

  • LOL - yeah, I'm definitely not that extreme! But I always welcome a workout buddy - someone has to turn off the treadmill when I finally do the inevitable and take a face-plant on it! :laugh:
  • Kind of like the beef that they keep pinned up so they can't exercise and are extra tender? :bigsmile:
  • I think you're onto a good plan here, I'm feeling much better about it and I'm going to enjoy it for sure! Keep your eye out for us - we'll still be there, and we'll be the crazy ones with the wedding ears on! :laugh:
  • Thanks for the thoughts. I do understand the difference between the indulgent food and eating good food. I simply meant that I didn't want to miss out on enjoying some yummy stuff that isn't a part of my everyday life. Obviously, I do value a healthy lifestyle and seeing myself fitting into a smaller size or I wouldn't…
  • LOL, "mental jumping jacks" I thought you meant not to just think of the exercises and be sure to do them...then I realized what you meant. I don't know why I hadn't thought about it in terms of the memories yet, you are very right. Thanks for pointing it out!
  • Yum! A frozen banana sounds awesome! I appreciate these tips - very much! I wondered how I would be able to log things while I was away (didn't want to sacrifice my streak, haha) but it hadn't occurred to me to log things on the bus rides and stuff. Very helpful!
  • I will add those to my list! We're actually going to the Hoop de Doo one night (that was one of our 2 meal credit things!) but I hadn't heard of Cat Cora's yet.
  • Wow! You guys are the absolute best - I didn't expect so many responses! And you all have such good advice too! I actually do feel better now, especially knowing that several of you have done the Disney thing and come out relatively unscathed. Plus, your suggestions really do make sense, and I'm happy to compromise and not…
  • Agreed - the protein makes you feel full. You may want to incorporate some lean proteins throughout the day. Here's a link to some suggestions that I Googled:
  • I agree CG. And I also have to point out that supporters of long-standing, widely accepted methods of eating, such as eating small meals throughout the entirety of the day and the importance of eating breakfast are not "band wagoners". It stands to reason that those on the other side of the debate are the ones jumping on a…
  • I have to ask - if you are only interested in debunking everyone's opinion that disagrees with you, then why post the thread?
  • My hubs gets totally freaked out by that ringtone from One Missed Call. It's kind of creepy dollish...:smile:
  • Cool - thanks so much for the input everyone! Usually, I'm within a couple hundred or so and I don't sweat it. But I haven't been in this situation yet! I think it's because I had a light lunch and also hit the gym after work. Since I'm feeling satisfied, I think I'll just call it a day. You guys are the best!:bigsmile:
  • Congrats from me too! I also don't have an answer, but I would like to know. Great job!!!
  • I'm not sure what it is, but I'm interested!
  • This is really cool, it's fascinating to see the variety in people's responses! I'm a Project Designer for an HVLS fan company. I work with architects and engineers to design our HVLS fans into building plans. Once the job is awarded to a contractor, I sell those fans to the contractor or their subs. It may sound a little…
  • I actually lost 9 lbs my first week! I was stoked. :) I think it's due to my body being in absolute shock at the combination of having an actual calorie limit and sweating my butt off at the gym, lol. I'm sure it won't always be that way, but it was definitely an encouraging start!
  • I'm actually just getting started so it has not happened to me but I was literally just reading about this in a book that I was recommended by a good friend. It was pretty fascinating and informative, so I thought you might like to check it out: It's really cool and has a lot of…
  • You look amazing! Way to stick to it!!! You are a total inspiration! :happy:
  • Thanks for the encouragement! I would really like to hear about that! We are Disney fanatics and try to go every year or so. We had to postpone the honeymoon trip last year because hubby started a new job and was away for training the first month after we were married. After he returned home and started working a regular…