Finally Taking This Seriously

Hi Guys & Gals -

I've been on this site for a while but have never really ventured into the "community" area. I'm usually very on & off with my commitment regarding eating well and working out, but I've decided to finally get dedicated and get healthy - for a lot of reasons. I'd like to lose the weight to feel better about myself & stop feeling ashamed, to be healthy and keep up with my very active friends, to not be the biggest girl in my office, to make my husband drool over his hot wife :), and to prepare my body for - eventually - having a baby.

I am 28 and have been married for about 10 months now. My husband has never seen me weigh less than about 265, which is a shame! We're going on our (belated) honeymoon to DisneyWorld in a few weeks and I really want to keep up with my hubs and take a few cute pictures while we're there! I know I won't be near my goal, but I'd be pleased with just shedding a few pounds before we head out!

I really want to be committed to this on a long term basis. And I hope that I can provide some encouragement to others who are on the same mission. :)


  • Lolyballs
    Lolyballs Posts: 180 Member
    I believe that once you set your mind on losing the weight, you will do it. I am going to see Josh Groban in October and I wanted to lose 40 pounds before that date. You have your eye on a prize... your honeymoon. I have a concert date keeping me motivated as well as the progress I see when I get on the scale. You are not on this journey alone. There are lots of people here ready to help you make it to your goal. I feel so much better about myself and people are telling me that I seem to be so much happier and they are noticing a difference in my body. Add me if you like. I am a Florida girl and was lucky enough to be one of the ones who got to try Disney World before the park opened to the public. I rode Space Mountain when it was just one track... I'll have to tell you that story sometime! I hope you have a great time on your honeymoon and wish you success on your weight loss journey. Add me if you like.
  • chasidieason
    Thanks for the encouragement! I would really like to hear about that! We are Disney fanatics and try to go every year or so. We had to postpone the honeymoon trip last year because hubby started a new job and was away for training the first month after we were married. After he returned home and started working a regular schedule, we had holidays, weddings, work, moving, you name it!

    I can't wait to get there again and I'm hopeful that the new exercise routine will give me renewed energy while I'm buzzing around the parks! :)