Do you still drink milk?



  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I don't like milk and actually never ever have. nothing to do with it replacing my water or whatever, but I do love almond milk and soy milk and drink it several times daily (cereal, coffee, tea, etc)
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Milk is for children under the age of 6. If you are older than that and drinking milk you should probably rethink that.
    Pray tell... why?

    Huh? If a person doesn't have lactose intolerance and fits it in to their daily calories...what's the problem?

    I think based on the posted article that the point was most people are lactose intolerant and may not realize it (or may continue to consume dairy products despite the intolerance) because their symptoms aren't life threatening, merely uncomfortable or annoying.

    Now, I'm of the opinion that if your body is annoying you, you've done something to it that it doesn't like. And who knows if down the road you could be creating a more severe problem for yourself by ignoring mild discomfort?

    It happens I'm not lactose intolerant, though, not based on the listed symptoms. So hooray for me. Too bad I annoy my system with plenty of other things it doesn't like.

    I'm not lactose intolerant. I've been drinking skim milk since I was about 12, when my mom started buying it. I don't drink as much "straight" milk as I used to when I was younger, but I like skim milk with chocolate syrup as an after workout recovery drink and I have milk in cereal almost daily...When I was in my 30s I had my bone density checked. I was told I had the bone density of an incredibly healthy 22 year old. Milk doesn't cause me digestive issues, and certainly hasn't hindered me in losing over 40 pounds and keeping them off. I'll keep doing what works for me, which I think is what people forget. If it doesn't work for you, fine...but don't berate people who chose a different path. It's great that we are all unique individual adults and can make choices for ourselves :smile:

    To the poor OP whose head is probably spinning from all the tangents this thread has taken...if you like milk and are not lactose intolerant, why not?
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Are people really going to try and give me **** over a typo? Sorry. I don't proof read my mfp posts.

    I think he was just trying to inject some humor into what has become a very heated discussion.

    And very off point, since the OP seemed to be asking about giving up milk in favor of water for hydration/weight loss. Since it didn't mention milk being inhumane or unhealthy, I assumed the question was mostly about the old "you must only drink plain water" nonsense.
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    Are people really going to try and give me **** over a typo? Sorry. I don't proof read my mfp posts.

    I think he was just trying to inject some humor into what has become a very heated discussion.

    I get that. It was funny. This is just a touchy subject for me. Plus I had a few margarita's at Pf Chang's with lunch so I'm a little riled up today... (they have a awesome vegan/vegetarian menu btw! one of the few place I can eat thats not plain and gross)

    See, this is what puzzles me. You say you are vegan and can't stand the thought of animals suffering, but you'll eat at a restaurant that serves meat. I get that you aren't ordering meat yourself, but aren't you still supporting the practice by eating there?
  • HollieDoodles
    HollieDoodles Posts: 678 Member
    I drink soy milk. I think it tastes better and I am a vegan too :)

    Thank god, for a second I thought I was the only vegan on mfp.

    Wow, vanity much? Maybe the other vegans are a little less obnoxious.

    Also, did you really compare the dairy industry to slavery? Do you need a reminder of what REAL slavery looks like, ya know, people, CHILDREN, being abused and whatnot, or are they less important that the precious cows?

    My grandparents owned a beef and dairy farm, they worked that farm and the cows were treated well, not everyone mistreats their animals. Don't be an obnoxious vegan, you give the rest a bad name.


    I :heart: U!
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Evolutionary theories on meat eating in humans:

    Australopithecines like Lucy grew brains to our current size because meat let our digestive systems shrink, freeing up energy for a bigger brain. In fact, our brains are twice as large as they should be for a primate our size … and our digestive system is 60 percent smaller.
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    Wow....some people take milk WAY too seriously...
  • rainunrefined
    rainunrefined Posts: 850 Member
    Milk is for children under the age of 6. If you are older than that and drinking milk you should probably rethink that.

  • loombeav
    loombeav Posts: 391 Member
    Are people really going to try and give me **** over a typo? Sorry. I don't proof read my mfp posts.

    I think he was just trying to inject some humor into what has become a very heated discussion.

    I get that. It was funny. This is just a touchy subject for me. Plus I had a few margarita's at Pf Chang's with lunch so I'm a little riled up today... (they have a awesome vegan/vegetarian menu btw! one of the few place I can eat thats not plain and gross)

    See, this is what puzzles me. You say you are vegan and can't stand the thought of animals suffering, but you'll eat at a restaurant that serves meat. I get that you aren't ordering meat yourself, but aren't you still supporting the practice by eating there?
    I already pointed this out, I don't get how she can so adamantly trash all of us uncaring, murderous meat eaters, but than go spend her money at restaurants that support the factories she hates so much.
  • Buckeyt
    Buckeyt Posts: 473 Member
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Are people really going to try and give me **** over a typo? Sorry. I don't proof read my mfp posts.

    I think he was just trying to inject some humor into what has become a very heated discussion.

