c25k starting 1st August - support group?



  • leilaphoenix
    leilaphoenix Posts: 839 Member
    For those of us starting today, how did your first run go? How you feeling now?

    I'm going after work. Wish me luck!!
  • knfowler
    knfowler Posts: 4 Member
    I'm gonna go this afternoon after the rain so that it is a little cooler out. I live in Florida and it's already 88 outside! It won't get cooler than 79 until 1 AM!
  • kiwilan
    kiwilan Posts: 90 Member
    W1D1 is done!
    That was hard.. It was all uphill! Worth it though :D
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    Hey guys thought I would join in! I start C25k Week 3 tomorrow! I'm nervous about the three minute runs! :) Very excited to try doing a 5k in the fall. I will update tomorrow.
  • Joisgettingfit
    Joisgettingfit Posts: 160 Member
    I hope it's alright if i join you, I'm having to repeat week 1 again , I started 2 weeks ago did week 1 fine then left it until friday to start week 2 and thus couldn't really do it as I hadn't run in a week.
    So i'm starting back on square 1 today and I'm going to go out for my run later when it's stopped pelting down with rain.
  • leilaphoenix
    leilaphoenix Posts: 839 Member
    Feet problem - need help
    So I started c25k w1d1 and was getting on fine. Legs were working well and breathing was OK. But omg my FEET hurt so much I had to stop half way through. Its a combination of a blister (yuck) and just general pain, especially in my right foot.

    I'm annoyed because I went to a specialised running shop to get some proper shoes to suit my gait and its still HURTING. This is why I haven't managed to get in to running before.

    Surely my feet should not be the limiting factor here!

  • Pfauxmeh
    Pfauxmeh Posts: 259
    Oh, I'm so in. :) I just started today and it made me feel GREAT! I too have never been able to run...I didn't get how people could punish their bodies the way they did!! But, the program really eases you into it and I'm really excited to see just how far I've come and how far I'll be able to go.

    My problem with running is my breathing. Running makes me feel like an asthmatic...like I'll be ready to drop at any time because I can't breathe. Didn't have that problem at all today.

    Let's do this, C25Kers!! :D
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    Feet problem - need help
    So I started c25k w1d1 and was getting on fine. Legs were working well and breathing was OK. But omg my FEET hurt so much I had to stop half way through. Its a combination of a blister (yuck) and just general pain, especially in my right foot.

    I'm annoyed because I went to a specialised running shop to get some proper shoes to suit my gait and its still HURTING. This is why I haven't managed to get in to running before.

    Surely my feet should not be the limiting factor here!

    It may take a few pairs of shoes that fit right.... My hubby went through 3 pairs before he found "THE ones." Take them back and try again. Ususally there is a 30 day guarantee at many of the running stores.
    Good luck!
  • kalougri
    kalougri Posts: 12
    W1D1 just done :o) It went surprisingly well, apart from nearly falling over the dog lol. Looking forward to W1D2, but I definitely need new trainers, mine are well worn, I got them when I did the training for the moonwalk marathon 3 years ago, so they really have seen better days. My feet were sliding around a little so think they have stretched too much inside.

    I am glad I started doing walk/jogs each evening, when I restarted my diet a couple of weeks ago. It has made starting this a little easier I think. Slightly apprehensive of the coming week though!

  • vintagefool
    Hello everyone! I started Couch to 5k today as well, and would love to join this group :flowerforyou:

    Today went very well, without any struggles, but I'm not surprised. I did short jog/walk intervals for exercise before starting the 30DS, just never got past running more than 60 seconds at a time :sick: So excited to finally be doing this program!!
  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    I'll be starting this evening, though next week I will already have to pause for a little while due to surgery.
  • EmilioA
    EmilioA Posts: 19 Member
    Hi! I am going to be finishing up Week 2 after work today! Week 2 was definitely harder for me than Week 1 but every time it gets easier.
  • MFT2010
    MFT2010 Posts: 122
    I'M IN ! I will be starting tomorrow!
  • sheabutt
    sheabutt Posts: 24
    Hi y'all! Completed W2D2 this morning and the last 2 runs were HARD. I wanted to die everytime the lady voice said 'u have 45secs left of running'. Haha. And now? My right ankle hurts, my right shin hurts, my right knee hurts, even my right butt hurts! Do you think it's a gait problem? Hmmm. Maybe I run a few more times and see if it happens again.

    Have a great day everyone! I'm currently resting my legs on top of my CPU in office. Excellent. ;)
  • akninsas
    akninsas Posts: 49 Member
    I did Day 1 today and though it was a little tough towards the end I completed it. I have a bad right knee and could feel it a little. Im thinking that I will do each week atleast twice to help strenghten my knee before I keep moving on to risk hurting it. Do you guys think that would be okay or should I just try to complete it in the 9 weeks?
  • ashleyinthestars
    ashleyinthestars Posts: 107 Member
    I would love to join! I actually just finished Week 1 Day 1 tonight! I've never been one for running (well, jogging), but there's something calming and wonderful about it now that I can actually do it. :happy:
  • lalalazzz
    lalalazzz Posts: 131 Member
    tomorrow will be day 3 for me. How are u guys logging it? And what speeds do the prople that use treadmills use? I'm using 3.5 fir walking and 5.5 for running. I logged today as 30 min of speed walking at 3.5 mph, just so not to over estimate calories burned
  • linbaby4
    linbaby4 Posts: 96 Member
    Just completed an 'extra day' of week one, out of fear I could not conquer week 2 just yet. Boy was I wrong! My body and breathing were totally ready to do those 90 secs of running!!! :) Will officially start week 2 Wednesday.. But I am happy with the control of my breathing and ability to last running as that has always been my weakness with running!!

    Good luck and good job to everyone else in this group!!

    Happy running :D
  • leilaphoenix
    leilaphoenix Posts: 839 Member
    I think you have to take c25k at your own pace. If you want to repeat weeks thats ok, although make sure you keep pushing yourself.

    Well done everyone so far.

    I've plastered my feet up and going to just do some walking today and see if feet are any better before trying c25k again on Wednesday. x
  • shonasteele
    I started on Sunday and have actually done it 3 days in a row! I know the program is for 3 days a week, but a lot of people do cardio 5-6 days a week so I don't think it will do any harm to do it more often. I'm handling it much better than I had expected but I think I'm going to have a hard time increasing the length of running so doing more days will hopefully help.

    I'm so proud of myself for doing this - for the first time in my life, I got up early and jogged before work today! Before we left, I told my hubby to remember his mittens cuz hell must have frozen over!