After exercising

After I exercise I feel so tired, I want to take a nap. Does anyone else have this issue?


  • adamthaler
    Yes, I know exactly what you mean. I am pretty wiped out after an hour cardio workout. I get to the gym at 6am and then head home to get ready for work. I eat a protein bar on the way to the gym and then have a protein shake when I get home. I am usually pretty tired until I get the protein shake afterward. Take a look at how you are fueling your body and maybe you can make some adjustments.

    I am not a nutritional specialist, so I can't really say what to change. I've been working with some personal trainers for my program and that is how I got set up.
  • Janworkingitout
    Janworkingitout Posts: 434 Member
    That happens to me after my Curves workouts! After my cool down my body feels like limp like noodles!
  • lawdhelpme2
    lawdhelpme2 Posts: 149
    Great, glad I am not the only one. I go to Jazzercise and then get ready for work and work til 9pm. I am so tired during the day and I take a multi-vitamin in the morning. I am going to try to get in some more protein.
  • riley711
    riley711 Posts: 298 Member
    I have three possible reactions to a good cardio workout. 1) Sometimes I am so tired and achey, especially my legs and feet. 2) Sometimes I am so hungry I could eat a horse!! That happens particularly when I work out in the morning. And 3) Sometimes I feel like I have just had the most pleasurable encounter ever. If I still smoked (thank God I been delivered from that), but if I did smoke, I would definitely want to light up to savor the pleasure. Call me crazy, but that's what a good cardio workout can do for you!! LOL!! :laugh: :blushing:
  • lawdhelpme2
    lawdhelpme2 Posts: 149
    @Riley, thanks. I was wondering why I was so tired. Most people say they are so energized, I am energized for just a few. I hit the shower and then I'm ready to hit the bed, but I have to go to work.
  • msproducer
    msproducer Posts: 101 Member
    I'm the same way. You're not alone!
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    Maybe you need to sleep for a couple more hours at night. Your need for sleep increases if you are working out hard.
  • mayana2002
    mayana2002 Posts: 192
    Depend when I do my workout... If it late and I am already tired I wanna relax after. ON Sundays I do it in the morning so I feel energetic all day long. Maybe you are burning your sugar rapidly. Try eating an apple before the workout! ;) Apple will keep your sugar level higher after the workout. I burn my sugars really fast!
  • riley711
    riley711 Posts: 298 Member
    Depend when I do my workout... If it late and I am already tired I wanna relax after. ON Sundays I do it in the morning so I feel energetic all day long. Maybe you are burning your sugar rapidly. Try eating an apple before the workout! ;) Apple will keep your sugar level higher after the workout. I burn my sugars really fast!

    That's a good idea!! Never thought of that, but as a diabetic, I should probably keep that in mind. Right now, I'm just so happy that I can work out and make it through the zumba class. Was too heavy and out of shape before.