techie30 Member


  • The first few months on Zoloft I was CRAZY hungry all the time, then it evened out. The increased serotonin being produced in the gut is to blame. Give it time! I know, giving it time sucks! For me though, the benefits of being on an SSRI outweighed the 10lbs I put on. Keep in mind that it takes anywhere from 6-12 weeks…
  • I hate the gym so I work out at home. DVD's or beachbody on demand are my go-to's. I find I'm more motivated by a program than coming up with exercises on my own.
  • I gained about 10 when I had it put in as well. Remember that it is a systemic hormone in your arm, so it's bound to have side effects. I ended up having mine removed due to intense mood swings and such (hubby and I call it the "crazy maker"), but not because of weight gain. Unfortunately most hormonal birth control will…
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  • You are losing weight. Like others have said, realistic expectations. One pound a week for your current height/weight is fantastic. Nothing you consume as a supplement is going to make you lose multiple pounds a week. Calories in vs calories out = weight loss.
  • If you're genuinely hungry, eat. Don't go nuts, but eat a high protein snack or meal in the 100-200 cal range.
  • Like others said, 1-3lb fluctuations are normal. It can be as simple as when you last peed, sodium intake, time of day, etc... give it time and make sure you're weighing and logging everything you put in your mouth.
  • I concur with the above, guesstimating calories based on "handful" "spoonful" is highly inaccurate, and most of us underestimate the size of the portions we eat. Weight loss is fairly simple: calories in vs calories out. You need to measure and weigh every item of food you put in your mouth. Tedious, yes. But it's the only…
  • I only weigh myself once a week, sometimes twice, sometimes every 2 weeks. Fluctuations can discourage me if I weigh myself every day, so I prefer to hop on the scale less often to see more loss if that makes sense. I didn't notice a change until a few weeks in, lijely due to water retention and muscle growth.
  • Thank you all so much! Not sure why I haven't even thought of protein shakes-Duh!!!! Lol
  • I do a kind of "scramble": 3 egg whites, 1 whole egg, sauteed onions and bell peppers, somtimes I add turkey sausage crumbles. I add sauteed chopped sweet potatoes (kind of like hash browns) when I want some extra good carbs. I sautee in very light olive oil or just use water. Overall not bad on the calories. Super filling…
  • One of the hardest things I've done and worth every ounce of sweat and tears. I lost just over 2 sizes and I could see my abs! YAY!!
  • I started it after being sedentary the first time I did it. Yes, I felt like puking and passing out, but you're supposed to feel that way regardless of your fitness level. Shaun T tells you to go at your own pace! "Dig Deep" and all, but if you need a break he tells you to take it. If your form isn't up to par, he tells…
  • Yes, it's about cardiovascular fitness but you're gaining lean muscle mass when you're doing it. Shaun T is always telling you "KEEP YOUR CORE TIGHT!" for a reason, keeping your core contracted tones those muscles while you're banging out the cardio. You're using your own body weight to tone up and get definition. That's…
  • I tend to stick to pretty much the same foods every day just so I don't have to think about it. I do oatmeal or Jimmy Dean delight sandwich for 1st meal, Ezekiel bread and peanut butter for 2nd meal, soup or such for 3rd meal, then a lean protein and veggie for 4th meal. Same snacks every day. I mix it up a little, but I…
  • Negative on both...I don't get TOM because of Nexplanon and I'm definitely not pregnant.
  • Not logging :) I'm usually right at my goal or 50-75 over.
  • I think the idea is that you shouldn't go to bed with a full stomach since you're not burning many calories laying down/sleeping/etc... Sure it's a good idea to watch what you're eating at night, but hey, listen to your body! If you're hungry, eat! Grab a small snack and go to town on it!
  • Thank you for your replies! It's not really about being scared to eat outside of what I do, it's more for convenience sake than anything else. I don't have to spend time thinking about what I'm going to eat, don't have to worry about going over my calories, don't have to worry about working in certain extra nutrients. I…
  • I'm in the same boat. My husband eats whatever he wants and rarely works out, yet remains trim and toned (*shaking my fist*). We eat VERY differently, so I do the cooking. I don't buy junk food and don't eat much processed food, so that helps. But, when he comes home with the kettle chips, I immediately grab a salad or…
  • My husband called me "Abrams Tank", ("but I really like big butts..."). Right....
  • OOOh, that's why I don't do P90X anymore-I wasn't losing fat, just building muscle. Does Turbofire have strength training or is it just cardio??
  • Ditto to what everyone else said-she's pissed her boyfriend talked about you. I've got plenty of junk in my trunk and I'm damn proud of it. Screw her! Keep doing what you're doing and just know that her boyfriend thinks you're hot!
  • My pet peeve is the woman (there's always one or more of them) who get dolled up for cardio class. You know what I mean! That woman wearing 5 lbs of makeup, hair did :smile:
  • OH MY GOSH, I just laughed so hard I almost peed myself! So true, all of it!
  • Depending on where you live, you may want to find a local running store and start there. I went to Big Peach Running Company in Atlanta where Iive, and they helped me find a good shoe. I got on the treadmill, and they captured video of how my foot hits the ground when I run. Then I stood on the little pad thing and it…
  • I've heard yes and no about the sugar thing, but I don't buy it 100%. It may help to add in some strength training and get some serious ab work going-not just crunches but total core work and stuff. It helped my muffin top!
  • I wear champion sports bras. You don't get the uni-boob b/c there are actual cups for each! When I was a D I wore two, because lets be honest-around that time of the month you just have to. 30lbs down, I'm now a C and just wear one, but I'm sticking with my champion sports bras.
  • I started a 38D and am now a 36C (after 29lbs), will probably shrink more by the time I'm at my goal.
  • That's amazing! Good job! :)