AngryManx Member


  • Thanks for the replies! I absolutely need to move around more during the workday - I will lose myself in the work and then realize I have been sitting for 4 hours - it's not good. I will have to look into the gluten related to autoimmune disorders, that is something that I had not thought of. I do need to get better about…
  • I've unlocked my diary, but I haven't been logging lately. Because of my time crunches, I eat at our on-site cafeteria for breakfast and lunch, and while breakfast is easy to log, lunch is usually not, and they have very limited nutrition lately. I realize I need to bring my lunch more, but the frozen meals have so much…
  • Also, remember to not wear it while driving as that can add calorie burn that doesn't really exist.
  • I definitely want in. This might be the motivation I need... But like others said, some things cannot be unseen... :laugh:
  • I have been diagnosed with Chondromalacia Patella ( ), and I have now had a steroid shot in each joint to try and get the inflammation down. They want me to take it easy for a bit, and start back with low-impact exercises and eventually try and move back into…
  • I will check out that site from home, thanks! It looks like it has great info! What should I be eating before/after strength training, and before/after cardio? Or does it not matter?
  • Thanks so much! That's what I thought it was doing, but I was just not sure. :laugh: What are your opinions on the default MET settings? There are these steps I take at work, 16 steps into a building, that leave me breathless (asthma) and slightly warmer than normal, temperature-wise. The Bodyfit is reading that as…
  • I usually workout afterwork, so I have already been up and moving for around 11 hours or so. I just don't have time to workout in the morning. I was eating Chobani greek yogurt (with fruit on the bottom) before working out, but then one of the trainers remarked that it had a lot of sugar in it - around 19 to 20 grams. I…