

  • I've failed miserably. Got struck down with a nasty chest infection in week 2, was on antibiotics for a week which still didn't shift it but now it's finally going I think. I managed to do d1 of the 30ds tonight, so going to try starting c25k again. Gah, nothing ever goes smoothly does it? Well done to all those keeping on…
  • Sportypal Pro. https://market.android.com/details?id=com.sportypalpro&feature=more_from_developer I like the layout, I know its a girl thing to say but it looks pretty lol. When I started using it a lot of apps on android did not look so nice on my phone and this app caught my eye. It's got the features I need, and I like…
  • Can I join in a bit late? I've got my mileage anyway from the last few days on my gps so I will go make a ticker. :o)
  • lol! Yeah, on my app, the bluefin software one (android and iphone) you can choose, man or woman. Felt good today, no aches whatsoever which I am pleased about :)
  • W1D2 Done. Pouring with rain, frogs jumping around everywhere, squashed frogs and worms also everywhere, my dog was trying to chase hares whilst on the lead but I did it! LOL! Was very happy to hear the nice man on my c25k android app announce that my workout was complete. :o)
  • Thanks for this post, some useful info for a newbie :o)
  • W1D1 just done :o) It went surprisingly well, apart from nearly falling over the dog lol. Looking forward to W1D2, but I definitely need new trainers, mine are well worn, I got them when I did the training for the moonwalk marathon 3 years ago, so they really have seen better days. My feet were sliding around a little so…
  • I will join in. I re-started my diet nearly two weeks ago and since then, have been doing a two mile walk/jog every evening. Have been wanting to start this programme and get into running since seeing a few online friends having so much success with it. I have definitely strengthened a bit in the last week, the running…
  • Lasagna! But it has to be made a day in advance then reheated, so the cheesy sauce part goes all stodgy and yummy! I do have another fave meal though, A big piece of medium rare steak, with some roasted red bell peppers stuffed with cous cous and goats cheese, and salad and pitta bread. Yum!
  • Sportypal pro is my fave at the moment!
  • I was wondering this yesterday. Every Sunday my family goes to my Mum and Dads for Sunday roast. It's not a massive blowout, and yesterday I took a few roast potatoes of my plate and shared them between the children. I did have a piece of cheesecake though and most of my meal was Steamed veg, There was stuffing and a fair…