*open diary* please help me up my calories!

hi all, for the past 3 weeks i have been on mfp, and been doing really well, my calories have been around 1200 - i tend to lose weight quickly, have lost around 5-6kgs so far, but when im "dieting" etc normally, this is around the time i stuff my face with food because my body needs the nutrition. i dont want to do that this time, and had a small binge today as well, and know that it could very well end up with bingeing again. how do i up my calories, still with healthy food?

as you can see i am eating fruit, yogurt, nuts, avocado, but still dont have enough calories?


  • katiepie111
    katiepie111 Posts: 83 Member
    also am doing the shred and have very low muscle tone at present (from the yo yo dieting) so want to build muscle too
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    Eat some more meat at lunch. Have a 3 or 4 oz piece of steak or chicken.
  • kbeebop
    kbeebop Posts: 5 Member
    You definitely need to increase your protein. I'm not an advocate of anything extreme (re food choices) but I can't believe the difference in how I feel and how much further my calories go when I eat more protein and less carbs. So have some grilled chicken, salad, and goat cheese!
  • emswear
    stay away from sugar, and sugar substitutes, they cause you to crave more sugar/snacks and encourage binges.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    your diary looks really good! I would only second the eating more lean protein, it really helped me stay full and not crave the empty calories quite so much. You could get a protein drink, I like mine and it's GNC, it's just under 100 cals for one scoop and 20 grams of protein. I think it's yummy just mixed with water or blended with a frozen banana. Keep up the good work!
  • chasidieason
    Agreed - the protein makes you feel full. You may want to incorporate some lean proteins throughout the day. Here's a link to some suggestions that I Googled:

  • BanderaOutlaw
    Beans (pinto or black), mixed veggies, and lean protein like baked skinless boneless chicken! Plenty of calories and protein. Also, fajita bols with steak, peppers, guacamole, sour cream, romaine lettuce, salsa.

    On my diet, MyFitnessPal tells me I consume far too much protein, which is perfectly fine, because I combine with strength training to give that protein somewhere to go.

    A typical day for me tends to be a protein shake for breakfast (always 30 grams of protein within 30 minutes of waking, wherever that protein may come from), a fajita bol for first lunch, chicken+beans+veggies+spinach for second lunch, and either the same or another fajita bol for dinner. For a snack I'll have a peanut butter & nougat bar (Atkins, usually) or a Slim Fast or an Ensure Protein shake. If I'm hungry before bed, some almond butter on celery keeps me satiated all night and helps me wake up feeling less like crap.

    Combined with 30-60 minutes of exercise (weight lifting, disc golf, mountain biking) each day, it keeps my calories at between 1,200 and 1,600, perfect for the goals I've set.

    Rock on, and best of luck!