Tattoos should one or not?



  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    This is not to start a fight tattoos can and do look amazing and yes meaning to some are great but I ask would you put a bumper sticker on a Ferrari hahaha

    These threads always start the tattoo fight..ALWAYS.

    I have tattoos, why did I get tattoos? Because I wanted them. It had nothing to do with being rebellious or anything like that I got them because I love them, and always have so why now?

    Why put a bumper sticker on a Ferrari? well being as I am not a car, I wouldn't know. But I do know I do not appreciate being compared to a car.
  • geturgoat
    geturgoat Posts: 19 Member
    I do not mind them, In fact some look really great. However, I have three that I will get rid of the first chance I have. I do believe they need to be something that has a meaning to you. When I turned 18, I just had to rush out and get a couple. Now, after pregnancy/weight gain the lady bug on my boob has morphed into some kinda strange looking creature...
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    Your thinking outside the box seems very INSIDE the box to me.

    I have 5 and will likely add more as the years go. Each one of mine had a highly personal meaning to me... Representing my kids, my values, my happiness and my life journey. None of them were needed to make me feel beautiful. None were intended to make me stand out or look cool. None make me have a lessened moral compass or even look like I might. I'm the mom of 3 of the most well behaved happy kids you'd ever meet. They're not effected by my tattoos one bit.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I love tattoos and I love others with them too. It's just a personal thing.

    It's fun to meet new people with tattoos and eventually ask what they are about. Some of the stories are interesting. Sometimes funny. It seems like online no one has one they regret, but IRL it seems like everyone has that one. Lol. Just last night, I met a new friend, and she was telling me about her tramp stamp and how it needs to be changed, covered, removed ...something. Lol.

    People with a lot of tattoos usually have stories behind them, even if the tattoo is meaningless, it still has a story behind it. I just love that aspect.
  • Rocknut53
    Rocknut53 Posts: 1,794 Member
    My daughter is a tattoo artist and has done a few amazing tattoos for me, each depicting something special in my life, the last being in honor of a dear friend who at the time I got it was dying of pancreatic cancer. He was able to see it before he died and was so honored that I would do that for him. I am a 59 year old Grandma and have no regrets about my tattoos except that I didn't get some years ago.
  • myers0machine
    Haha thanks for gettin back to me some real little fire works out there I would say for me am learning to love my own skin as vain as that is but when I have learnt to love myself I will again ask myself the question and maybe then I will not feel the need mayb I will time will tell
  • links_slayer
    links_slayer Posts: 1,151 Member
    I haven't ever had a design worthy of putting it on my body. Also, needles make me scurred.
  • hellonheels88
    hellonheels88 Posts: 262 Member
    I love all of my tattoos and they all hold very special meaning to me. Who cares what anyone else thinks of them. I doubt my daughter will grow up with questionable morals or standards just because her mom has some tattoos. I've never understood why people are so close minded about things that don't even apply to them. But..that's just my two cents.

    "The only difference between tattooed people and non-tattooed people is tattooed people don't care if you are not tattooed."
  • Cynduck
    Cynduck Posts: 255 Member
    Rebellion never once crossed my mind when I got mine. My first one no one can see unless I want them to and even then we better be good friends! My second on is for my daughter that died. It is on the inside of my right calf/ankle. Someone once asked me why I got it there instead of on the outside where other people could easily see it. My response was that when I sit I cross my right leg over my left, the tatt is for me and I want o see it all the time. They are beautiful and I have never regretted them.
  • ThinToWin17
    Tattoos are so ugly! What about when you're old? They're gonna look bad and wrinkly and ugly. Think about your future.
  • AnnabellKE
    AnnabellKE Posts: 26 Member
    I love all of my tattoos and they all hold very special meaning to me. Who cares what anyone else thinks of them. I doubt my daughter will grow up with questionable morals or standards just because her mom has some tattoos. I've never understood why people are so close minded about things that don't even apply to them. But..that's just my two cents.

    "The only difference between tattooed people and non-tattooed people is tattooed people don't care if you are not tattooed."

  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    I have one tattoo that I want covered because it looks awful now. I love art, and I think tatts are a good way to show your appreciation for art. That's just me though. I also love piercings and other forms of body mod.
  • xFamousLastWordsx
    xFamousLastWordsx Posts: 301 Member
    Tattoos are so ugly! What about when you're old? They're gonna look bad and wrinkly and ugly. Think about your future.

  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Tattoos are so ugly! What about when you're old? They're gonna look bad and wrinkly and ugly. Think about your future.

    What about when I'm old? Then I'll have a slightly warped piece of art or three on me.
  • andiechick
    andiechick Posts: 916 Member
    I have 2 but they're not on show to everyone so people are sometimes surprised when they learn about them. I thought carefully before getting each one and I still love them now, 12yrs after my first one and would even have another
  • hellonheels88
    hellonheels88 Posts: 262 Member
    Tattoos are so ugly! What about when you're old? They're gonna look bad and wrinkly and ugly. Think about your future.

    Hmm. When I'm old I will look down at my arm at words that may or may not be legible anymore. But I will know what it says. I will know that it says "For Keeps." to remind me that I escaped an emotionally abusive relationship where the last thing he told me was that I was a worthless piece of *kitten* and no one would ever want me. And then I will smile and reminisce over the amazing and fulfilling life I have lived since then.

    What will you see? I'm pretty sure I won't care at that point. :drinker:
  • jerknoir
    jerknoir Posts: 96 Member
    Tattoos are so ugly! What about when you're old? They're gonna look bad and wrinkly and ugly. Think about your future.
    Foxy grandma.
    A song for you, dear.
  • angelams1019
    angelams1019 Posts: 1,102 Member
    Tattoos are so ugly! What about when you're old? They're gonna look bad and wrinkly and ugly. Think about your future.

    Hmm. When I'm old I will look down at my arm at words that may or may not be legible anymore. But I will know what it says. I will know that it says "For Keeps." to remind me that I escaped an emotionally abusive relationship where the last thing he told me was that I was a worthless piece of *kitten* and no one would ever want me. And then I will smile and reminisce over the amazing and fulfilling life I have lived since then.

    What will you see? I'm pretty sure I won't care at that point. :drinker:

    :drinker: :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • ton40orbust
    Tattoos are so ugly! What about when you're old? They're gonna look bad and wrinkly and ugly. Think about your future.

  • DollyMiel
    DollyMiel Posts: 377 Member
    Who cares what anyone does with their body. Not my decision to make for them, not my problem. =u=