

  • Well gee, I guess I'll just have dirt with a side of dirt. Can't humiliate that, can I?
  • Or maybe someone knows how many calories to fiber??
  • Our nutritionist/wellness director at work told me that our bodies know how to handle naturally occurring sugar such as that in fruits. It's the processed stuff that makes our bodies work overtime processing it. So; don't feel guilty about the apples and forgive yourself the momentary indulgence. Allow yourself a treat, in…
  • I'm a guy and I don't care. I'd rather cuddle up to my wife with hairy legs than to be scratched by stubs. I look at it this way; The Goddess created us with hair, and it grows. I don't know if it serves a natural purpose but I don't believe it does any harm. Needless to say, I don't think it is gross. I think it is our…
  • When you go to enter your food there is a tab that says recipes, click on that and to the right it says add recipe [/quote] Oh snap, there it is. Thank you too much! ciao
  • There's a recipe builder on here? I haven't found that yet. Could be very handy! Ciao, Dan
  • On payday, we go into Green Bay for groceries and stop at starbucks for a White mocha or Caramel mochiatto and a bakery treat.
  • I try to drink a mimimum of 8 cups of h20 a day plus 2-3 cups of coffee and one (sometimes 2) 12 oz bottles of diet coca cola. 100% fruit juice watered down and I also make freshly juiced fruit or veg juice every other day or so. Cheers, Dan
  • How do you make kale chips??? Oops, found it!
  • I find it helps to avoid the areas of temptation...like the break room if smoking is allowed then take a walk or something. It's hard at first but I find the cravings to be less each day. I always quit cold turkey (yes I've smoked and quit before) and get it done with. Good luck my friend. Cheers, Dan
  • Hey, my third week too.(Yea us!) I see you have already lost weight, that's fantastic. I carry my lunch to work and it is stuffed with veggies (usually 4-5 servings) plus my tuna and whole wheat Wasa bread. All those veggies take me a lot of time to chew chew chew. I used to eat my lunch and then have 15 - 20 minutes to…