BodyMedia Link - Blister??

So, I was wearing my BodyMedia Link for no more than 23 hours a day. I wore while sleeping, at work, and mostly took it off while I showered and it charged.

So somehow, I ended up with a blister from it. I'm not sure if that means I have it too tight, or too loose, or what went wrong.

Anyone else run into this issue? My blister has healed up, and I want to start wearing it again. Thanks!


  • AngryManx
    AngryManx Posts: 17 Member
  • jenwilkerson76
    jenwilkerson76 Posts: 3 Member
    This just happened to me yesterday. I think the battery was low, so not sure if that had anything to do with it. The device does send a small electric charge through your skin for measurement and I wondered if something went wrong there. It's a pretty painful blister. I wore it on a different part of my arm today and no blister.