bossymom Member


  • You can purchase the 200 calorie pizza from your grocer and keep it in your freezer for those "moments". A 200 cal. slice of pizza, and a salad is not such a bad meal for lunch or dinner.
  • It also helps to cook in a cast iron pan. If you do decide to take a supplement, it's helpful to take it with orange juice as the Vitamin C enables your body to better absorb the iron. Also, you should never take an iron supp. with milk, as that will actually inhibit the absorption of iron.
  • I TRY to balance at each meal, but as long as it ends up balanced by the end of the day, I don't sweat it.
  • I drink Almond Breeze unsweetened vanilla almond milk. Only has 40 calories, and tastes great.
  • Thank you for your replies. I'll definitely try the walking videos. :)
  • Boy, did I need to hear this today! Thank you for your up-lifting posts and motivation. I have ZERO support from my family, so this board helps a lot.
  • I viewed your diary for the past couple of days. I noticed that your sodium intake went over a few days. That could be causing water retention/temporary weight gain. I also noticed that your sugars were over a little ,too, and too much starchy food can also cause water retention. You're doing well with your calorie count!…
    in HELP!! Comment by bossymom July 2011
  • I had the same issue with my HDL.My dr. advised me to eat more fish- like salmon.
  • Years ago, I could eat a half gallon of ice cream in a day. I'd vomit if I tried that now. :)
  • I count everything. I chew several sticks of gum each day and those sticks have anywhere from 5-10 calories each(even sugar-free). So, if I chew 5 sticks a day at 10 cals. each, that's 50 calories, and I really feel that's important to count. Also, even my Centrum chewable vitamin has 5 calories, and I count that,too. I…
  • Paul, that's exactly how I approach it,too. :) I have weak moments....most of the time I can overcome those, but some days, I seemingly cannot. The following morning is a brand new start. I forgive myself for the previous day (and sometimes WEEK!), and move forward. Good advice,Paul!
  • I've been married to my hubby for over 18 years, and I've never told him my weight. I can talk to him about anything else, EXCEPT for THAT! :/
  • Sounds awesome. I'm going to check that out. Thanks!
  • Don't get discouraged! One week is insufficient time to determine your success! It takes some people a month before they see results. I have time periods where I'll lose four pounds in a week, and then no weight loss for 3-4 weeks. We're all different,so try not to compare your results with other's. Don't be so hard on…
  • Wow! Congrats! Hopefully I'll be able to do that next year this time. (Looking at surgery on my left ankle very soon-so I can't do it yet)
  • Increase your protein intake and some of those sugar cravings will diminish. Having said that, I agree with other folks here that enjoy sugar free pudding/jello, and Skinny Cow treats(as long as you can limit yourself). Make sure you're getting enough calories,too.
  • 3/4 cup Special K Protein Plus topped with 3/4 cup soy milk. Throw a few berries on top sometimes.
  • Wow! Good to know! I never knew any of those things about tea. I drink green tea, and steep for 3 minutes. I may have to experiment more now, though. :)
  • Lol. I got your point from the beginning that he wants it for himself, and that you just want tips to make it easier to reach his goals. Apparently, some of the others are having a hard time getting that msg.! ;) Everybody likes to preach! haha. Hang in there. Anyway, I wouldn't try to throw out all the foods he loves at…
  • I want to live to see my grandchildren. And, oh yeah....I want to look good in my jeans,too. :)
  • Water, water, WATER! People under-estimate the importance of this. And, yes, a multi-vitamin (I take Centrum chewables because I can't swallow large pills/vitamins) wouldn't hurt. Be sure you're taking in adequate calories,too.
  • I agree with the may be WHAT you're eating. If you're eating 200-300 cals. of mostly carbs, you will be hungry because you need protein. Not saying you shouldn't have any carbs, just try to get your protein at each meal.
  • I've found that if I up my intake of high protein foods, my cravings for carbs diminish. But it's not necessarilyu bad to have bread and pasta! Just make the bulk of your meal lean protein, and portion-control the bread and pasta. Besides, if you're staying within your caloric limit, it shouldn't matter all that much. Hey,…
  • I also have low thyroid and have been on medication for about 13 years. However, even though the meds have my numbers regulated, I STILL have a little more difficulty losing weight-even at a 1200-1400 calorie per day diet. But I can/do still lose weight-just takes more effort than for most people.
  • I have 8-10 lbs. left to lose, but this seems more difficult than the first 22 lbs. for some reason. :/
  • 2 Eggland's Best eggs 1 slice Ancient Grains bread (plain) 1/2 cup fresh blueberries 1/2 cup mixed color bell peppers Coffee ( 1 t. coffeeMate creamer, no sugar )
  • I like the EAS ADVANTedge protein shakes. I buy the low-carb ones. They have 110 cals., and 17 gr. protein, and REALLY quell my hunger.
  • Dark chocolate and Blue Bell brand ice cream.
  • broccoli and cauliflower. Yuk.
    in Hummus :( Comment by bossymom May 2011