Do you still drink milk?



  • lisamc03
    lisamc03 Posts: 127 Member
    I love milk, almond milk and soy milk... The best is warm and fresh from the cow, I haven't had it that way since I was a kid and lived on the farm :-)
  • NsRhea
    NsRhea Posts: 7 Member
    I gave up on drinking milk for the most part. I still use it now and then for cooking but it's few and far between.
  • sms1986
    sms1986 Posts: 113 Member
    I only use milk for food such as oatmeal, I don't drink it by itself, and only rarely in tea (the teas I usually drink - herbal and green - don't need milk).
  • mrsdizzyd84
    mrsdizzyd84 Posts: 422 Member
    I get so sick of vegetarians trying to guilty trip meat eaters. Really? If your psyche won't allow you to eat an animal that is your choice, but don't sit there and judge me for living according to how I was designed.

    We, human beings, are OMNIvores. That means that we are blessed with the ability to eat both meat and plants. Our bodies are designed to need and process both. I do not for one second feel "bad" about how I was designed. That animal was sacrificed to give myself and my family sustenance, and so it has been for millennia and millennia and so it will continue to be. It's the circle of life.

    I do, however, feel "bad" about how industrial agriculture treats animals. As a result, I try to eat local, grass fed, and free range. Sometimes I can't, but I do the best that I can. I also try to buy kosher or halal meats if I can't get anything locally. I consider this my contribution to the fair and ethical treatment of animals.

    Vegetarians do their fair share of damage to the environment as well. In most of the country, the growing season does not extend through out the year. So, roughly 5-6 months of the year all your produce is brought in from far away. This is not to mention the soy or other exotic items you need to eat to replace the animal fat and animal protein you are missing. In short, most of you are only able to be vegetarians thanks to globalization, which is responsible for increased pollution, increased global warming, and increasing economic disparities in neighboring countries like Mexico. So, don't judge me before you take a long hard look in the mirror! :grumble:

    As to the OP's question, I LOVE milk, but I am lactose intolerant. I still have about 8 oz. of lactose free milk everyday. My doctor has me on the dash diet, so daily low fat dairy is a must. I get most of my dairy through low fat yogurt and low fat cheeses. My body processes these much easier than regular milk.
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    Not anymore not on a regular basis used to have it all the time (every day with my sweetened cereal) Traded my cereal for oatmeal and water. Everynow and then I will have a glass. I wish I could say I drink only water, coffee and tea but I am still addicted to my diet pop.
  • bossymom
    bossymom Posts: 41 Member
    I drink Almond Breeze unsweetened vanilla almond milk. Only has 40 calories, and tastes great.
  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member
    Yes I drink 1% or skim milk 2 or 3 times a day. Calcium + Vitamin D at the same time is a fat burner. Plus Milk has a ton of protein for muscles and calcium for your bones. So you get fat loss and muscle gain if you drink 1% or skim since there is no fat in it!!!

    Fat doesn't make you fat (chronic high blood sugars and excessive insulin production which in turn create constant hunger and cellular starvation at the same time is what makes you fat) and you can get vitamin D from the sun and calcium from dark leafy greens.

    wrong. Consuming more energy then the body needs makes one fat. Also, the risk for skin cancer for some (most) people is much to high to reach an adequate level of vit d. People with darker skin pigment would need up to three hours of unprotected sun exposure. Yes, you can get minute amounts of Vt. D via food, but it's not nearly enough. There is a reason that Vit D is added to milk, just as there is a reason salt is idoized.
  • futuregill
    futuregill Posts: 73 Member
    Milk is for children under the age of 6. If you are older than that and drinking milk you should probably rethink that.

    I second that.
  • I also drink almond milk instead of dairy milk. Less calories that the skim dairy version and I think it tastes yummy, especially in coffee and on cereal.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Yes I drink 1% or skim milk 2 or 3 times a day. Calcium + Vitamin D at the same time is a fat burner. Plus Milk has a ton of protein for muscles and calcium for your bones. So you get fat loss and muscle gain if you drink 1% or skim since there is no fat in it!!!

    Fat doesn't make you fat (chronic high blood sugars and excessive insulin production which in turn create constant hunger and cellular starvation at the same time is what makes you fat) and you can get vitamin D from the sun and calcium from dark leafy greens.

    wrong. Consuming more energy then the body needs makes one fat. Also, the risk for skin cancer for some (most) people is much to high to reach an adequate level of vit d. People with darker skin pigment would need up to three hours of unprotected sun exposure. Yes, you can get minute amounts of Vt. D via food, but it's not nearly enough. There is a reason that Vit D is added to milk, just as there is a reason salt is idoized.

    You do not need milk to get vitamin D. You can simply take a vitamin D supplement.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Yes I drink 1% or skim milk 2 or 3 times a day. Calcium + Vitamin D at the same time is a fat burner. Plus Milk has a ton of protein for muscles and calcium for your bones. So you get fat loss and muscle gain if you drink 1% or skim since there is no fat in it!!!

