Can't seem to lose weight

Hi there,
I am 5'7 female (23yrs old) and as of right now I weigh 153lbs. I have been eating 1200 calories everyday and have been making sure everything is whole and natural. I also go for a jog/walk every day for 20 min and then come back and do some abs or arm exercises (on alternate days). I heard great reviews about Garcinia pills. I began taking them 3 weeks ago but I am not seeing a great loss. I take them at the correct time and dosage. I also take CLA tablets after my meal once a day. I also have green tea after every meal and have been drinking 2 liters of water daily. In the past three weeks I've only lost a pound per week. Am I doing something wrong? Any advice would be great. Also any recommendations on how to improve my stamina while doing cardio? Thank you!


    CMNVA Posts: 733 Member
    You're doing fine. The one thing I would ask though is are you methodically weighing and logging your food, or eyeballing things. When you are close to ideal weight it makes a big difference.
  • Preetib24
    Preetib24 Posts: 15 Member
    adregnier wrote: »
    malibu927 wrote: »
    A pound a week is fantastic! You're just inside a healthy BMI, so you aren't going to want to lose any quicker.

    Ditch the Garcinia and CLA, they won't do anything for you.

    Second all of this. A pound a week is great progress with those stats.

    Thank you for the replies.
    I had read that CLA helps skin to not become loose when losing weight. That's the only reason I am taking it. I already have loose skin.

    CMNVA wrote: »
    You're doing fine. The one thing I would ask though is are you methodically weighing and logging your food, or eyeballing things. When you are close to ideal weight it makes a big difference.

    I have been scanning barcodes and using serving size when I log in my food.

  • ugofatcat
    ugofatcat Posts: 385 Member
    What kinds of numbers where you expecting to see?
  • Preetib24
    Preetib24 Posts: 15 Member
    ugofatcat wrote: »
    What kinds of numbers where you expecting to see?

    With Garcinia I had expected more. Some where closer to multiple pounds per week instead of one.
  • misskarne
    misskarne Posts: 1,765 Member
    edited October 2016
    oops accidental double
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    153 pounds, that's not overweight. What do you want to lose, what numbers? Your not losing because your body doesn't want to. I'm concern, have you seen a medical doctor, if not do so and get some realistic numbers. I'm not judging n don't mean to sound so hard , just concern. What do the charts say? Please stay in contact! Always here for you Gayle
  • techie30
    techie30 Posts: 82 Member
    You are losing weight. Like others have said, realistic expectations. One pound a week for your current height/weight is fantastic. Nothing you consume as a supplement is going to make you lose multiple pounds a week. Calories in vs calories out = weight loss.
  • melvinrram
    melvinrram Posts: 5 Member
    Consider dropping the pills and focus on the the nutrition and workouts.

    Nutrition - what is the breakdown of the 1200 cal in terms of protein, fat and carbs in grams? How much of the carbs are sugar? Are the foods you're eating prepared by you?

    Workouts - 20 mins jogging daily is good. Consider adding workouts that will build your leg muscles, such as squats and deadlifts. Leg muscles are the largest in the body and increasing their size increases how much calories you're going to be burning in general.

    Expectations - As others have mentioned, you're doing well. I think you can double how much you're loosing per week by doing more weight training and nutritional tweaks but loosing more than that per week is a bad idea because you'll be dealing with loose skin. Slow and steady is better.
  • adamlesa78
    adamlesa78 Posts: 7 Member
    Firstly ur doing great it's hard to get the motivation to law weight and stick to it (I have been there ) I agree ditch the tabs too I lost 4 stone in 3 months on here that was by ditching bread ! Choc and takeaways I worked out (running 45 mins a day) also done weights everyday ) I weigh 136 pounds now and am back to lose the last 12lbs to hit my goal I have loose skin too but it gets smaller the more u lose
  • janekana
    janekana Posts: 151 Member
    Honestly 1 lbs per week is really good, it's within the healthy range of weight loss. Ditch the Garcinia, a calorie deficit is all you need to lose weight.
  • Preetib24
    Preetib24 Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you everyone for your advice.

    My main goal is to get a flat belly. Even tho I might be in the right weight range all of my flat is to my arms and stomach area. I'm not doing it so much for the number but more for the fit of my shirts.
    As for micros I try not to go over any of my limits that the app has made for me. Some days I end up going over 5 gems but no more than that.

    For bread: is brown bread bad also?

    And do any of you get itchy legs while running? Any advice on that?

    Thank you everyone!
  • ugofatcat
    ugofatcat Posts: 385 Member
    Preetib24 wrote: »
    Thank you everyone for your advice.

    My main goal is to get a flat belly. Even tho I might be in the right weight range all of my flat is to my arms and stomach area. I'm not doing it so much for the number but more for the fit of my shirts.
    As for micros I try not to go over any of my limits that the app has made for me. Some days I end up going over 5 gems but no more than that.