    I get that. It was funny. This is just a touchy subject for me. Plus I had a few margarita's at Pf Chang's with lunch so I'm a little riled up today... (they have a awesome vegan/vegetarian menu btw! one of the few place I can eat thats not plain and gross)

    See, this is what puzzles me. You say you are vegan and can't stand the thought of animals suffering, but you'll eat at a restaurant that serves meat. I get that you aren't ordering meat yourself, but aren't you still supporting the practice by eating there?
    I already pointed this out, I don't get how she can so adamantly trash all of us uncaring, murderous meat eaters, but than go spend her money at restaurants that support the factories she hates so much.

    lets ALL eat her!!!
  • hollyeverhart
    hollyeverhart Posts: 397 Member
    I just had a hamburger and a glass milk, hmm can we discuss Bacon now?

    “Ground beef is usually not simply a chunk of meat run through a grinder. Instead, records and interviews show, a single portion of hamburger meat is often an amalgam of various grades of meat from different parts of cows and even from different slaughterhouses. These cuts of meat are particularly vulnerable to E. coli contamination, food experts and officials say.”
    “The ingredients came from slaughterhouses in Nebraska, Texas and Uruguay, and from a South Dakota company that processes fatty trimmings and treats them with ammonia to kill bacteria."
    "Those low-grade ingredients are cut from areas of the cow that are more likely to have had contact with feces, which carries E. coli, industry research shows.”

    Enjoy that burger. I'll stick to my home made black bean burger. I'm not a fan of E coli & feces. Oh yeah and cruelty.
  • Tall_E
    Tall_E Posts: 182 Member
    Soy milk, almond milk, rice milk which all have tons of calcium, yes. Cow's milk, no. In fact, just saw the film "Forks Over Knives" and have decided to give up dairy altogether. It's implicated in so many diseases.

    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    What does feeding your kids have to do with anything? You could feed your kids more healthy and cheaper with a vegan diet. I spend way less money now then I ever did eating meat or dairy. I don't buy fake meat bull**** that is what is expensive, tofu/tempeh are super cheap and easy to make and very healthy. Plus your kids would end up better off being taught its not okay to kill a animal or torture them for food that you don't need.
    ^^^ this :D

    I would love to see you consumer 200grams of protein on a vegan diet. Please enlighten me
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Are people really going to try and give me **** over a typo? Sorry. I don't proof read my mfp posts.

    I think he was just trying to inject some humor into what has become a very heated discussion.
    I get that. It was funny. This is just a touchy subject for me. Plus I had a few margarita's at Pf Chang's with lunch so I'm a little riled up today... (they have a awesome vegan/vegetarian menu btw! one of the few place I can eat thats not plain and gross)
    See, this is what puzzles me. You say you are vegan and can't stand the thought of animals suffering, but you'll eat at a restaurant that serves meat. I get that you aren't ordering meat yourself, but aren't you still supporting the practice by eating there?
    I already pointed this out, I don't get how she can so adamantly trash all of us uncaring, murderous meat eaters, but than go spend her money at restaurants that support the factories she hates so much.
    And killing and milking animals are family farms is okay too. Anywhere else is slavery and murder?
  • RunLiftEat
    RunLiftEat Posts: 213 Member
    I just had a hamburger and a glass milk, hmm can we discuss Bacon now?

    Bacon is for eating, not discussing!
  • hollyeverhart
    hollyeverhart Posts: 397 Member
    Are people really going to try and give me **** over a typo? Sorry. I don't proof read my mfp posts.

    I think he was just trying to inject some humor into what has become a very heated discussion.

    I get that. It was funny. This is just a touchy subject for me. Plus I had a few margarita's at Pf Chang's with lunch so I'm a little riled up today... (they have a awesome vegan/vegetarian menu btw! one of the few place I can eat thats not plain and gross)

    See, this is what puzzles me. You say you are vegan and can't stand the thought of animals suffering, but you'll eat at a restaurant that serves meat. I get that you aren't ordering meat yourself, but aren't you still supporting the practice by eating there?

    I mean I guess in some way. But thats no different from me going to Whole foods/Giant/anywhere & buying veggies & tofu/tempeh, I am not adding to the supply and demand of meat at the restaurant by eating a vegan meal their. I would not be able to buy food anywhere if I looked at it that way. The day they open a meat free all vegan grocery store I will be there. I prefer vegan restaurants but while going out with my husband/mother in law/sister in law who all eat meat, I have to compromise & go somewhere we can all eat, even though they would never go to a vegan place with me..... thats another issue.
  • ashnm88
    ashnm88 Posts: 748
    Milk is for children under the age of 6. If you are older than that and drinking milk you should probably rethink that.

    Milk is for anyone. Thanks
  • hollyeverhart
    hollyeverhart Posts: 397 Member
    Are people really going to try and give me **** over a typo? Sorry. I don't proof read my mfp posts.

    I think he was just trying to inject some humor into what has become a very heated discussion.
    I get that. It was funny. This is just a touchy subject for me. Plus I had a few margarita's at Pf Chang's with lunch so I'm a little riled up today... (they have a awesome vegan/vegetarian menu btw! one of the few place I can eat thats not plain and gross)
    See, this is what puzzles me. You say you are vegan and can't stand the thought of animals suffering, but you'll eat at a restaurant that serves meat. I get that you aren't ordering meat yourself, but aren't you still supporting the practice by eating there?
    I already pointed this out, I don't get how she can so adamantly trash all of us uncaring, murderous meat eaters, but than go spend her money at restaurants that support the factories she hates so much.
    And killing and milking animals are family farms is okay too. Anywhere else is slavery and murder?

    I said its BETTER. Not something I use or support at all.