    Fat doesn't make you fat (chronic high blood sugars and excessive insulin production which in turn create constant hunger and cellular starvation at the same time is what makes you fat) and you can get vitamin D from the sun and calcium from dark leafy greens.

    wrong. Consuming more energy then the body needs makes one fat. Also, the risk for skin cancer for some (most) people is much to high to reach an adequate level of vit d. People with darker skin pigment would need up to three hours of unprotected sun exposure. Yes, you can get minute amounts of Vt. D via food, but it's not nearly enough. There is a reason that Vit D is added to milk, just as there is a reason salt is idoized.

    You do not need milk to get vitamin D. You can simply take a vitamin D supplement.

    Or stand outside in the sunshine ...
  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member
    Yes I drink 1% or skim milk 2 or 3 times a day. Calcium + Vitamin D at the same time is a fat burner. Plus Milk has a ton of protein for muscles and calcium for your bones. So you get fat loss and muscle gain if you drink 1% or skim since there is no fat in it!!!

    Fat doesn't make you fat (chronic high blood sugars and excessive insulin production which in turn create constant hunger and cellular starvation at the same time is what makes you fat) and you can get vitamin D from the sun and calcium from dark leafy greens.

    wrong. Consuming more energy then the body needs makes one fat. Also, the risk for skin cancer for some (most) people is much to high to reach an adequate level of vit d. People with darker skin pigment would need up to three hours of unprotected sun exposure. Yes, you can get minute amounts of Vt. D via food, but it's not nearly enough. There is a reason that Vit D is added to milk, just as there is a reason salt is idoized.

    You do not need milk to get vitamin D. You can simply take a vitamin D supplement.

    True, however not everyone has the means to do so. Many people (a lot a which are families with children) can not afford to buy supplements (or even can access to them). WIC and other subsidized food programs are the only way some people get their meals. Look, I'm not saying cow milk is the right choice for everyone. I just think that people need to get off their soapbox and realize that there are other people with different situations throughout the world. It's not black and white.
  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member
    Yes I drink 1% or skim milk 2 or 3 times a day. Calcium + Vitamin D at the same time is a fat burner. Plus Milk has a ton of protein for muscles and calcium for your bones. So you get fat loss and muscle gain if you drink 1% or skim since there is no fat in it!!!

    Fat doesn't make you fat (chronic high blood sugars and excessive insulin production which in turn create constant hunger and cellular starvation at the same time is what makes you fat) and you can get vitamin D from the sun and calcium from dark leafy greens.

    wrong. Consuming more energy then the body needs makes one fat. Also, the risk for skin cancer for some (most) people is much to high to reach an adequate level of vit d. People with darker skin pigment would need up to three hours of unprotected sun exposure. Yes, you can get minute amounts of Vt. D via food, but it's not nearly enough. There is a reason that Vit D is added to milk, just as there is a reason salt is idoized.

    You do not need milk to get vitamin D. You can simply take a vitamin D supplement.

    Or stand outside in the sunshine ...

    Well, when you have family members that nearly die from skin cancer you tend to rethink the unprotected sun exposure.........
  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    ive cut it in half, i eat dry cereal half of the time
  • DakotaKeogh
    DakotaKeogh Posts: 693 Member
    I only use Almond Milk and even that is on cereal only.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Yes I drink 1% or skim milk 2 or 3 times a day. Calcium + Vitamin D at the same time is a fat burner. Plus Milk has a ton of protein for muscles and calcium for your bones. So you get fat loss and muscle gain if you drink 1% or skim since there is no fat in it!!!

    Fat doesn't make you fat (chronic high blood sugars and excessive insulin production which in turn create constant hunger and cellular starvation at the same time is what makes you fat) and you can get vitamin D from the sun and calcium from dark leafy greens.

    wrong. Consuming more energy then the body needs makes one fat. Also, the risk for skin cancer for some (most) people is much to high to reach an adequate level of vit d. People with darker skin pigment would need up to three hours of unprotected sun exposure. Yes, you can get minute amounts of Vt. D via food, but it's not nearly enough. There is a reason that Vit D is added to milk, just as there is a reason salt is idoized.

    You do not need milk to get vitamin D. You can simply take a vitamin D supplement.

    Or stand outside in the sunshine ...

    Well, when you have family members that nearly die from skin cancer you tend to rethink the unprotected sun exposure.........

    Ten minutes a day will not cause skin cancer and that's enough to get more vitamin D than you actually need. This is an issue in northern areas in the fall and winter, though.

    If you've HAD skin cancer, it's probably not a good idea.
  • xsmilexforxmex
    xsmilexforxmex Posts: 1,216 Member
    I have Whole milk 1-2x week (usually weekends or with a cookie snack)
  • namenumber
    namenumber Posts: 167 Member
    Absolutely. Milk is delicious, especially with cookies and cake. I don't care if you do or don't drink milk, or if you do or don't like it, but I think the argument that "it's for making baby cows fat and whatnot and therefore we shouldn't drink it because we'll get fat" is ridiculous. Milk is a great post-workout recovery drink, and I'm sure the majority of obese people aren't obese because they had too much milk.
  • Nharley
    Nharley Posts: 201
    No. I have substituted milk for almond or rice milk. A few years ago I cut out most dairy except was a natural progression of sorts, it just wasn't what I wanted to consume anymore.