

  • WOW! that's all i have to say. i'm impressed, and insipred. thank you for posting this. :flowerforyou:
  • This year: I want to complete a triathlon, get my purple belt in Kajukenbo, and take up biking on at least a weekly bias as long as the weather permits. I have many other goals that aren't body-related, but those three goals are my priority this year, as I have NEVER made my body a priority. This is my year for my body -…
  • dried mangos in rolled chile power? omg. that sounds so good. is it near the other dried mangos?
  • thanks everybody, i feel much better.. and yes, I do have PCOS. I just didn't want to go into all kinds of detail about it. :) whew! I was worried i was just hitting a plateau or something and turns out it's my period, which i haven't gotten in ages because of PCOS, which i guess, in the end, turns out to be a blessing,…
  • Replace the rice and pasta with lettuce. It worked for me. You can even do that with bread. Now, instead of having a Turkey sandwich, I wrap it up in a lettuce leaf. and it tastes GOOD! I also did the same thing for tuna salad. Instead of putting it on pasta, I put it on lettuce. I have cut my carbs way down doing this.
  • I save my 'cheat day" for special occasions. I was invited to three parties yesterday - all three which had a potluck, and one party in particular where the whole purpose was to eat food! (Chinese New year). I just enjoyed myself, ate until I felt full, and stopped there. I had a good time, and it was a nice day off from…
  • Jacolyn, I always appreciate a good bit of snark. Keep it up. :)
  • I get what you're saying.. The BMI says I should be about 110 pounds for my height. However, if I was that weight, I would be TOO THIN. I was already skinny at 125! AND that was in high school~! I"m not sure that thing works for the best. I'm aiming for 135, which will be more reasonable for a woman of my age and body…
  • Okay, thanks everybody. Sorry, I was just getting the impression that you SHOULD eat them and if you're not, you doing it wrong! Um. And I eat the max allowed every day. I don't want to go too low, either! :) Good luck!
  • Okay, I get what you all are saying, really I do. I'm not going to argue with that. Of course we do need a minimal amount of fuel to run our bodies. The thing I can't understand is why it is a good idea to eat when you're not hungry - we should not be forcing ourselves to eat when we don't want to. For someone like myself…
  • Ignore this one!
  • But why should I eat my exercise calories if I am NOT hungry? I'm serious. I don't WANT to eat. I consume at least 1200 and often hit my limit (1490) per day. I don't think it makes sense to eat if you're not hungry.
  • I did just great last weekend! I stayed within my food budget and had some left over~! Just following up on this :) Wish me luck for next weekend!