armywoman71 Member


  • I am itching to weigh myself too; not because my clothes are too big though. :) I did 42 minutes = 4 miles jogging. :)
  • I got in 38 minutes of running on the treadmill. (3 miles)
  • Today is day 5 for me... I forgot to log yesterday's workout. I did 4 miles on the Nordic Trac Ski machine and today I WILL BE DOING 2.5 miles. running, I hope. Once I am done with it, I will come back and note whether I did the run or ski machine again. :)
  • I made it too; I am on a rest day from my Mini Marathon training program, so I walked to and from Bob Evans as part of my 'activity' for the day and then I had the be fit breakfast, so I did pretty well. (took about 14 minutes to walk there and back total) I am doing homework, so sitting on my butt, but I had some good…
  • I have a fitness room at work that my great friends keep inviting me to and we run on Camp Atterbury or in Franklin on the Greenway Trail (I believe that is what it is called).
  • I agree! I love the rules; I am training for the mini marathon though and I am supposed to have rest days in there... I will have to do some alternate activity like housecleaning or something on the 'rest' days I guess. :smile:
  • This is my Day 1 and I did 50 minutes of Turbo Jam Cardio Party Mix 3. I didn't weigh in this morning, but I did yesterday; guess I can go with that weight...
  • I did the 5K and am registered for the other 2 training races. This will be my 3rd Mini and 4th half marathon. I did the Lawrence half in '07 and it was nice. I might sign up for that one again to keep me training. I do better if I have a goal...