stephcalcott Member


  • I actually went to get the garden vegetable but they were all out. So I asked her for a good substitute without cheese or cream. She suggested the tomato soup and said that it was vegan so no cream. Um yeah. She may need to go back and read her own menu...
  • Thank you! I've read so many conflicting opinions on this. Like I said before, my posture just feels "right" when I have my heels elevated. I always felt a bit awkward without.
  • The classes are on Thursday and Sunday. I was thinking I would do my strength training on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. Does that leave enough rest time? Would another schedule work better?
  • Thanks! I'll keep on doing what I'm doing and just stick with lower weights for a while. I just get so excited to add weights to that bar - but I'll wait until I can get the form better without the lifts under my heels.
  • It's a mixture of yoga and ballet moves. You basically work a muscle (with bodyweight exercises) and then stretch. My legs, arms and butt are definitely on fire while doing the exercises but I don't feel like jello the way I do sometimes after a hard weight training workout. I know that is a bit vague but it's the best way…
  • This is awesome - thank you! Can I assume that my barre classes on non-lifting days are OK?
  • I'm looking more for definition - so losing a bit of fat would help. Does the superset workout help accomplish that? Also - should I be doing cardio? If so, how much? I'm working on the diet side of things. I actually eat fairly well - but probably consume too much dairy (cheese is my weakness!).
  • About 8 weeks. I did 4 weeks of the supersets and then switched to the splits.
  • The warrior dash is a super fun race - just keep doing what you're doing! There are a few people that take it really seriously and try to win their heat, there are people that have never run a day in their lives and walk through most of it, and there are people in between. At the obstacles there are Warrior Dash staff…
  • I have to know - what is a "donkey booty"????? :)
  • The most accurate heart rate monitors will have a chest strap and a watch that you wear on your arm. I have a Polar ft7 and the chest strap is very comfortable. I had a timex one before and the chest strap was terrible. Also - just as an FYI - in my hour long barre class, I burn between 400 - 500 calories depending on the…
  • I have started sweating in my sleep after a hard workout as well. I did some research and read that it's possible it could be an adjustment in your thyroid/endocrine system. I'm hoping it will go away eventually after my body gets used to the hard workouts. It's definitely not uncommon - I found a lot of people posting…
  • You'll probably want to be more specific about the results you're looking for. Weight loss? Building muscle? Endurance? etc.
  • You can make popcorn in the microwave by just putting about 1/4 - 1/2 cup in a paper bag. Roll the top up really tight (so it doesn't go all over the place and microwave. Depending on the microwave it can take anywhere from 1:30 to 4:00 to pop.
  • Wow! you look great!!!
  • Please! If she's that offended by a burp, maybe she should workout in the privacy of her own home... I've seen/heard a lot worse in the gym but no one is intentionally being offensive!
  • I'll start out by saying that I'm not an expert... However, if you're doing a full body routine five days a week with a focus on glutes every other day and abs every other day, you might be overtraining (depending on the intensity of your full body routine). If you are lifting really heavy you may want to switch the full…
  • I see no one responded to you. How many times are you doing your dumbbell workout? And what exercises are included in that workout? What are your goals? weight loss? gaining muscle? etc...
  • What everyone else said - trial and error. If you see a cute pair of jeans, bring three sizes into the dressing room with you - a size that you think you are, and one size down and up. Every brand seems to be a little different and it drives me crazy. And you're right about the stretch - I bought a pair of jeans that fit…
  • I've done pilates but not for years and years. And I've never done dance - it's quite possible that I'm the most uncoordinated person in the world. The instructors that I've had for the classes (I've done The Bar Method and Burn at the Barre) have had different variations of each move for beginner to advanced so you don't…
  • Hi - we actually have very similar stats. I'm 5'11 and weigh anywhere between 135 - 140. For a long time I've been on a mission to be 125-130. I have been anywhere from 115 - 145 so I have no idea why 124-130 was the magic number but it was. Anyhow, I've been stalking some profiles on this site and doing some research on…
  • I have both. And my Polar FT7 is hands down the better of the two options. The chest strap fits better and is more comfortable, getting the monitor to synch up with the watch is easier, and the information is easier to see. Go Polar :)
  • No one? Bueller?
  • First off - good for you for trying to stop the soda habit! Switching to diet isn't really a good idea because the artificial sweeteners are no better for you than the sugar. I'm not sure exactly how it works but they trick your body into thinking it's getting sugar so you get the same insulin response (something like that…
  • I read something that makes a lot of sense to me and I'm working on it now (because pushups have always eluded me)... Apparently if you start with girl pushups you're doing yourself a bit of a disservice - it's harder to graduate to "real" pushups. So - what you do is start your pushups with your hands on something high -…
  • Wow! That's all I have to say...
  • You look amazing! And not just your body - your face looks younger and your skin tone looks healthier ... what an awesome accomplishment!
  • Check you out - you look awesome!!!
  • Don't panic! It's almost impossible to have gained that much weight in two days. Just drink lots of water, get back on track with your food and I bet if you weigh yourself on Friday you'll be back down where you were.
  • Yeah - joining the tall girls club! I don't have any before and after pictures (just started on MFP) but I will get started on that. I am 42 years old, 5'11 and weigh 140 pounds. That weight might seem low but I'm very squishy. In addition, I have a heart valve problem and low thyroid. So, my goals are less about weight…