

  • Well, the new zones are still a little tough, but I have definitely noticed that they are not as difficult as they were right after they were adjusted. Also, I switched my off days from the eliptical to the stairmaster. It was just too tough to get my heart rate up into zone 3 on the eliptical even with the resistance…
  • On January 3rd I signed up for a Weight Loss Boot Camp at my gym (Lifetime Fitness). The program is 3 days a week (M, W & F) for an hour each and it is VERY cardio intensive. In addition to that I met with a trainer to get a gym routine for my off days of Tuesday and Thursday. I have been doing some light strength training…
  • Yes, I know exactly what you mean. I am pretty wiped out after an hour cardio workout. I get to the gym at 6am and then head home to get ready for work. I eat a protein bar on the way to the gym and then have a protein shake when I get home. I am usually pretty tired until I get the protein shake afterward. Take a look at…
  • I started my program on January 3rd and had been doing 5x a week and taking the weekends off. My workouts were very intense cardio on M, W, F and lighter strength training and cardio on Tuesday and Thursday. As of last week I am now up to 6x per week at the advice of my trainer. Still doing the intense cardio on M, W, and…
  • That really is up to you. My only advice is to make sure that you are weighing in at the same time very day. Water weight can come in to play quite a bit, so I would suggest that you do it first thing in the morning.
  • My gym offers the cardio evaluation for around $80 (I think), but you also have to purchase the mask. Luckily, the mask is mine to keep and I use it over again when I get re-tested. The test takes about 20 - 30 minutes, depending on your current condition, and then we spent about another 20 minutes going over the results.…
  • Good luck! I started on January 3rd along with a weight loss boot camp program at my gym. I am down 20 pounds since I started and I look and feel much better. I would say that at least 50% - 75% of my weight loss has come from changing the way I eat. I plateaued this week with my weight loss and it was extremely…
  • I was put on prednisone for a week due to a pretty bad sinus infection about a month ago. I noticed that I was a lot hungrier while I was on it, but I just focused harder on still eating the same amount and I didn't put any weight back on. 7 days isn't that bad of a prescription. Now, if you were going to be on it for a…
  • Try getting some Crystal Light powder to add to your water. I think it is about 5 calories per serving. Some flavors are better than others, but it just takes a bit of time to find what you like. Personally, I like the Raspberry Ice.