6 Months of Frustration

I joined a gym at the end of March, and went at least 3 times a week, doing both strength and cardio, and made better food choices, and lost about 10 pounds in about a month and a half. We have a busy season at work, which runs April through June, and about mid-May, I just couldn't make it to the gym anymore, working 50+ hours a week, on top of a 2 hour a day commute. My husband is in grad school as well as working 40 hours a week, plus a 2 hour commute, so we are both busy.

I stayed positive, knowing that the busy season would be over soon, and I could get back to the gym. Except busy season ended in September, not June this year, as we restructured our workload. So 6 months of 50 hour weeks. During this time, my health has seemed to spiral out of control. My asthma is flaring up, or my knees (Chondromalcia Patella) flare up, or my Rheumatoid arthritis flares up. It's almost as if they roatate, and I haven't had many days when I actually feel 100%. My doctors are awesome, they are working with me to help fix the issues. Except I have been trying to go to the gym, and I think I've made it once this month.

We eat out at home more than we should, since we are on the go all the time, and there are many days when we do not cook, since we are just DONE after work and the drive home.

Any thoughts, tips, suggestions? I know cooking at home will improve once my hubby gets his degree this December, and if I can get my health under control, that would help as well. Frankly, I seem to be getting more and more frustrated each day.


  • calliekitten9
    calliekitten9 Posts: 148 Member
    Could you open your diary so that we can see what you are logging?
  • AngryManx
    AngryManx Posts: 17 Member
    I've unlocked my diary, but I haven't been logging lately. Because of my time crunches, I eat at our on-site cafeteria for breakfast and lunch, and while breakfast is easy to log, lunch is usually not, and they have very limited nutrition lately.

    I realize I need to bring my lunch more, but the frozen meals have so much sodium, and I'm just tired at night to shop/prepare anything.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    I'm coming up to my busy season soon and am a bit nervous. I try to do more on Sunday (one day off) so the rest of the week goes smoother. Try baking off a chicken or making a meatloaf which I can portion and freeze what won't be used in a day or two. I also like making a big pot of soup or stew and do the same. Although exercise helps food is the main thing when weight (fat) lose is involved. Try to get a bit of exercise in at lunch time even if is 15 minutes of walking around the office. It will also help some of your medical conditions which are made worse by long periods of inactivity.
  • carol5047
    carol5047 Posts: 44 Member
    This is what my trainer tells me..... "You need to decide/tell yourself that you and your health are very important, and that you will make time to eat healthy and exercise because you are worth it, and deserve it! If you can't do that you are only cheating yourself, and spinning your wheels.

    Here are a few things that work for me.

    1) I shop on the weekend for the majority of my food for the week. If you just shop the perameter of the store it doesn't take long. Plus you are avoiding a lot of processed food that is terrible for you!

    2) At least once a week, go back the the grocery store on the way home from work or after a workout and have the Seafood counter prepare freash fish for our dinner. Add a fresh salad and veggies and you have a quick cheap stay at home meal. While you are waiting for your food, pick up some more fresh veggies and fruit, yogurt, etc.... I do a lot of label reading too.

    3) I walk at least 15 min of my lunch hour too.

    The more that you exercise and eat healthy it encourages you to do it another day! Days turn into weeks, and weeks turn into months and before you know it your cloths are way to big, and you can't wait to get your exercising in! (even if it is just 15 Minutes at a time) It just becomes a part of who you are. DON'T CHEAT YOURSELF! YOU ARE IMPORTANT!
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    Sounds to me like an anti-inflammatory diet would be of great use for you considering the rheumatoid arthritis and knee problems...that has to be tough to deal with. I'm sure asking your Dr for pointers or maybe even being referred to a nutritionist for assistance with figuring out what to eat to help you feel better. I hope the discomfort and pain recedes fast and you are able to get back in the gym more often! Even just walking a bit may help with the stiffness of the arthritis. Best of luck! :flowerforyou:
  • Pinkranger626
    Pinkranger626 Posts: 460 Member
    Is there a gym on site where you work? If not on site is there a gym in the near vicinity? If there is you could use your lunch break to get in a quick workout. Circuits and intervals are great for shorter workouts and still getting results. If you don't have any gyms in the vicinity then maybe doing a workout in your office while on lunch is something that you can consider. If you spend a lot of time on conference calls you can even come up with a quick circuit to go through while you're listening to the meeting (I know my boss will sometimes mute her end and do just that)

    Food... there's no easy answer but if you don't make the effort then you're health most likely isn't going to get under control without a boat load of pills if it can be fixed at all. Making your food for the week on your weekend and freezing it is great. Learn to love your crockpot... I make all sorts of soups and dinners with my crockpot and it's great! I also like to keep a bunch of salad pre chopped and ready to go each week in the fridge so all I have to do in the morning is stuff it into a tupperware and grab some dressing. They sell precooked chicken strips that you can throw on your salad for some protein. Rotisserie chickens are awesome for quick proteins, cut them apart and add frozen veggies for a quick lunch, make chicken salad, add it to a wrap for a sandwich.

    If you have the money for it, I have a friend that pays for her food to be made for her. She orders her meals every two weeks and they deliver it to her house. She freezes the food and then just thaws it out and zaps it in the microwave for meals. Everything is preportioned, doesn't need any prep and it's waaaaaaay healthier than eating out for lunch and dinner all the time.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    You need to pick your priorities. If your health is a priority you will find time, you will feel better, it will be worth it. Stop eating out, prepare your meals in advance. You don't need a gym but go for A walk or exercise at home, even 20 min per day.