't worry about what anyone else thinks about it. It's your body.

    Absolutely 100% agree! My tattoos are for me and no one else. I have 4 and I want more. I love tattoos I think they're beautiful pieces of art. I will admit 1 of my tattoos doesn't have a meaning other than it was my first one, but I don't regret it I love it and plan to add to it and give it some more meaning.

    Any new tattoos I get this year will be especially meaningful to me because not only will they document this journey that I'm on that is so significant to me, but it was also mean that I am getting towards my goal, becoming happier and more comfortable with my body. I have had some really great tattoo ideas that I wanted in the past but because of the location that I wanted and my weight I never got it. This year I'm making up for all that and they will have double meaning!
  • tynger112
    tynger112 Posts: 351
    Tattoos are not for everyone. They are not necessary for everyone. No they are not placed on your body in the interest of being cool. And if that why you did it, i feel sorry for you. I have 3, It is my way of constantly carrying around that which is important to me. To remind me to be the good man I need to be, to remember the guy that I hope that I can be, and to always remember the angels that protect and watch over me. As I go through life I will obtain more because other thing will become important and I never want to lose sight of them. But Some people are not build that way and some people dont need that reminder. I'm not trying to start a fight but, Its pretty arrogant to classify yourself as a ferarri, or something i deem as important as my tattoos as bumper stickers. At best I'm chevy pick up and My tat is the roll bar, side rails and bed liner.

    Decent Topic
  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    I don't care what any human thinks of my is mine...I own it.....I need no one to approve it for me
    We are all different beings...its just a personal choice...not a rebellion
  • devilwhiterose
    devilwhiterose Posts: 1,157 Member
    I dunno about you but I'd put a sticker on my Ferrari.

    It would read "Too Sexy For This Car." :laugh:
  • angelams1019
    angelams1019 Posts: 1,102 Member
    First of i have always fancyed getting some but as i grow older i change my look etc then think Why would you put a bumper sticker on a Ferrari? ;D but I get it. It's the 21st century. You're cool, you're rebellious, you're cutting edge, you have a point to prove, and you're a human. Awesome.
    I know you're at least at the legal age of making your own decisions, but before you decide to get a tattoo, allow me to let you in on a little secret. A secret you may have not fully realized yet thus far in your life. What you must understand is, as a human,we are – naturally – beautiful why the need for a tattoo...God knows the last thing this world needs is another generation of kids questioning their basic values and morals.

    This is not to start a fight tattoos can and do look amazing and yes meaning to some are great but I ask would you put a bumper sticker on a Ferrari hahaha

    Once again I don't no why but I have anyways like the thought of getting some to stand out but maybe today it's not to have one to stand out what's your thoughts

    Thinking out side the box..turning box inside out then getting back inside.

    1. Many people have that same mentality- "Why put a bumper sticker on a Ferrari?" Thats completely valid, and thats your choice.

    2. The fact that you think all people with tattoos have them to "be cool, rebellious, and to prove a point" shows that you're obviously not a tattoo person and don't really understand the point of them at all. Its actually a pretty ignorant statement....But again, thats your choice.

    3. Please explain to me how getting a tattoo has anything to do with kids questioning basic values and morals, which by the way, are NOT the same for everyone. You lost me there :noway:
  • joycebug
    joycebug Posts: 309
    I love mine...if I choose to show them, I will. If not, they stay hidden. I'd love to get another one on my ribs when I achieve the body I want. It might look crappy in 30 years, but if I'm blessed to live that long, will I really care? Its not like I'm going to be sporting a belly shirt at the retirement home.
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    love my tattoos ..have never regretted any of them and am designing my next one.