Besides weight loss what other goals do you have?



  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    1. Get out of debt (good for you for paying off 2 credit cards!)
    1A. Find a job or go back to school to find a job that really fits me (I realize hard in this job market and especially since I live in a small town)!!
    2. Declutter my house - (when I gained my weight I let me house go).
    3. Make one scrapbook (nothing fancy) for my son's high school graduation in May.
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    1) Career! I've always wanted to be a performer. Singing, acting, dancing, modelling... Unfortunately my confidence hasn't yet quite been there - but I am working on it!

    2) Money! Currently in around £1,000 debt, and within just over 3 months, I shall have paid off about half of it off.

    3) Living... Either finish off my flat, or move. Depends on money/career above.
  • sbilyeu75
    sbilyeu75 Posts: 567 Member
    1) I would like to run a 5k before I do the Warrior Dash in June.

    2) Complete the Warrior Dash within a decent time and not embarass myself.

    3) Run the 5k at the Air Force Marathon in September.

    4) Get to 25% Body Fat
  • My goal weight besides weight loss is to grow my nails :)
    and to be a great student at school.. as I am still at school
    i want to get great grades :D:D
    and be happy with my self :)
    plus I want to not be depressed easily.
    and I want to have a lot of amazing friends :D
  • Finish my degrees and get into grad school. Currently working on a BA in History and English Lit. Learn to speak Spanish. Spend some quality time with those I love, seems like with school and work they are the ones that I push off to the side. :bigsmile:
  • melaka
    melaka Posts: 18
    This year: I want to complete a triathlon, get my purple belt in Kajukenbo, and take up biking on at least a weekly bias as long as the weather permits. I have many other goals that aren't body-related, but those three goals are my priority this year, as I have NEVER made my body a priority. This is my year for my body - nothing else matters more! :wink:
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    My next big goal is to quit smoking! Haven't set a date, but considering my options.
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    I live in the old farm house I grew up in and it is pretty run down (long story) so really my only goal is to someday get out of here and live in a decent,modern house.

    i'd likely rather your farmhouse...
  • 1. Find a second job to supplement my income and rebuild my savings.
    2. Pay off my student loan debt
    3. Get married (I'm engaged, but cannot afford a wedding at this point)
    4. Be able to afford to replace my beloved (but rapidly deteriorating) eleven year old vehicle
    5. Become more adventurous
    6. Be able to afford a house one day

    I love how so many of my goals are related to money! I also have many professional goals as well.
  • - No longer be a fatso
    - Get a new job
    - Stop doing thing things, that are fun at the time, but I know aren't good decisions :-/
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    -I want to stop taking the BP Meds I am on. When I retire in 6 years, I want to be Med free.
    -I want to play soccer into my 60's. At a competitive level.
    -Go to Culinary School.
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    Finish my degree! I have a billion reasons for why I dropped out and I'm excited to restart! The only drawback is to have to sit around with a bunch of 19 year olds that think Nike is just a shoe brand! Otherwise it's going to be great.

    Ever thought of on-line classes? I qualified for them because, when I transfered, I had so many credits that I either went to school on-ground and took another 4 years, or went with an evening/on-line program in three years. Tons of schools are offering it now and it's a lot more flexible and oftentimes cheaper. Or... go to class with the 19-year-olds and relive the glory days! My boyfriend (29) is in nursing school with a ton of 18-year-old girls day after day!
  • porcelain_doll
    porcelain_doll Posts: 1,005 Member
    Good question! I've been so focused on weight loss for so long, I've about forgotten what else I'd like to be doing! lol

    1) GET A NEW JOB =)

    2) Pad my savings account.

    3) Start going to church again.

    4) Build my online portfolio website (that will probably have to happen prior to #1, actually).

    I think that's enough for this year! :wink:
  • wey1983
    wey1983 Posts: 109
    ** To pay off my college loans...only $13,000 to go! haha
    ** To take (and pass) the Human Resources certificate exam so I can advance in my career a little.
    ** To move out of my one bedroom apartment and into a condo or house.
    ** Not a priority right now, but to someday meet my soulmate.
  • phinners
    phinners Posts: 524 Member
    I think I need a complete make over, I think I must give the impression that I am a thick pauper - because by random strangers or health professionals that I speak with I am treated like a stupid moron.

    But I'm not, I speak clearly and with good diction, I'm a qualified and experienced specialist medical scientist, I have a degree in biomedicine I also have a Masters degree in science (was offered a PhD place in '09 but turned it down), I have ISA's and other savings, and a very happy loving homelife.

    But I am spoken too and looked at as if I am a chav on the welfare. And I dont know why. It must be the way I look and dress. So as and when I lose my excess weight I am going to overhaul my appearance and I will no longer be looked down upon, I will be treated as the intelligent medical professional that I am.

    You know the old comedy routine of when speaking to a foreigner people tend to speak loudly and S L O W L they are stupid? This is what I get sometimes. I have no idea why.

    I do very much like my hair though, it's very long, very dark and glossy, I love it and I'm not changing that. I'm not the best looking girl in the world but I'm not horrific either.
  • phinners
    phinners Posts: 524 Member
    My next big goal is to quit smoking! Haven't set a date, but considering my options.
    Read Allen Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking book - I did a yr ago and havent smoked since, the man is a miracle worker ! x
  • i actually made a 3-page document for my 2011 goals... I just picked it up and was pleased, as i looked thru, to see that i have already done several of them and am making good progress at others....

    Here are some of my goals:

    numerous 5ks, the Warrior Dash plus 1 or 2 half-marathons

    hike at least 6 more "adirondack high peaks" including at least 1 overnight camping trip in the backcountry

    go skydiving

    redoing flower beds/berry patches and expanding my home (veggie) garden

    can more jellies, tomatoes and salsa

    let less food spoil before getting around to it (including keeping the refrigerator free of "science experiments")

    volunteer to work the fields for one or more days at the farm where i have my CSA share

    declutter my basement, attic, garage, greenhouse and closets

    to give away what i dont use, love or want

    to travel to Lebanon

    to spend a long weekend in Vermont with my little sister

    to bring my kids to more library story times, beaches, pools and playgrounds

    to go to IKEA (lol!)

    to keep my vehicle cleaned out

    to reduce paper clutter thru-out my house

    to cook something special for my husband more often instead of sticking the poor guy in the kid-food rut

    to see some musle definition in my arms and abs (man that belly fat is stubborn!)

    and the list goes on......

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