

  • Natural sugar is much better than refined and processed sugar. Don't worry too much about the sugar unless you are eating a carton of strawberries a day. :)
  • I track my weight every day. Even a 0.1 pound difference can help motivate me! Just make sure you do it at the same time every day, preferably in the morning.
  • Definitely! I'm at 157 now, and my goal is 120 by June! That's a 1.7 pound per week loss for me. You can definitely try to lose 1 pound per week and get to your goal!
  • Personally, I think people should stick to the time limits. My gym is always overcrowded and it's frustrating when people don't follow the rules and you have to become a "lurker" just to work out.
  • I started MFP on the 1st. I've lost 7 pounds already! I know the quick losses won't last, but it's nice to have a little initial encouragement from our bodies. Congrats on your weight loss, you can keep it up with determination! Though the scale will drop slower, it is still doable!
  • I've been doing it off and on, but I get injured every time I do it. I get shin splints, and it I it's because C25K progresses pretty fast. I need to take it slower :) On the other hand, my boyfriend started, completed it on time, then ran a half marathon a month later. So, dedication can yield success!
  • When I have a big craving, I get Baked Lays and put them in single serving baggies. That way, I can have some without going overboard. I also try to munch on pretzels and Cheese Nip thin crisps instead. :)
  • I always get bored or discouraged really easily. You should try just counting your calories for a few days, and then seeing where you can improve. Throw in a bit of exercise and you're in good shape!
  • I weigh myself every morning when I wake up. Just try to be consistent on when you weigh yourself.
  • I'm also in college, and my goal date is June 1! I know it's hard because with college comes a lot of free pizza, late night meals, and other junk food. Just keep some healthy snacks with you in your bag to snack on throughout the day, and use MFP to pick healthier options when you're eating out! It's doable - it just…
  • I think it's important to remember that the 1200 calories is your net allowance. You should be eating more that that and exercising to counterbalance. With exercise, it's much more realistic. This is my fourth day and I think the amount I'm eating is pretty normal, but I'm picking better foods thanks to MFP.