

  • How are you all doing? It's been 72 days and I've lost 14lbs. I started out low carb and 1000. I then worked up to 45 min of brisk walking on the treadmill. It's been a slow moving loss. I've heard people tell me that I need to eat more and I tried that; all it did was stall me or cause me to gain, so that relational…
  • When I read about 50-70% of maximum heart rate as a mode to go by, that sounds quite accurate to me. Because I am seriously out of shape, what I burn would be significantly different than someone who is moderately active, therefore I do believe I am burning way more than someone who is conditioned, even at the same,…
  • My life has not been very active since I quit smoking a few years back and gained 58lbs. I made a commitment to loose the weight and get in shape the 1st of the year. I started out on a low 1000 cal diet, because of being so inactive and most of that is low carb, but my weight loss results were so slow that I've been…
  • I remember when I would get on my treadmill and be exhausted at 5-10 min. 15 min was grueling. That is how out of shape I was. This is what I did. Screw the intensity! <SCREW IT> I tackled it again. I got a wrist monitor and put my info in it. Started doing 2.0 and up to 2.5 until I hit a mile. Today: I started out 2.5 <5…
  • Look at yourself differently. There is physical hygiene we do daily, but we forgo mental hygiene. You need to start looking in the mirror and speaking positive things into your life instead of the criticism most find themselves doing. Nurture yourself!
  • Thank you! I'm thinking it has more to do with estimation then actuality.
  • From waist down, My kabash still reminds me of the shape and size of S Africa. Does that count?
  • Logging in 55 days in a roll and I'm still starting my fat cells. My pants are droopy and these are new ones I purchased a couple of weeks ago.
  • First weeks water loss=body is in shock Next weeks: (appears) No loss or gain"whoosh effect" body hold fat cells to normalcy by adding fluid Next weeks: size drop getting squishy fat Next weeks: whoosh drop Next weeks: more loss Next weeks: gain drop or stable and the cycle continues. More cardio more loss. More weight…
  • Low carb. Do it for 3 days. You will kill your appetite.
  • Before you get too discouraged, have you heard of the "Whoosh Effect"? It is more common in woman 40s+ (with hormone changes), obese and body builders. What happens is the body after the first weight loss of water, then the shrinking of fat in cells, will fill up with fluid (the is different then edema around the fat…
  • I'm still going strong on dieting. If I could only stay motivated to exercise. Why is it so grueling?
  • I have learned that although all calories are equal, not ALL used the same way. Non resistant carbs, coupled with a body shoots out a-amaylase will pack crap into your fat cells faster than an angry woman packing her cheating husband's bags!.
  • According to the research I've read!^
  • I understand the 1st studies fell flat. Then they worked Starchrite developed a Phase 2, sold under different brand names, but is labeled phase2, has been shown in research to work. You have to take it 15-20 min prior to eating and you have to take at least 3000-5000/day. It does not work on fructose (fruit sugar), alcohal…
  • I am frustrated too, but I recently read about the woosh effect and perhaps that is what is going on with me too. My cloths are much looser, but my scales is retaliating and seeking revenge. If what I'm reading is correct, don't give up! I read that stress from dieting, especially in women, can cause cortisol changes. As…
  • Since January 5th, 2015, I am down 11.4lbs. Today is 1/30/15. My ratio is 25 carbs, 43 Fat, 32 Protein.
  • So far I'm averaging about 2lbs a week, since I started. Starting this week, I've decided to breakup my exercise several times a day instead of one hard workout; which is killing my joints and tendons. That should certainly help. I still have my monthly cycles, so it will be interesting this week to see how much I've lost,…
  • 2 eggs put me over this morning on my cholesterol. I don't have a cholesterol issue, but how the heck do you make an educated decision on what causes weight gain? Also, I had Salmon for Dinner and MFP said I ingested 0 potassium. Salmon is suppose to be loaded with potassium.
  • My calorie intake is net between 800-1200. I will splurge on one meal and go free when my fiancé and I go out for dinner. With that said, I'm 23 days into this diet; loosing 4lbs/1st 2 weeks and gaining 2lbs on my 3 week weigh in. I log EVERYTHING on MFP. I was told at my TOPS meeting my protein levels need to be min 71…