Nexplanon Implant Weight Gain???

AllegraSteenson Posts: 7 Member
edited March 2017 in Health and Weight Loss
I got my Nexplanon birth control implant in about 3 months ago, and once my body adjusted I gained almost 10lbs in a month without any change in diet/increase in food intake. I hadn't been exercising, but for the past 6 months have been steadily losing weight on a moderate diet and lots of sleep. I'm going to take 3 weeks of ramping up the exercise and strictly counting calories/no carbs, etc and see if I can get any of it to come off, but I've heard so many horror stories of people who have gained 30lbs and no matter how hard they try it just won't budge.

Does anyone else have any experience with this? Have you been able to lost weight while on Nexplanon? Any recommendations or should I get it taken out?


  • techie30
    techie30 Posts: 82 Member
    I gained about 10 when I had it put in as well. Remember that it is a systemic hormone in your arm, so it's bound to have side effects. I ended up having mine removed due to intense mood swings and such (hubby and I call it the "crazy maker"), but not because of weight gain. Unfortunately most hormonal birth control will have some weight effects, so maybe consider an IUD? If you like the rod other than the weight gain issue, just give it some time and see how your body responds in a few months. I think you've got the right idea in terms of ramping up your activity level and calorie logging to see if that offsets the gain.
  • JordanaConaway
    JordanaConaway Posts: 1 Member
    Nexplanon is one of those things everyone reacts differently to. I'm on my third implant (something to be aware of, it doesn't actually cover you the whole time if you're overweight or obese bmi) but I've never had the weight gain problem. I lost about 100 pounds during the time I had the first one through regular diet and exercise and my mood swings, cramps, and bleeding generally were less. Which is true for about 50% of the population (at least when I firat got it that's what I was told). 25% end up better off and the last 25% are the horror stories. *shrugs* Different methods work for different people.
  • doittoitgirl
    doittoitgirl Posts: 157 Member
    I don't have the implant but every bc pill + iud I've tried had made me extremely bloated. They also definitely stunted my weight loss or made me gain. (Though the gains were due to the hormones messing with my appetite, i know i ate more than i logged and sometimes forgot about snacks). Once I got off them the bloating went away and my eating patterns stabilized.
  • PixelPuff
    PixelPuff Posts: 901 Member
    IUD had made me bloat to hell. I had it removed a few months before my Essure procedure [permanent sterilization], and I hadn't realized just HOW bad I'd been bloating due to it. xD I could see the difference, with AND without clothes - and I was already rather small by then.