    For bread: is brown bread bad also?

    So it sounds like you want to get lean. I would consider dropping the running and picking up something heavy. I am talking about pushups of all kinds of variations, inverted rows (try to progress to pull ups) squats and deadlifts at very high weights, lunges, planks. If you don't feel comfortable around the weight room, consider hiring a trainer. Screen a few- they should listen to you, do a good job explaining things and not try to sell you anything (ie, I would not want a trainer trying to sell me supplements). Maybe even consider a beginner cross-fit class or something similar.

    As for your question about brown bread, whole wheat or whole grain bread has more nutrition then white bread, but as long as you fit it in your calories you will not gain weight.

    Not sure about the itchy legs. Are they itchy all over or just in one spot? Are they only itchy when you run? When does it start itching (ie, as soon as you start running or in the middle)? Have you switched products (shaving cream or lotion) recently? Do you run in or outside? Does the itching stop when you run?
  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    Preetib24 wrote: »
    Hi there,
    I am 5'7 female (23yrs old) and as of right now I weigh 153lbs. I have been eating 1200 calories everyday and have been making sure everything is whole and natural. I also go for a jog/walk every day for 20 min and then come back and do some abs or arm exercises (on alternate days). I heard great reviews about Garcinia pills. I began taking them 3 weeks ago but I am not seeing a great loss. I take them at the correct time and dosage. I also take CLA tablets after my meal once a day. I also have green tea after every meal and have been drinking 2 liters of water daily. In the past three weeks I've only lost a pound per week. Am I doing something wrong? Any advice would be great. Also any recommendations on how to improve my stamina while doing cardio? Thank you!

    You are doing everything right! You are eating at a deficit, getting some exercise, and losing a pound per week.

    In other words: PERFECT execution!

    If your expectation was to lose more than a pound per week, you will have to adjust your CICO equation by bumping up the amount of exercise to create a larger deficit. The weight loss won't be linear (some weeks may be less than a pound, some may be more), but you could shoot for 1 - 2 pounds per week. However, having been there and done that - I can attest to the level of fatigue and grumpiness that you will endure will increase once you lose more than a pound per week. So warn your friends/colleagues ahead of time. ;-) Anything over 2 pounds a week (unless it is sheer water weight) is starting to get unrealistic and not too healthy. If you weighed a lot more, maybe 1-3 pounds per week would be the max. But at your current weight, 1 pound is more realistic and just remind yourself it won't be linear. Remember, you are losing fat, muscle, glycogen stores, and water as you lose weight. You are staying hydrated which is good. I would suggest some sort of weight training to retain as much muscle as possible as you lose more weight.

    20 minutes a day of cardio won't do it though if you want to bump up the CO side of the CICO equation. You'll need to bump that up quite a bit more. Stamina increases as your body adapts to the training stress. It sounds like you have done a block of 3 weeks at 20 minutes a day, so that's a nice adaptive period under your belt already and sounds like you could start to bump those runs/walks up to 30 minutes, then 45, then 60, etc... .

    Recap: A pound loss per week is excellent - so you should not be frustrated. It takes weeks, months, and sometimes years for people to reach their weight goal due to the time it takes. There are no shortcuts. You have to earn it. ;-)
  • fillo_sot
    fillo_sot Posts: 23 Member
    If you lose more than one pound a week it's like to be gained quicker, also think water weight, but above all, don't allow the scales to dictate how you feel. Do you feel lighter, better? Are your clothes feeling better? Sleeping better too?
  • Seffell
    Seffell Posts: 2,244 Member
    Preetib24 wrote: »

    For bread: is brown bread bad also?
    Nothing wrong with bread of any colour (well I would not eat green). Just get rid of the pills and get yourself a digital food scale.

  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,745 Member
    I made yellow, green, pink and orange bread for a Christmas party once. They were all good and perfectly nutritious, except the pink one. Turns out beetroot loses its colour at bread baking temperatures and it turned it grey :neutral:
  • Preetib24
    Preetib24 Posts: 15 Member
    edited October 2016
    Thank you once again. I will ditch the pills and continue everything the way you guys are advising. I will definitely invest in a food scale. Everyone is so helpful! Are any of you having trouble getting the last 10 pounds off?
    And I am feeling better but I don't feel lighter or feel better in my clothes as of yet. Maybe it is too soon. I see a difference in my face though, my cheekbones are becoming more prominent so that is a bit of motivation.

    My itchiness starts in the middle of my jog. When I start sweating. It tends to be at my inner thighs back of the knee etc. And it goes to a point where I just wanna go rub lotion on my legs to soothe them. And no I haven't had a change in any products. I read somewhere it may be do to the fabric of my pants. But honestly, all the running or work out clothes I find tend to be the same material.